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  2. TRANSFER TO SECONDARY EDUCATION 2014 STATISTICS Kent County Council have introduced testing earlier in the school year so parents will be able to make an informed decision when choosing an appropriate Secondary School for their child, prior to completing the Secondary Common Application Form. Most children transfer to a high school. About 25% of pupils (an average across the county) transfer to a Grammar School.

  3. Year 6 - 2013/2014 60 children in Year 6 39 took the P.E.S.E tests - 8 went through on P.E.S.E tests 6went through on Head Teacher Appeal Parental appeal with letters of support from support from the Head Teacher are currently taking place 20 took the Shepway Tests 17 children passed (85%) 6 Boys 11 Girls 6 took the Dover Tests 5 children passed (83.33%) 2 Boys 3 Girls % of PUPILS WHO QUALIFIED FOR A GRAMMAR SCHOOL PLACE = 64%

  4. Current Places Awarded 2014 Pent Valley 3 Folkestone School for Girls 13 Folkestone Academy 30 Brockhill Park Performing Arts College 4 The Harvey Grammar School 8 Dover Grammar for Girls 1 Dover Grammar for Boys 1

  5. Evidencing grammar school standards • Kent tests • Shepway or Dover tests • Head Teacher Appeal • Parental Appeal

  6. Kent Tests New procedure for 2014/15 There will be two nationally-standardised assessment tests compiled and produced by Granada Learning Assessment. There are strict regulations regarding the tests (i.e. it is illegal to copy or keep them) and coaching is not permitted. Scores: Scores will still be standardised, using a national standardisation. The score range on each paper will be 69 or 70 to 140 or 141 as now, so the maximum aggregate standardised score would be 280 or 282.

  7. This year’s tests will be: • English and Maths Test 2014 in multiple choice format (c.60 minutes plus admin time, two separate sections each with introductory practice items, English first); • Reasoning Test 2014 in multiple choice format (c.60 minutes plus admin time, one Verbal Reasoning section and four Non-Verbal, separately timed with introductory practice items.) • Pupils will also be required to complete a writing exercise under test conditions which will take 40 minutes. It is simply to ensure that at least one good, extended sample of pupil’s unaided written work is available should his or her assessment require further consideration.

  8. Some example questions will be posted on the Kent website (www.kent.gov.uk) in advance of the tests, and the papers themselves will have introductory drills and practice questions, but there will no practice test papers. VERBAL REASONING TESTS Verbal Reasoning tests mainly involve reasoning with words, and typically include question types principally concerned with the production of, use of and relationships between words. In some cases, these tests will also include questions that require the manipulation of letters or numbers.

  9. Example 1. The number codes 1235, 2356 and 1234 represent the words CROW, ROPE and CROP, but not in that order. Find the number code for the word PEER. Find the number code for the word PROW. Find the number code for the word CREEP Example 2. In each sentence below, a word of four letters is hidden at the end of one word and the beginning of the next word. Write the hidden word in the boxes, one letter in each box. The order of the letters must not be changed. The class often listened to stories. You will find the house along there. The tall stranger managed to make friends quickly

  10. NON VERBAL REASONING Non-Verbal Reasoning tests involve reasoning with abstract figures. Test questions consist of abstract figures and not words. Administration instructions are read out to the pupils.

  11. The first test will be an English and Maths paper in multiple-choice format with a separate machine readable (OMR) answer sheet. The English test is the first section. The whole test will take an hour to administer, plus any admin time before formal timing begins. Each sub-test will take 25 minutes, and will be preceded by a five minute practice exercise. Children will be required to stop at the end of the English section and wait for instructions before they start the Maths paper. The English will involve a comprehension exercise plus some additional questions drawn from a set designed to test literacy skills.

  12. Writing Exercise • Pupils taking part in PESE complete a writing exercise. The writing exercise is not a standardised test, but is set to give an indication of a child’s ability to work independently and within time constraints, so it is completed under test conditions. It is not marked, but will be considered alongside other examples of normal classwork in certain cases. For the sake of consistency, the following rules will apply: • The same stimuli will be given to pupils tested on the same day across the County, including a choice of titles to allow for fiction and non-fiction responses. • 40 minutes will be allowed to complete the task, including 10 minutes’ planning time. An additional 10 minutes will be allowed at the school’s request for: • - pupils with recognised physical or sensory disabilities which impede their writing; • - pupils with specific learning difficulties who the school has identified as having Additional Educational Needs at School Action or above

  13. Writing Exercise continued… If such pupils normally also use a word processor, braille writer or the services of a scribe to complete free writing in class, the same facilities should be available to them during the exercise, though spellcheck / grammar checking programs may not be used. (In the same way, dictionaries should not be used by other candidates). Putting exceptional arrangements in place for a child for this exercise only is unlikely to be helpful, as it takes time for them to become accustomed to a new way of working, and may add to the pressure of the test day.

