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Anne Boyer MINES Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche FRANCE

Thematic digital universities : a national strategy to generalize the use of media in higher education. Anne Boyer MINES Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche FRANCE. Short overview of the French panorama of higher education. Context.

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Anne Boyer MINES Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche FRANCE

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  1. Thematic digital universities: a national strategy to generalize the use of media in highereducation Anne Boyer MINES Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche FRANCE

  2. Short overview of the French panorama of highereducation

  3. Context • 82 universities and several “engineers schools” • a large range of subjects, from humanities, law or management to mathematics, chemistry, physics, including health sciences • 1.4 Millions of students, from bachelor’s degree to Phd

  4. Specificities • Some universities are organized in PRES PRES: a kind of federal structure at a local level • The law LRU (08/10/2007) • autonomy of each university in terms of budget, human resources management and its real estate property • impact: each university defines its own digital strategy

  5. The French Ministry for higher education and research policy: “100% digital for 100% of students” (2009) A strong wish to support the development of e-learning and e-teaching

  6. Summary • Presentation of the service MINES • Focus 1 : UniversitésNumériquesThématiques • Focus 2 : A national pedagogical web-TV: Canal-U • Conclusion

  7. Presentation of MINES

  8. MINES in short Division of the French ministry for higher education and research, dedicated to development of digital universities by • promoting innovative tools and sharable methodologies to develop ICT supported pedagogy and distant learning • generalizing access and formation to e-education for the whole community • of teachers and • students

  9. MINES in short • encouraging mutualisation between universities by supporting a structuring policy and the promotion of standards of interoperability • supporting distant learning initiatives and structuring the French offer for for national and international audience

  10. Digital Thematic Universities

  11. The DTU initiative • to design pedagogical pools, viewed as repositories of our digital pedagogical capital • to provide users with labeled contents • to support collaborative production and broad diffusion of contents • to ensure access to the available tools and contents with a high quality of service

  12. National pedagogical POOLs • 7 thematic digital universities in charge at the national level of a disciplinary field • Missions: • to manage the coordinated development and the broad diffusion of thematic digital contents • to produce and disseminate contents of • various nature: case studies, lessons, exercises, virtual practicalworks, additional materials to lessons, serious games, etc. • various formats: pdf, audio, video, interactive … • to certify the digital contents • to disseminate the digital contents via the DTUs’ portals, the regional portal or the virtual desk of students

  13. economics and management: http://www.aunege.org environment and sustainable development: http://www.uved.fr sciences: http://www.unisciel.fr humanities: http://www.uoh.fr health sciences: http://www.unf3s.org engineer sciences: http://www.unit.eu law and politic sciences: http://www.unjf.org Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche – 06/10 /2010

  14. StRong aspects LOM indexing Scientific labelling of e-contents To show whatcannotbeviewed F2F • Simulation • Virtual experiments and e-lab • Seriousgames • Self-assessment Adaptability, updating and sustainable • Use of an editorialchain(SCENARI)

  15. From the students’point of view Competitiveexamination(numerus clausus) L1 health Grenoble ECN (UMVF) Disabledstudents DAEU LSF French for foreignstudents: projet filipe(UNIT)

  16. Around the DTUs • Transversal workgroups for the promotion of new pedagogical tools, standards to guarantee interoperability, legal questions, etc • The digital universities portal • http://www.universites-numériques.fr • launched in December 2008 • about 30 000 sessions per month

  17. From the student’s point of view

  18. data about the web portal • More than 20000 resources • 6700 videos • 9000 lessons • 1200 exercises and self-assessment • In 35 disciplines • More than 2000 resources in humanities • 11000 in health and sport • 4000 in sciences • About 2000 in environment and sustainable development • About 2000 in engineer sciences • 600 in culture and literature • 600 in law, economics and management

  19. Impact • a larger universality of the resources due to collaborative production of contents by teachers from several universities • guarantee of the scientific pertinence and reliability of the contents due to labelling of contents by independent specialists of the field • impact of the collaborative production of common resources : use of common tools and the dissemination of common standards

  20. The Canal-U initiative

  21. A national web-TV http://www.canal-u.tv/ More than 6 000 videoresources LOM indexed Editorial channels editors: DTUs Scientificallylabelled Additional ressources UTLS AMPHI de la 5 …

  22. Some data Within the 100 best sites (Sciences et Avenir sept. 2010)

  23. Some Data

  24. Conclusion

  25. Conclusion • A lot of basic materials, pedagogical tools and digital resources are available • DTUs provide the French universities with all the key elements to design e-learning formations • Assistance to teachers is a field to develop • This initiative supported by MESR has now a maturity which makes it the cornerstone for e-learning development

  26. Ongoing and future Work • Translation of resources in foreignlanguages • English, Spanish, Arabic, …. • Creation of an international association: • eomed • Development of new tools • for teachers and students • to contextualizeresources • to buildincrementalyresources (semanticwikis) • Developement of e-training prototypes • based on DTUsresources

  27. Thankyou for your attention !

  28. The French initiative "Digital ThematicUniversity" leads to the the creation of seven national thematicrepositeries of pedagogicalresources. Theyaimatsupporting the collaborative creation, production, valorisation and diffusion of multimediaresources in order to enhance the broad use of media in highereducation and e-learning. They are in charge of the labelling of the videoresources on the national indexedvideo-libraryCanal-U. The talk willgive an overview of theirstrategy in thisfield.

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