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– EATOP – EAST-ADL tool platform

– EATOP – EAST-ADL tool platform. M.-O. Reiser, S. Voget AMST Workshop Berlin, 24.-25.09.2012. Content. Motivation EATOP Outlook. Motivation – unconnected tool landscape. Different Implementation Strategies:. UML2. dm.eap. profile.uml. model.uml. Papyrus. External Tools

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– EATOP – EAST-ADL tool platform

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  1. – EATOP –EAST-ADL tool platform M.-O. Reiser, S. Voget AMST Workshop Berlin, 24.-25.09.2012

  2. Content • Motivation • EATOP • Outlook

  3. Motivation – unconnected tool landscape Different Implementation Strategies: UML2 dm.eap profile.uml model.uml Papyrus External Tools (HipHops, Simulink, MARTE-Tools...) Meta-Tool-Based (MetaEdit+, SystemWeaver, ...) dm.doc Meta-Model model.??? Editor dedicated Implementation (EPM, OHM Optimization, ...) model.??? Editor All approaches have their strengths and justifications, but ... mm = Meta Modeldm= Domain Model??? = various proprietary file formatsEMF = Eclipse Modeling Framework

  4. Motivation – unconnected tool landscape Different Implementation Strategies: >> no immediate implementation of DM << UML2 dm.eap profile.uml model.uml Papyrus >> (partly) manual << External Tools (HipHops, Simulink, MARTE-Tools...) Meta-Tool-Based (MetaEdit+, SystemWeaver, ...) dm.doc >> fragmented utility implementations << Meta-Model model.??? Editor dedicated Implementation (EPM, OHM Optimization, ...) model.??? Editor mm = Meta Modeldm= Domain Model??? = various proprietary file formatsEMF = Eclipse Modeling Framework

  5. Motivation – unconnectedtoollandscape Different Implementation Strategies: EATOP + mm.ecore model.eaxml EMF Editor UML2 dm.eap profile.uml model.uml Papyrus External Tools (HipHops, Simulink, MARTE-Tools...) Meta-Tool-Based (MetaEdit+, SystemWeaver, ...) dm.doc Meta-Model model.??? Editor dedicated Implementation (EPM, OHM Optimization, ...) model.??? Editor mm = Meta Modeldm= Domain Model??? = various proprietary file formatsEMF = Eclipse Modeling Framework

  6. Motivation – EATOP in Context SW Realization (AUTOSAR) … Requirements (ReqIF) Architecture/Design (EAST-ADL) HW Realization (??) Safety Analysis (SAFE MM - upcomming) • EATOP – • onebuilding block torealizeintegrated, seamless • model baseddevelopment • model basedsafetyanalysis SAFE Meta-Model Implementation RMF EATOP ARTOP Sphinx Eclipse

  7. Motivation • EATOP = EAST-ADL Tool Platform • Meta-Model implementation • Platform utilities for EAST-ADL support • EATOP is for • Research & Experimentation • Commercial tool vendors • EATOP includes novel approaches for developing / modeling automotive software • Closely related to ARTOP / AUTOSAR • But independent! • Different scope: covers early development phases • Different IP regulation • Available for free under Eclipse Public License (EPL)

  8. EATOP - Interestedparties • 11. IntecsInformatica e Tecnologia • 12. ITEMIS France SARL • 13. KTH • 14. Metacase • 15. MODELI::SOFT • 16. OFFIS e.V. • 17. Ohm University of Applied Science Nürnberg • 18. Technical University Berlin • 19. University of Applied Sciences Regensburg • 20. University of Augsburg • 21. Volvo Group Trucks Technology AB Interested parties Arccore AVL Carmeq BMW Car IT Continental Automotive France SAS Continental Automotive GmbH ETAS GmbH FORTISS GmbH FZI ForschungszentrumInformatik (to be confirmed) Institut Carnot CEA LIST DILS/LISE

  9. Content • Motivation • EATOP • Outlook

  10. EATOP - Scope EATOP EAST-ADL Association Original EAST-ADL meta-model definition in Enterprise architect (.eap) EMF-based EAST-ADL meta-model implementation (Eclipseplug-ins) Use EATOP plugins EAST-ADL UML profile EAST-ADL XSD schema Use Use Use Use Tool vendors, researchprojects,others, …

  11. EATOP - Key Functionality (planned) • EAST-ADL Meta-Model Implementation • Serialization • Refactoring: mechanisms to modify EAST-ADL models safely & consistently. • Workspace Management • Editors for demonstration and experimentation • Interfacing and Model ExchangewithReqIF, AUTOSAR and HW modeling • Specific Platform Developments will be included, e.g. • safety analysis • timing modeling. • Consolidation of Bridge between EATOP and Papyrus • Variability Management • Interoperability with domain independent abstractions of EAST-ADL • E.g. CMM = CESAR Meta Model, IOS developed by MBAT

  12. EATOP – Current Status EA2Ecore Tool exists EATOP EAST-ADL Association Graphical experimental environmentexists Original EAST-ADL meta-model definition in Enterprise architect (.eap) EMF-based EAST-ADL meta-model implementation (Eclipseplug-ins) Use EATOP plugins EAST-ADL UML profile EAST-ADL XSD schema Use Use Use Use Tool vendors, researchprojects,others, … Effortsplanned within SAFE project

  13. Graphical experimental environment • Requirement: • Realizegraphical EAST-ADL experimental modelingenvironmentthatcanbeadaptedvery fast if meta-model changes, i.e. enableto playwith new meta-model.

  14. Content • Motivation • EATOP • Outlook

  15. Roadmap First regulartechnicaltelco Eclipse Lab prepared Initial Telco Start implementation on baseplatform EATOP startsEclipseproposalphase 2013

  16. Howtocontribute • Eclipse requires code! • Preparation of such initial code is done in an Eclipse Lab: • http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/eclipse-auto-iwg • Git repository for organizing the code • Wiki page • Issue tracking • Eachinterestedpartyisinvitedtocontribute • Register yourselfby E-Mail atoneofthemembersofthe Lab • Take orcreate an Issueandimplementit

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