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K-PREP. Grades 3-8, 10, 11. Before Testing. Training Receiving Inventory Distribution. K-PREP Resources. DAC/BAC Manuals Test Administrator Manuals/Scripts KDE Website Items/Times Chart Approved Resources List. Training.

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  1. K-PREP

    Grades 3-8, 10, 11
  2. Before Testing Training Receiving Inventory Distribution
  3. K-PREP Resources DAC/BAC Manuals Test Administrator Manuals/Scripts KDE Website Items/Times Chart Approved Resources List
  4. Training All test administrators must receive Administration Code training (703 KAR 5:080-Sept. 2009). This training applies to all state-administered tests. Staff designated to provide accommodations must also have the Inclusion of Special Populations training (703 KAR 5:070-Feb. 2009).
  5. Receiving Materials Regular and accommodated test materials will arrive in the district by March 31, April 14 or 28. Test materials arrive in the district packaged by school. The pre-printed student response booklets will be sorted by grade in ascending alphabetical order. Test materials will include an overage: School will receive 5% District will receive 3%
  6. Accommodated Materials Braille Large-Print Audio CD Text Reader—new for 2014 (available in both Mac and PC formats)
  7. Inventory Materials Inventory materials as soon as possible upon receipt. Keep original boxes. Original boxes will be used to return test materials. Request additional materials if needed. Check district and school overage before placing an additional order. Note: Do not exchange test materials between schools in or out of the district in lieu of ordering additional materials.
  8. Test Book Security Barcode Each test booklet has a unique security barcode, located in the upper right corner of the back cover of the test booklet. Using this barcode, test booklets are assigned to specific districts/schools. This provides an accurate means of tracking secure test booklets that are shipped to and returned from the school. K-PREP Test Booklet Back Cover For all questions regarding test booklet security see the DAC/BAC Manual.
  9. Requesting Additional Materials PearsonAccess Online orders must be submitted and approved prior to 1:30 p.m. ET to be included in that day’s shipment. Requests for additional test materials can be made through June 4. Only one order per school, per grade can be processed in a single day. Request additional return shipping materials for a school through June 11.
  10. PearsonAccess PearsonAccess is used to: View student enrollment counts for K-PREP Note: No edits can be made to the counts. If a discrepancy of 15-20% or more is found, contact KDE at kdeassessment@education.ky.gov. Choose shipping options Order additional testing and shipping materials Order accommodated materials Update district/school profiles (shipping addresses, etc.)
  11. DAC Materials Distribution Distribution of materials should allow time for BACs to inventory and prepare for teacher distribution. Test booklets housed in the BAC’s designated area can be double locked. Test booklets housed in classrooms must be double locked.
  12. BAC Materials Distribution Shrink-wrapped packs can be split between classrooms, but the order of the test booklets should not be changed. Test booklets should not be distributed to test administrators until the first day of testing. Ensure that each teacher receives adequate numbers of test booklets and the appropriate pre-printed Student Response Booklets (SRBs).
  13. Reminders for Teachers Teachers should be strongly encouraged to follow TAM directions about entering the student’s name on test booklets. Teachers should verify that each student receives his/her own test booklet and SRB for each testing session.
  14. Test Book Replacement Assign a new book of the same form as the original. The original test book should not be returned if damaged with bodily fluids. Contact Pearson to give student name, school grade, test security barcode (back), and form number. Then destroy according to local OSHA requirements.
  15. Student Response Booklet Correct pre-printed SRB Use SRB as is. Incorrect pre-printed SRB Void the SRB. Assign a new SRB with demographic information completed on front cover. Enter correct information into IC. No pre-printed SRB Follow gridding instruction in the script portion of the TAM.
  16. Pre-Printed Demographics K-PREP Pre-Printed Demographics Pre-Printed Demographic Information This is how the demographic information will look on the pre-printed Student ResponseBooklet. SSID Date of Birth Gender District/School Code
  17. Student Response Booklet Do not assign a pre-printed SRB to another student. Do not use mechanical or liquid pencils. (Only regular #2 pencils are to be used.) Do not use highlighters. Do not use staples or glue.
  18. SRB Replacement Grid all information including name, room number, form number, etc. Transcribe answers into new SRB. The new serial number (front of SRB) may be annotated into SDRR, but not mandatory. Securely destroy original SRB. SRBs soiled by bodily fluids should not be returned. Destroy the SRBs according to OSHA requirements.
