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ABSTRACT Introduction: Acute scrotum syndrome is a condition that affects children of male gender and presents with local pain, edema and redness of the hemiscrotum . The most important pathology of this condition is testicular torsion which is a surgical emergency.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Acute scrotum syndrome is a condition that affects children of male gender and presents with local pain, edema and redness of the hemiscrotum. The most important pathology of this condition is testicular torsion which is a surgical emergency. Purpose: to analyze presence of this pathology, causes, symptoms and differential diagnosis, age, lateralization of the condition and consequences of testicular torsion. Material and methods: 29 patients operated on due to acute scrotum between January 2008 and 2012 at the Department of Pediatric Surgery UCCK were analyzed. Amongst the 29 patients, 22 (75.8%) had testicular torsion, 5 patients (17.2%) were found to have torsion of the Morgagni cyst and acute orchiepididimytisin 2 cases (6.8%). The most common age presentation were children of 1 year of age – 8 patients (27.5%). SURGICAL TREATMENT OF ACUTE SCROTUM – OUR EXPERIENCE Figure 4,5,6 Intraoperative specimen : Torsion of Mogagni Cyst and testicular torsion in undescended testis Hyseni N.S.1, Llullaku S.2,, SalihGrajçevci. 1, Ardian Shefkiu.1, Jashari H.1 HyseniF.1, Islam Bytyci.2, MuqolliF, 2 1University Clinical Centre, Pediatric Surgery, Pristina, Kosovo, 2University Clinical Centre, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Pristina, Kosovo ! Figure 1, 2,3 Clinical examination : oedema, painful scrotum with acute swelling as a emergency situation Color- Doppler : absent or markedly decreased intra-testicular blood flow on the affected side
RESULTS Tab1.Intraoperative condition and consequences In 6 patients (27.2%) orchiectomy was performed because of late referral of the patients to pediatric surgeon and delay in time from beginning of the condition to the operation, in 23 cases (79.3%) detorquation was performed. In 6 patients with orchiectomy 3 patients were with undescended testis. Early postoperative course was in order in all patients. • The importance of early diagnosis and prompt surgery is emphasized. • Testicular detorquation and bilateral orchiopexy are optimal solutions. • High percentage of orchiectomies indicates the level of health care. Conclusion