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Assimilation of moored ADP currents into a model of wind-driven circulation off Oregon Alexander L. Kurapov. in collaboration with: J. S. Allen, G. D. Egbert, R. N. Miller and COAST investigators P. M. Kosro, M. D. Levine, T. Boyd, J. A. Barth , J. Moum , et al.
Assimilation of moored ADP currents into a model of wind-driven circulation off Oregon Alexander L. Kurapov in collaboration with: J. S. Allen, G. D. Egbert, R. N. Miller and COAST investigators P. M. Kosro, M. D. Levine, T. Boyd, J. A. Barth, J. Moum, et al. College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University
Dual approach: - A model based on fully non-linear dynamics is applied with a suboptimal, sequential DA scheme Example: POM + optimal interpolation (OI), applied with HF radar surface velocity data [Oke et al. JGR 2002] - Dynamical models based on simplified (linearized) dynamics are applied with rigorous (variational) DA methods Example: linear model + representer method, HF radar surface velocity data [Kurapov et al. JPO 2003]
Data assimilation (DA): a tool for data synthesis Model is used as a dynamically based interpolator between data, both in space and time • Constrain model solution (model errors) with available observations (3D + Time) • Provide extensive validation against data that are not assimilated • Provide accurate description of spatial and temporal variability of physical (and in perspective, biological) fields
Data:COAST observational program, May-Aug 2001 • Mooring locations: • Lines N and S: ADP, T, S (COAST - Kosro, Levine & Boyd) • NH10: ADP (GLOBEC - Kosro) NSB NMS NIS NH-10 • Our objectives: • Assimilate ADP: distant effect • Multivariate capabilities (e.g., effect on SSH, T, isopycnals, dissipation rate) • Variability near bottom (currents, stress) • Estimates of cross-shelf transport 90 km SSB SMS SIS Vectors: Depth- and time-aver model v
Model set-up: • POM (hydrostatic; primitive eqns; prognostic for u, SSH, T, S, q2, q2L; turbulence parameterization) • 220350 km, periodic OB conditions (south-north) • - Dx~2 km, 31 s-layers • Initial conditions: T, S from NH line 45 nm offshore, ave for June, 1961-71 [Huyer et al.] • Forcing (low pass filtered) : alongshore wind stress (spatially uniform), heat flux Alongshore wind stress (NMS site):
Optimal interpolation (OI): tf (a): forecast (analysis) state obst: the vector of observations at time t H:maps the state vector to obs G:the gain matrix (stationary in OI) • Incremental approach: correction is applied gradually over the analysis time window (1/4 inertial period) G = Pf HT (HPfHT+ C)1 C: data error covariance Pf: forecast error covariance (stationary estimate) Note: for OI, only Pf HTis needed
Forecast error covariance, Pf is computed using Pm, the estimate of the errors in the model, not constrained by data [Kurapov et al. MWR, 2002] Pm – including lagged model error covariances (to account for the effect of previously assimilated data) Pm – can be estimated, e.g., if TL and ADJ codes were available, based on assumptions of error covariances of inputs (wind stress) • This implementation: • Compute an ensemble of 9 summer runs (forced w/ observed winds for different years, seasonal heat flux) • For each year, assume model error correlation = model variable correlation (ntrue is replaced by the time-ave nm) • The resulting Pm is the mean of the correlations for 9 summers scaled by StD for year 2001. Theoretical models: propagating modes affect spatial structure of Pf Pf aPm
NH10 Corr: 0.18 0.74 RMS: 7.8 5.5cm s-1 SSB Corr: 0.35 0.73 RMS: 9.5 6.6 cm s-1 SMS SIS Distant effect of assimilating ADP currents(“Case 1”) - Assimilate NSB, NMS, NIS - Improvement at NH10, SSB Depth-ave alongshore current: Obs, no DA, DA
Distant effect of assimilating ADP currents (“Case 2”): Depth-ave alongshore current: Obs, no DA, DA NSB - Assimilate SSB & SMS - Improvement at Line N, NH10 Corr: 0.45 0.82 RMS: 6.7 5.05cm s-1 NMS Corr: 0.46 0.79 RMS: 11.3 7.9cm s-1 NIS Corr: 0.55 0.71 RMS: 13.5 10.8cm s-1 NH10 Corr: 0.18 0.63 RMS: 7.8 6.9cm s-1
Effect of assimilating ADP data on nearshore SSH Low pass filtered SSH at South Beach, OR (44o37.5’N): observed (NOAA tide gauge) and modeled (no DA and DA Cases 1 (assim N ADPs) and 2 (S ADPs)). Time-ave are subtracted from each time series. Obs – corrected for barometric p. Model-data Corr.: 0.41 0.71, 0.79 RMS diff: 6.0 3.8, 3.3 cm
Effect of assimilating ADP currents on isopycnal structure (sq): Cross-sections near Line S of moorings DA (SSB, SMS, SIS) SeaSoar (Barth et al.) no DA
MEAN Obs, no DA, DA (N ADPs), DA (SSB+SMS) Obs, no DA, DA (N ADPs) RMS diff Transect 10 Dissipation rate (e): model vs. microstructure data [Moum & A. Perlin] Plotted is log10(e) Transect 10
NSB SSB NMS NIS SMS SIS Model-obs temperature correlation vs. depth, at COAST mooring sites No DA, DA Case 2 (vert. axis tickmarks are each 10 m)
Time-averaged current and sq near bottom Variance ellipses of bottom current (days 146-191) DA (assim SSB+SMS) no DA 5 cm s-1 Also looking at: surface current, SST, bottom stress, cross-shore transport… kg m-3
Model sensitivity to assimilation of data from 1 mooring Actual performance: DA is better than model only solution DA is worse than model only solution Expected (compare diag (Pm) and (Pa), where Pa = Pf – G H Pf):
Summary: • A data assimilative model is suggested as a tool for data synthesis • Assimilation of ADP currents from a line of moorings: currents improved at an alongshore dist. of 90 km, both to N and S • Assimilate ADP velocities: improve SSH, variability in T, sqslope, e • DA affects: surface currents, BBL processes, cross-shelf transport • Need for model improvement (open boundaries): remote forcing, spatially varying wind stress • Need for a more advanced DA methodology: make explicit assumptions about errors (wind forcing, open boundaries), provide an improved, dynamically balanced solution • - Theoretical studies: role of OB error covariance • http://www.oce.orst.edu/po/research/kurapov/main.html