  19. Student Response Booklet Mark the appropriate accommodation type New
  20. Room Number Bubble on the SRB indicating the room where each student takes the test. Zerosneed to be entered for any blank space for a room number. If the room number is 9, the student will enter 0009. If a classroom does not have a number assigned the school will need to assign one. Letters can not be entered for a room number. 9= 0009 19= 0019 190= 0190
  21. Do not remove from SRB.
  22. Seating Charts Seating charts are required for both individual and group testing. The room location must be recorded on the Student Response Booklet. A single chart can be used for multiple sessions; if seating arrangement and room location do not change, mark the date for each session. Templates are available in TAMs and on the KDE website. A customized form may be created to reflect the room arrangement.
  23. During Testing Test Materials Scheduling
  24. Test Forms There is one operational form (items that are included) for accountability. The difference in the number of forms are the pre-test items.
  25. 2014 Testing Times and Items Chart
  26. Test Booklets Extended Response and Short-Answer Scoring Guides (grade 3-8) On-Demand Writing Scoring Criteria (grades 5, 6, 8, 10 & 11) On-Demand Pre-Writing Area (grades 5, 6, 8, 10 & 11)
  27. Test Material Resources Remind teachers to distribute the additional resources for the appropriate test sessions according to directions in the TAMs. Mathematics Reference Sheets Writer’s Reference Sheets Calculators Rulers Protractors or Angle Rulers
  28. Calculators Follow the KDE calculator policy. Written policy available on KDE website and in manuals.
  29. Rulers Rulers are provided by Pearson and are included in the test materials shipment. These rulers must be used for testing. The rulers may not be modified. The rulers may be kept and used after testing is completed. Protractors or Angle Rulers are to be available for grades 4 and 7. These are NOT provided by Pearson.
  30. Unapproved Resource Materials Cell phones, Smart phones Highlighters Electronic Devices Items with Internet accessibility Graphic Organizers
  31. Who Takes the K-PREP? Required to Test Not Required to Test Students in the Alternate K-PREP Student’s skipped grade Foreign Exchange students Students enrolled at Job Corp centers Students with medical or extraordinary circumstancenon-participation requests Students in grades 3-8 and 10-11, including those with disabilities Students who are retained Students who move within the state during testing Students with a minor medical emergency EL students in their first year are required to attempt mathematics and science (four multiple-choice or one constructed response). EL students in their second year and later participate in all content areas.
  32. K-PREP Scheduling Testing is to be 5 consecutive instructional days during the last 14 instructional days of the district calendar. The 5 days are to be done by school level (elementary, middle, high), not by separate grade levels. Any day a regular test session is scheduled is considered one of the 5 testing days even if only one session is done on that day.
  33. K-PREP Scheduling All students in a grade/school must take each part of the test at the same time. Each part is to be given as a separate session with a break in between. Allow for breaks when developing schedule. Breaks may be short (i.e., stand and stretch) or long (i.e. lunch) with appropriate monitoring.
  34. K-PREP Scheduling Extended time is allowed only for students with IEPs, 504s or PSPs specifying extended time. Make arrangements for the extended time in a manner that allows other students to go back to instructional activities. At the end of the school day, students with regular and extended time need to have finished the same parts of the test.
  35. Make-up Schedule Make-up sessions can be done during the 5-day window or during the 4 days after the window ends while test materials are prepared for shipping. It is recommended to schedule a make-up session as soon as is reasonably possible after the missed test session. Seating charts are required for make-up sessions.
  36. Non-Standard Response Printed word-processed answer must fit in the answer box. Trim around and tape response to appropriate area in the SRB. Tape at least the 4 corners using clear desk tape. Do not cover other answers, bar codes, or timing tracks with tape.
  37. This is where the typed test will go. It will be trimmed around so that it fits completely inside the black box allowed for each test question. The template allows only enough space to complete the question while remaining inside the allowable space. The template can be downloaded from the KDE webpage. Tape must be on the corners of the text being inserted but not covering multiple choice answers, barcodes or timing tracks. Place clear desk tape at least on the four corners of the printed response so the pages are securely in place and will not move around when the booklet is moved, opened, closed, packaged or during shipping. This will ensure proper scoring will occur.