  14. The date for the Kent tests is: Wednesday 10 September 2014

  15. Pupils with Additional or Special Educational Needs Kent do what they can to give all children fair access to testing. There are no “blanket” concessions; each case is looked at individually on the basis of information collected via a form submitted by the school

  16. The Shepway Tests We are pleased to welcome Mrs. Tracy Luke, Principal of Folkestone School for Girls, to tell us about this procedure.

  17. Shepway Test Rationale: • To ensure that we facilitate the admission of 25% of children in Shepway to a grammar school, should they wish to attend one. • To give children a second chance, should they wish to use it. • To lessen the anxiety involved in waiting for the Parental Appeal stage in May.

  18. Shepway Test • 13th September Dover and Shepway. Why? • You can apply to both schools should you wish, even if your child only sits one of the school’s tests as well as the Kent Test • The Kent Test gives access to all selective schools. Dover and Shepway tests give access to Dover and Shepway schools only

  19. Shepway Test • Centre for Education Management at Durham University. • 26% passed this year – as intended • Standardised for age and gender so doesn’t disadvantage younger children. • Written Test - 30 minutes creative writing, approx one third of marks •  Computer Test – one hour Verbal, non verbal and mathematics, approx two thirds of the marks

  20. Test – more detail • Comprehension section • Sections are timed and sections include practice questions. • Children do not find it difficult to use the computer • Roughly ½ verbal 1/6 non verbal and 1/3 Maths • Test is designed to reduce NVR aspect which can be coached. • SEN – if school has child as School action + on register then a small amount of extra time is allocated to the written test – as with the Kent test.

  21. Head Teacher Appeals Head Teacher Appeals are submitted, and considered, as part of the P.E.S.E. This is an opportunity to refer exceptional cases to a Head Teacher Appeal Panel for professional consideration. There must be concrete evidence that a child’s test scores have not done him or her justice. This evidence includes a history of scores from standardised tests, and as parents we have already given you this information. All Year 6 work will be submitted, and work from the summer term of Year 5. The unaided piece of writing is also considered. This part of the process is completed before the assessment outcomes are emailed or posted to parents on Wednesday 15 October 2014. Parental Appeals can be submitted after 2 March 2015, once school places have been allocated.

  22. School Open Evenings Folkestone School for Girls Thursday 26June 6.00 – 8.00 pm 01303 251125Monday 30 June 2014 – tours morning only Friday 4 July 2014 – tours morning only (Tours must be booked direct with the school) Harvey Grammar School Wednesday 9 July 6.30 – 9.00pm 01303 252131Open Day tour on the mornings of Thursday 10 or Friday 11 July 2014. Please contact The Harvey Grammar School office to arrange Folkestone Academy Wednesday 1 October 5.00 – 8.00pm 01303 842400 Brockhill Performing Arts College Tuesday 16 September (time to be confirmed) 01303 265521 Pent Valley Information to follow 01303 277161 Dover Grammar School for Girls Open evening – Tuesday 10June 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm 01304 206625 Wednesday 11 June – tours at 9.30 am and 11.30 am Thursday 12 June – tours at 9.30 am and 11.30 am (Please book your tours through their school office) Dover Grammar School for Boys Friday 6th June 4.00pm – 8.00pm 01304 206117 Presentations by Headteacher at 5.00pm, 6.00pm & 7.00pm

  23. If you are unsure of whether to submit your child for the tests you can speak to Mrs. Tait, Miss Chantler or Mrs Opstad. • Decide whether you would like your son or daughter to sit the PESE Tests in September, and the Shepway or Dover tests. • Complete the ‘Registration To Sit The Kent Test’ form online. We would be happy to help you with this if you do not have access to a computer or would just like some assistance. • Make the application for the Shepway or Dover tests. • Note the date of the P.E.S.E tests Wednesday 10 September 2014 • Note the date of the Shepway or Dover tests Saturday 13 September 2014 • PESE results received in the post by parents. Online registrations will receive an email with the assessment decision on Wednesday 15 October after 4.00pm • Parent Consultations to discuss school choices take place in October 2014 • The form which you select your preferences is the SCAF. This form will need to be submitted by Friday 31 October 2014 online. Again we would be more than happy to assist you with your online application. • REMEMBER …… If we can help you in any way we are pleased so to do. WE ALL WANT THE BEST FOR OUR CHILDREN!


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