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Welcome to 1st grade! This is the class schedule for Ms. Tejeda's room. We will cover language arts, math, science, and social studies. Homework policy and classroom expectations are also outlined.
Back to School Night Welcome Parents and Students
My name is Socorro Tejeda. I have taught 1st grade for 24 years. I have lived in Brawley all my life. I have two children, Angel & Cristian. My hobbies are meeting celebrities and collecting anything with ladybugs.
MYRON D. WITTERCLASS SCHEDULE FOR ROOM 282013-2014 Teacher: Tejeda Grade: 1 Room: 28 8:10………………………………………….. Enter classroom, Take attendance, Pick-up homework 8:15-10:00……………………………………Language Arts 10:00-10:10…………………………………Recess 10:10-10:35……………………………………Language Arts 10:35-11:00………………………………………PE 11:00-11:35…………………………………...Lunch 11:35-12:50……………………………………Math 12:50-1:00……………………………………Language Arts/Science/Social Studies 1:00-1:10……………………………………..Recess 1:10-1:40……………………………………..Flexing with other classrooms 1:40-2:25………………………………………Language Arts/Science/Social Studies 2:25–2:30----------------------------------------------------Clean-up & Get ready for Dismissal
My name is Ms. Tejeda. I am excited about having ______________ in my class this year and I look forward to working with you. As your child’s teacher, I will not tolerate any student in this classroom stopping another student from learning for any reason whatsoever. • Below I have outlined my classroom expectations that will be in effect for the duration of this school year. Please read and sign this form indicating you have read it. I will keep you informed of your student’s progress in my classroom, so that he/she may obtain the best education possible. Please do not hesitate to call me with any concerns at 760-344-0750. If I am not available, you may leave a message at the school office. • Classroom Rules: • Follow instructions • Keep hands, objects and feet to self • No teasing, bullying, name calling or profanity • Stay on task • Respect personal and school property • Positives: • Behavior Reports (Happy Faces) will be sent home on Fridays. • Students will get verbal praise, stickers, and pencils. • Students will participate in Monthly Good Citizens Assemblies. • Consequences: • 1st Warning • 2nd 5 minute time out. • 3rd 10 minute time out. • 4th Buddy room and parent phone call • 5th Administrator • If severe disruption occurs, it will be an immediate referral to the site administrator.
HOMEWORK POLICY Dear Parents, Homework has a definite place in the educational process. It is an extension of the learning experiences children have during the instructional day. Homework is designed to aid the students in achieving classroom and school goals. I consider your child’s homework to be the most important element that will help your child to succeed in school, now and in the future. It has been my observation that a child who is consistent in doing homework and who is also consistent in turning it in on time is one who succeeds in school. HOWEVER, your child will need your help. You can help your child in the following ways: • Provide a quiet place to do homework. No TV, loud noises and/or distractions. • Make homework time a consistent time. • Help your child with their homework, but do not do it for him or her. Remember, he/she will be the one to come back to the classroom and be tested. • Check your child’s homework to make sure it is done correctly. • Finally, make sure your child returns completed homework to class every day. • Daily Homework Schedule • The homework folder will be sent home daily containing the day’s homework. The folder needs to be returned with all homework completed every morning (Monday - Friday). • Homework will consist of spelling & high frequency words, math, and reading stories for fluency. . A weekly Behavior Sheet will also be sent home every Friday inside their homework folder. On this form, please check your child’s behavior and discuss it withthem, then sign stating that you have done this. This form needs to be returnedevery Monday inside the gray homework folder. It is my way of making sure that you are aware of your child’s behavior.
