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Unidad 3 lección 1

Unidad 3 lección 1. Español 1 – Doctora Tartaglione. What is an infinitiv e?. The “to” form of a verb. It has an – ar , - er , or – ir ending. return to index. t o walk. To conjugate a verb in English in the present tense you first have to take the infinitive form:.

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Unidad 3 lección 1

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  1. Unidad3 lección 1 Español 1 – Doctora Tartaglione

  2. What is an infinitive? The “to” form of a verb. It has an –ar, -er, or –ir ending. return to index

  3. to walk To conjugate a verb in English in the present tense you first have to take the infinitive form: remove the “to” from the infinitive form: to walk return to index

  4. I walk He walks They go She goes In English you have to include the subject pronoun and sometimes add an ending: walk return to index

  5. Iwalk you walk he walks she walks wewalk you all walk they walk they walk In English you have to include the subject pronoun and sometimes add an ending: return to index

  6. ar To conjugate an “er” verb in Spanish you must first remove the “ar” ending. habl return to index

  7. Add o for the “yo” form: Add éisfor the “vosotros” form: Add enfor the “ellos” form: Adde for the él form: Add emosfor the “nosotros” form: Add esfor the “tú” form: yocomnosotros com Tú comvosotros com élcomellos com o emos es éis You then need to add the appropriate endings. e en To eat - comer return to index arvb.ppt

  8. Add o for the “yo” form: Add imosfor the “nosotros” form: Add ísfor the “vosotros” form: Add enfor the “ellos” form: Adde for the él form: Add esfor the “tú” form: yovivnosotrosviv Túvivvosotrosviv élvivellosviv o imos es ís You then need to add the appropriate endings. e en To live - vivir return to index arvb.ppt

  9. Conjugate the following verbs according to the subject pronoun, then give the English translation return to index arvb.ppt

  10. Comer (yo) como I eat, I am eating return to index arvb.ppt

  11. escribir(tú) escribes you write, you are writing return to index arvb.ppt

  12. beber(ella) bebe she drinks, she is drinking return to index arvb.ppt

  13. compartir(nosotros) compartimos we share, we are sharing return to index arvb.ppt

  14. vender (nosotros) vendemos we sell, we are selling return to index arvb.ppt

  15. *Remember*…this is the formal version of “you” for speaking to an adult.  aprender (usted) aprende You learn, you are learning return to index arvb.ppt

  16. *Remember to spelling change for the “yo” form…  hacer (yo) hago I make, I am making return to index arvb.ppt

  17. vivir(yo) vivo I live, I am living return to index arvb.ppt

  18. leer (ellos) leen they read, they are reading return to index

  19. vender (tú) vendes you sell, you are selling return to index

  20. correr(ellas) corren They run, they are running return to index

  21. Use when asking about a FAVORITE something Which is… ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? a Make the ending match!!!

  22. Make plural when the answer will be plural Which are… ¿Cuáles son tus comidas favoritas? es as Make the ending match!!!

  23. Which is your favorite drink? Escribe… ¿Cuál es tu bebida favorita? a Make the ending match!!!

  24. Which are your favorite classes? Escribe… ¿Cuáles son tus clases favoritas? es as Make the ending match!!!

  25. tener All forms need an “i” except yo, nosotros and vosotros. Yotengo Tútienes Ustedtiene Éltiene Ella tiene Nosotrostenemos Vosotrostenéis Ustedestienen Ellostienen Ellastienen Don’t forget to add in the “g”.

  26. Tener – to have ***And don’t forget that this verb has some other spelling changes. • Hungry • Thirsty • Feel like (doing something)

  27. I am hungry… Don’t’ conjugate the second verb!!! ¡Yotengohambre! tener

  28. She is thirsty… Don’t’ conjugate the second verb!!! ¡Ella tienesed! tener

  29. We feel like ( )… Don’t’ conjugate the second verb!!! ¡Nosotrostenemosganas de beber! tener

  30. I feel like eating… Don’t’ conjugate the second verb!!! Yoganasde comeruvaspara el desayuno. tengo Don’t conjugate the second verb!!!

  31. Leave in front of the noun (it’s not describing) Other… a Me gusta la otrasopamás. Make the ending match!!!

  32. Depends on the thing (food) you like vs gusta gustan Me gusta el agua ¿Te gusta la ensalada? Me gustanlasuvas. ¿Te gustan los batidos?

  33. To like… • A mí _____ _________ el pescado. me gusta

  34. To like… te • A tí ____ _______ los duraznos. gustan

  35. To like… nos • A nosotros____ _____ el pan tostado. gusta

  36. To like… le • A ella ___ _______ los batidos. gustan

  37. Tener hambre To have hunger

  38. Tener sed To have thirst

  39. Tener ganas de To feel like doing something

  40. rich,tasty rico

  41. Horrible horrible

  42. Now Ahora

  43. Food/Meal la comida

  44. for para

  45. What? ¿Qué?

  46. Who? ¿Quiénes? ¿Quién?

  47. How? ¿Cómo?

  48. Why? ¿Porqué?

  49. Which? ¿Cuáles? ¿Cuál?

  50. other Otro(a)

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