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Adam & Eve Out Of The Garden of Eden

Adam & Eve Out Of The Garden of Eden. God created Adam and Eve on his Image. . What does that mean?. Adam and Eve were living in the Garden of Eden with God and they were so happy. They were so happy until…. What?. Adam and Eve listened to the Serpent and disobeyed God. What happened? .

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Adam & Eve Out Of The Garden of Eden

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  1. Adam & Eve Out Of The Garden of Eden

  2. God created Adam and Eve on his Image. What does that mean?

  3. Adam and Eve were living in the Garden of Eden with God and they were so happy.

  4. They were so happy until…. What? Adam and Eve listened to the Serpentand disobeyed God.

  5. What happened? God gave them ONLY ONE RULE The Lord told Adam and Eve: You can eat of every tree in the garden, but the tree which is in the midst of the garden you shall not eat, because if you eat of it you shall die. The serpent tricked Eve and told her : “You will not die” Eve took of the fruit of the tree and ate and she gave some to Adam and he ate too. Later, they heard the sound of the Lord walking in the garden. The Lord God called to Adam, and said to him, “Where are you? Adam said: I heard your sound in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked. The Lord said: Who told you that you are naked ? Did you eat from the tree of knowledge, which I told you not to eat from. Not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge

  6. Adam blamed Eve • Eve blamed the snake. • The snake was cursed. • The Lord was sad from them and sent them out of the garden of Eden because they broke his rule, and disobeyed him. The Lord made for Adam and Eve cloth from the animals’ skin and covered them.

  7. Consequences of Adam and Eve Sin • Adam and Eve lost their innocence and purity • They were sent out of the Garden of Eden • Evil, sin, and death have plagued the world ever since. • Every person is born with a sin nature, or a with a tendency to commit sin. • Our lord Jesus Christ decided to come to the world, to die for us and give us salvation.

  8. Why did God put the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden? • To give Adam and Eve a choice to obey Him or disobey Him. • God wanted Adam and Eve to be able to make decisions, and to choose between good and evil. • If God had not given Adam and Eve the choice, they would be like robots, simply doing what they were programmed to do.

  9. What to learn from this story? • The Lord put man in the best place because he loved him. • Because of God’s great love, he came to earth and died for us to save us. • Obey God’s commandants, our parents, priests, teachers....etc. • We should be careful how we use our “free will” • Learn to think before act or talk.

  10. Lesson’s Verse “God created man in His own -----------” image Genesis 1:27

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