Homework Explanation Room 28 • Math:Each day your child will receive two pages of math. The work activity will directly correspond with math standards that have been taught in the classroom. • Reading Fluency:Each week your child will bring home a story to read. Please listen to your child read the story each day to help increase their fluency. You will need to write down the number of words read per minute each day. • Spelling Activity Sheet: Your child will receive a spelling list consisting of spelling words for each Language Arts story. Please study these words with your child daily. A spelling test will be given each Friday. On Mondays and Wednesdays there will be spelling worksheets to complete as part of the homework. • High-Frequency Words: Your child will receive a High-Frequency word list for each story. These words can be studied in a variety of ways. You can decide what works best for your child. Your child will be testedon their ability to read these words. • Math Facts: Each week your child will be given a set of math facts • flashcards to study. Your child will then be given a two-minute timed-tested on Friday. Your child will not progress to the next level until he orshe passes the timed test. It is very important that they learn the math facts. • Behavior Cards: Every Friday your child will bring home a behavior card for the week inside their homework folder. Please read it, discuss it with your child, sign it, and return it to me on Mondays. • Homework Folders and Backpacks: Your child needs to bring their homework folder and backpack to school every day. Please make sure all homework has name and last name always. Homework without name goes in the trash.
ATTENTION – VERY IMPORTANT • I need to let you know that there are a number of things that I consider as lack of homework. Every school year I have parents who are shocked at report card time because they failed to understand my expectations concerning homework. To me, coming to school well prepared with all homework means much more than simply doing the child’s written part. It also involves you the parents. Here is a list of everything that I consider and count as part of the everyday homework required of you and your child. • Homework without name goes in the trash. Names should be written at home when the child sits down to do the homework. If your child forgets to write his or her name they will get no credit on that day for homework. • Failure to return the signed Behavior Card (Happy Faces) countsas lack of homework. I consider the Happy Faces as Friday’s homework. • Failure to return the Spelling Test Booklet every Tuesday with aparent signature counts as lack of homework. I need to know that you are checking your child’s spelling tests every week and are aware of their progress. • Failure to bring the Gray Homework Folder every day counts as lack of homework. • Not doing the Spelling activities, 2 math pages, and daily readingfluency counts as lack of homework. • As you can see, coming to school well prepared is going to be a joint effort between you and your child. I appreciate your cooperation at home. Together we can turn your child into a responsible, well prepared student.
WHY IS HOMEWORK NECESSARY? Homework is necessary for several reasons. First, it teaches children how to work independently. It teaches responsibility. Homework also lets children practice skills that they are learning in class. My job as your child’s teacher is to check and correct all homework. As parents, I would like to encourage you to tell your child to do his or her best at school everyday. If it is necessary, please help your child at home with their homework. At the start of school, all students will need help at some point in order to complete their homework successfully. By the middle of the school year your child should be doing their homework on their own. It is my belief that by working together we can make homework a positive experience for your child. As parents, it is your job to do the following things for your child. • Show interest in your child’s work. Ask them what they did in class. Discuss problems. • Encourage your child to do his or her best and help them if they are having problems with homework. • Check to see that the homework is done everyday before putting it in the backpack and that it is done correctly. Make sure homework always has child’s name and last name. • Have a designated area for doing homework. Your child should not sit in front of the T.V. while doing homework. The less distractions, the better. • Have pencils, erasers, crayons and scissors at home for your child to use at homework time. • Make sure that your child brings a backpack to class everyday. Backpacks help to keep homework from being lost on the way home. • Please let me know if there are any problems at home that may be affecting your child’s academic performance. Once again, homework is necessary and let’s work together to insure that your child turns in his or her homework on time and without problems. Thanks! Ms. Tejeda
PARENT CONFERENCES • Report card testing takes place 3 times a year. • I will meet with all parents the first time – around November or December to discuss child’s progress and explain report card. • Second time I will only meet with you if your child is considered to be at Risk of Retention. • Third time, again, I will only meet with you if it is needed.
Dear Parents, Good behavior is very important in class. The less problems we have, the better the learning environment will be for all involved. In order to let you know about your child’s weekly behavior, I will be sending home the attached behavior report every Friday. It isyour child’s responsibilityto give you the report every Fridayand it is your responsibility as a parent to read it, discuss it with your child and sign it.Your child needs to return the signedbehavior report every Monday to me. I consider it as homework for Friday. A Happy Face means that your child had a good day. A Sad Face indicates that your child broke a class rule or misbehaved in some other manner. When that happens, I will write a detail telling you what your child did to get a Sad Face. Please speak with your child about what he or she did wrong. You may come and see me after school or before class if you ever have any questions concerning your child’s behavior. I appreciate your help at home. Sincerely, Ms. Tejeda
Dear Parents, This booklet will be used for our Spelling Tests every week. I will give the students their test on Fridays. I will send it home for you to review and sign on Mondays. Please treat this booklet as part of the homework routine. You must sign it and return it the next day (Tuesdays). Your signature every week is my way of knowing that you are aware of your child’s spelling progress. It is very important that your child learns to take care of this booklet. I do not want booklets to get lost or left at home when they should be at school. Make sure that your child studies the spelling words everyday at home so that they can get a good grade on their tests. Thanks for all your help at home. Ms. Tejeda
FLEXING • Beginning in September students will be exchanging classrooms for a period of 30 minutes per day. • Students will be grouped according to their academic & language levels and sent to other teachers that will provide instruction at their level. • Flexing for ELD (English Language Dev.)