  38. After Testing Rosters Non-participation Return Shipping
  39. K-PREP Rosters The Student Data Review and Rosters (SDRR) application is used to collect K-PREP student rosters, non-participation requests and data review.
  40. Non-participation/Emergency Medical Non-participation— too fragile to test Recent illness or accident Undergoing chemotherapy Extraordinary Circumstance Non-participation Recent traumatic experience Protective custody Medical Emergency—can test with accommodations Broken eye glasses Recent surgery on writing hand
  41. Medical Non-participation Cannot be filed based solely on handicapping condition A chronic condition with acute changes relative to the testing window is appropriate for filing a request. Homebound instruction is not a basis for filing a request.
  42. Medical Non-participation Ø Student diagnosed with severe kidney disease. Treatment course requires heavy medications. Student routinely receives homebound instruction. It is not in the student’s best interest to test at this time. Why can this student not be assessed, if receiving homebound services?  Recent complications around the student’s diagnosis have required medication changes and multiple hospitalizations. Student will be hospitalized during entire testing window.
  43. Extraordinary Circumstance Non-participation Used for situations that don’t fall under medical or emergency Examples: Traveling out-of-state due to death of family member Sole caregiver for parent
  44. Non-participation/Emergency Filing Medical and Extraordinary Circumstance Non-participation forms are to be completed on paper and requested in SDRR. Medical Emergencies are to be completed on paper and kept on file in the district. http://education.ky.gov/aa/distsupp/pages/ forms.aspx
  45. Return Shipping The following items should not be returned to Pearson: DAC/BAC Manual for K-PREP School Test Materials Security Checklist (keep a copy on file at the school and send the original to the DAC to keep on file for 12 months) Test Administrator’s Manuals/Scripts Unused School ID Header Sheets Extra Paper Bands Reference Sheets Unused SRBs (must be securely destroyed) Used Scratch Paper—lined or graph (must be securely destroyed)
  46. Voided SRBs Possible reasons: incorrect label damaged or soiled original to be replaced All voided SRBs should be destroyed by following the directions in the DAC/BAC Manual and TAMs.
  47. Return Shipping Header Sheet
  48. Packing Scorable Materials
  49. Packing Nonscorable Materials
  50. Packing DAC Overage Place all unused test booklets in the box. Once all boxes are returned to the district, mark boxes accordingly.
  51. District/School Box Label
  52. District/School Box Label
  53. UPS Scorable Return Label Things to note on Scorable Labels: Address: Scorable materials have an Iowa City address. Shipping Method: Scorable materials ship Next Day Air. Scorable labels have the word “Scorable” in the name.
  54. UPS Nonscorable Label Things to note on Nonscorable Labels: Address: Nonscorable materials have a Cedar Rapids address. Shipping Method: Nonscorable materials ship Ground. Nonscorable labels have the word “Nonscorable” in the name.
  55. UPS Pick Up Dates
  56. Pearson Customer Service Hours of Operation: 8:00 AM – 4:00 p.m. ET Contact Number: 888-437-1430 E-mail Address: kyhelp@support.pearson.com
  57. Alternate K-PREP Grades 3-12 Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies & Writing
  58. Topics for Discussion Online Training System (review teacher status) Testing Windows Materials Received Attainment Tasks (AT) Transition Attainment Record (TAR) Grade 12 Grade 14 Student Registration Database (SRD) AAAF/ Monitoring Process for Alternate K-PREP
  59. What’s New Overview and AT Online Training/Quiz Combined Fall and Spring Testing Windows TAR open from September through May to assist in meeting district timelines
  60. Online Training System https://www.hdi.uky.edu/kapots/Default.aspx Create Username (e-mail address) and password abc123 Select under DAC Tools; Monitor Teacher Progress
  61. Testing Windows for 2013-14
  62. Missed Testing Windows Make-Up Tests If a student missed test window 1 after the December 13 deadline, a make-up test may be given. Please contact Kevin O’Hair and provide the following information: Reason window was missed (may include new to district, late placement in Alternate Assessment or medical conditions that prevented assessment during window 1) When the school/district plans to administer the make-up test (from start to finish) Confirmation that student has not tested in another district (KDE can assist with this information)
  63. Non-participation Non-participation should be filed during the spring K-PREP window in SDRR. A non-participation should only be filed for reasons that meet the criteria for a medical condition or extraordinary circumstance. If a non-participation is denied and no test is submitted a zero will be applied. Non-participation should be filed early during the non-participation window; if a non-participation is denied there still may be time to complete a make-up test.
