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Bocardo House

CIE. Wesley Memorial Church. Bocardo House. Junior Campuses. CIE Staff. Classes. Irma Director of Studies for Juniors (At Bocardo House). Julie. Max. Accommodation Officers (At Bocardo House). Hisashi Finance Manager (At Bocardo House). Cassandra Junior Activities Manager

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Bocardo House

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CIE Wesley Memorial Church Bocardo House Junior Campuses

  2. CIE Staff

  3. Classes Irma Director of Studies for Juniors (At Bocardo House)

  4. Julie Max Accommodation Officers (At Bocardo House)

  5. Hisashi Finance Manager (At Bocardo House)

  6. Cassandra Junior Activities Manager (At Bocardo House)

  7. Doctors Register with your homestay family’s doctor

  8. First aid? Irma Cassandra Max

  9. Fire Safety Oxford Union

  10. Fire Safety Church Chutneys

  11. This morning … 1. Test 2. Find your room 3. Join your class

  12. On Tuesday … • Issues about your level? Tell your teacher or Irma • You can only change class on Wednesday or the following Monday

  13. Lunch and Activities 12:30-1:30 Lunch at CIE 1:30Activities – meet at CIE

  14. Class Rules • Be on time - Morning classes start at 9:00 – if you are 15 minutes late the teacher may not let you in • Listen when the teacher is talking • Listen when others are talking

  15. At the end of the day ... * You cannot leave school until an adult has signed you out *

  16. Under 18’s You are expected to go straight home after school unless the host family agrees otherwise, with the conditions that: • You tell the host family who you will be with 2. You tell the host family where you will be 3. You provide a contact number so that the family can contact you at any time 4. You are with at least two other people (one to stay with you, and another to find help, in an emergency!) 5. You must be back by the curfew - or earlier if the host family prefers!

  17. Life at CIE • Please read “Life at CIE” for more information about … • School guidelines and lessons • Activities • Discipline and policies • Host family accommodation • Oxford Life

  18. Thank you for listening…

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