Parent Teacher OrganizationPTO • First meeting is Monday, Sept. 9th at 6:00 pm in cafeteria • Three parent Volunteers (1 representative & 2 alternates) • Attend monthly meetings with me. • Keep other parents informed. • Participate in Halloween Carnival • Participate in Movie Nights • Participate in Picture Day
Volunteering • You can come to the classroom for a couple of hours a week, once a week, twice a week, etc. • You can take items to do at home. • I need to know when you are coming so I can plan work for you. • PARENT CENTER, information is forthcoming, sign-up available. • TB and Fingerprints needed • Sign-in at the office and get visitor’s pass.
Student Attendance Our GOAL is 100% attendance daily! It is important that your child attend school on a regular basis. Do not bring your child to school tardy. If your child must be absent: call the office (760) 344-0750 or send a note. report the absence that day, don’t wait. Incentives will be available for student attendance! Competitions betweeen classrooms will be held to see who has the highest attendance each month.
Uninterrupted Academic Time • Language Arts and Math are uninterrupted academic time • Students and teachers are not to be interrupted all morning. • Contact teacher through office 344-0750, via email, before or after school. • Please make doctor appointments after school so that your child does not miss school. • If visiting, make arrangements with teacher and check in at the office. Make sure you wear your visitor’s pass.
Pick -Up and Drop-Off Entrance: Students will enter using the Malan Gate or front of school gate on K Street All gates will be closed at 8:30 am, except the main access on K Street. Pick-up: Kinder-in kinder area First- Outside child’s classroom Second- Cafeteria area Third-East K Bus: If your child rides the bus and you must make different arrangements send a note, call the office, come into the office. Students are NOT to be picked up in the bus area.
Infraction Cards • Students who break playground rules during recess will get infraction cards. These cards will be sent home and will need to be signed by the parent. Students with 5 infraction cards will be sent to the office to speak with our principal. Please talk to your children about the importance of following all school rules.
Field Trips and Fundraisers • Our goal is to take students to Sea World in the Spring. • Sell Krispy Kreme Donuts in September. Each family has to sell at least 10 boxes to meet our goal. • Sell BBQ dinner plates from Hacienda’s in December. Each family has to sell between 5 – 10 tickets to meet our goal. • Second option is Farm Smart in Holtville if we do not meet our money goal.
CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES • We are allowed 3 parties per year.I have chosen Christmas, Valentine’s and end of school year in June. Healthy snacks are encouraged by the school district. • Parents are not allowed to bring cake or cupcakes for child’s birthday. We celebrate student birthdays by singing, wearing a crown, and birthday bag. • I will choose a student every week to be SUPER KID. Your child will bring home a poster on Friday to complete and return to me on Monday. Have fun making it together. May draw on it or use real pictures. Everyone will get a turn by the end of the school year. • We will have a 100 Day of School party in February. Students participate in 100 day activities all morning. I will need about 10 parents to come run the activities. • We will publish a book in the Spring titled “When I Grow Up”. Parents will get the opportunity to purchase the book for $20. Purchase is not necessary but I will need parent signatures in order for every student to participate. • Scholastic Book Orders will be sent home every 2-3 months.
Box Tops • Send with your student • Collected at the end of each month • Each Box Top coupon is worth 10¢ for your school. You can clip Box Tops coupons from hundreds of your favorite products.
Thank you for attending! Come visit me if you have any concerns. I appreciate your support so much! Please enjoy some refreshments.