  64. Assessment Training Dates Combined Overview/Attainment Tasks (AT) Online Training available August 19 – October 18. If a teacher in the district has not completed the AT training please contact Kevin O’Hair NOTE: No tasks may be administered until training has been completed. Transition Attainment Record (TAR) Online Training available September 16 – May 23. CLOSED
  65. AT Materials Received
  66. Seating Chart for Alternate K-PREP
  67. Attainment Tasks (AT) Attainment Tasks are provided for reading, mathematics, science, social studies and writing. Materials were shipped to districts for window 1 in binders. Window 2 materials will ship loosely, materials will be added to binders from window 1. Copies can be made of the original tasks so that adaptations to the materials can occur. Make sure that the originals remain intact.
  68. Attainment Tasks Schools receive 1 binder per school (if an Alternate Assessment student is identified there in IC). All school level materials should be destroyed at the end of each window. DACs receive 1 binder with all tasks grades 3-12. District copies should be kept until end of the school year.
  69. Transition Attainment Record (TAR) Still assessed at grades 8, 10 and 11 (Alternate for ACT Explore at grade 8, ACT Plan at grade 10, and The ACT at grade 11). One member from the Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) or the Transition Team must be trained to complete. TAR can be downloaded or printed after the quiz has been completed. Teacher may print TAR and share with members. TAR scores are submitted online.
  70. Grade 12 Grade 11 TAR Available for grade 12 students who did not meet benchmark in Reading or Mathematics reading- 19 mathematics-16 No science assessment required at grade 12 Reminder: TAR meets CCR requirements for Alternate Assessment students.
  71. Grade 14 Grade 11 TAR If a student plans to stay beyond the grade 12 assessment, they should be coded as grade 14 in IC. Grade 14 students who have not met the benchmark for the TAR may take the grade 11 TAR assessment again to assist them in meeting the required scores for CCR readiness.
  72. Graduation Codes Districts should NOT assign students a Graduation Code until they age out at 21 or they officially exit the program. Since grade 14 students are not pulled through IC, any student being administered the TAR at grade 14 must be registered in the SRD by the district.
  73. Student Registration Database (SRD) https://hdi.uky.edu/kaap/LoginPage.aspx
  74. SRD DAC Access: View all teacher score entries Change student information Add/Remove student accounts Usernames and passwords were sent out to DACs or those with DAC level access the week of October 28. GRADE 12 and 14 accounts available to be opened at district request.
  75. SRD Teacher Access Apply student scores for both test windows 1 and 2. Enter TAR results for students in grades 8, 10 and 11. Provide Learner Characteristics Inventory (LCI) information for students (3 questions regarding communication status.) REQUIRED
  76. AT Materials After Testing Nothing ships back from district. After all tasks are administered, materials should be returned to the DAC or BAC. DAC should (or may assign someone) to shred all school level ATs that have been administered. This process should occur at the conclusion of Test Windows 1 and 2. District copies should not be destroyed.
  77. AAAF Requirements Requirements for the Alternate Assessment and Accountability Folder (AAAF) are almost identical to last year. AAAF Information is provided in each Alternate Assessment E-mail distributed. District Administrators may review the contents of the AAAF as part of the monitoring process if the district chooses too. http://education.ky.gov/AA/distsupp/kprep/Pages/AltAAAF.aspx
  78. Alternate K-PREP Webpage http://education.ky.gov/AA/distsupp/kprep/Pages/AltAAAF.aspx
  79. District Monitoring Process Monitoring is not mandatory but definitely encouraged as KDE will review folders for 2013-14. Verify the following: Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations trainings have occurred. Training completed for Combined Overview/Attainment Tasks. A signed Code of Ethics. Student assessment occurred one to one. Appropriate accommodations were provided. Instructional materials were provided (work samples for each standard).
  80. Optional District Checklist
  81. State Monitoring Process Random selections are made by the Office of Assessment and Accountability. May ask to view a select number or all of the AAAF folders from the school or district. Review of the AAAF Components will verify the materials that must be included. Insufficient evidence could result in the lowering of school/district scores. Reviews conducted in 2013 were shared with the districts via a feedback sheet provided by KDE.
  82. Key Dates for 2013-14 Alternate K-PREP Testing Windows
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