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From job opportunities to culture to affordability, here are the 10 best cities in America for college grads to start their next chapter.
From job opportunities to culture to affordability, here are the 10 bestcitiesinAmericaforcollegegradstostarttheirnextchapter.
Graduating from college is a reason for celebration — when that hard-earned degree is finallyinhand,newgradsareoftenovercomewithexcitement,pride,andasenseofrelief atneverhavingtofilloutanotherScantronsheet. Butwhileyoumightbedoneansweringtestquestions,there'sabigquestionthatarises afterthegraduationpartieshaveended: Wheredoyouwanttolive? Withsomanyoptions,manynewgraduatesfeeloverwhelmedwhenconsideringwhere tostartthenextchapteroftheirpersonalandprofessionallives. Ifthat’syou,you’reinluck.We’vefound10citiesthatareidealfornewcollegegrads, thanks to their thriving job markets, low unemployment rates, affordable housing optionsandawidearrayoffunthingstodo. WWW.PMRELOCATIONS.COM
Whether you’re a foodie looking for tasty dining spots, an outdoor enthusiastinsearchofadventure,oratechieonthehuntforgreatjob opportunities,you’llfindwhatyou’reseekinginMadison. WI Madison is an emerging tech hub, according to TechNet and the ProgressivePolicyInstitute,andit’shometoadiverserangeofemployment opportunities in fields like health care, life sciences, education, agriculture and advancedmanufacturing. Plus, Madison is a cool college town, thanks to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Situated on the south shore of Lake Mendota, the universitydrawsmorethan43,000studentsthatrepresent50statesand 121 countries, creating a diverse, engagedcommunity. MADISON, WWW.PMRELOCATIONS.COM 1 W W W . P M R E L O C A T I O N S . C OM
ThewaterfrontcityofKirkland,WA,isabeautifulplaceforrecentcollege gradstocallhome—andit’sagreatspottolaunchasuccessfulcareer. WA Located just east of Seattle on Lake Washington, the community lays claimtoahuge(nottomentionswanky)Googlecampusthatcomprises the company’s third-largest engineering center, and residents have accesstohigh-payingjobsinindustriessuchashealthcare,bankingand transportation. Kirklandhasanup-and-comingdowntowndistrictwithrestaurants,shops andMarinaPark,whichisalakesidedestinationthatplayshosttomanyof the community’sannual events. KIRKLAND, 2 W W W . P M R E L O C A T I O N S . C O M
, NC LookingtoputdownrootsontheEastCoast?ConsiderWilmington,NC, a vibrant community known as a gateway to the state’s Cape Fear Coast,whichincludesCarolina,KureandWrightsvillebeaches. Wilmington also has a youthful college town vibe thanks to the University ofNorthCarolinaWilmingtonandCapeFearCommunityCollege,andwith that comes plenty of opportunities to enjoy live performances and visual artexhibitionsthroughouttheyear. Alongwithanunemploymentratewellbelowstateandnationalaverages, the city offers a variety of fun things to do, including a historic downtown districtpackedwithdiningspots,breweries,shopsandattractionslikethe Wilmington Riverwalk — a must-visit destination stretching nearly 2 miles along Cape FearRiver. WILMINGTON WWW.PMRELOCATIONS.COM 3 W W W . P M R E L O C A T I O N S . C OM
Cincinnati’scostoflivingisabout3.5percentbelowthenationalaverage, which is one reason the city scored a spot on our list of the 2018 Best AffordablePlacestoLive.Plus,Cincinnati’sjobmarketishot. OH CINCINNATI, AnothermajoremployeristheUniversityofCincinnati,whichaddscreative energy to the community with its nationally ranked and internationally renownedUC College-Conservatory of Music. In addition, Cincy has dozens of cool attractions, including the Cincinnati Zoo&BotanicalGardenandCincinnatiArtMuseumaswellasdowntown’s restaurants,retailersandperformingartsvenues. 4 W W W . P M R E L O C A T I O N S . C O M
ManynewcollegegradssettheirsightsonthebrightlightsofNewYork City, but don’t forget about Albany. In fact, this historic community mightjusthaveeverythingyou’relookingfor. Albanyhasalowunemploymentrate,andin2016,Forbesnameditoneof the top up-and-coming cities for recent college grads due to its affordability, high percentage of young residents and plentiful job opportunitiesinindustrieslikeeducationandcomputersoftware. The city also delivers when it comes to outdoor adventure and recreation.Albanyoffersabroadselectionofparks,naturepreservesand hiking and biking trails, and it’s not far from must-see spots like the Adirondacks, Catskills andBerkshires. NY ALBANY, WWW.PMRELOCATIONS.COM W W W . P M R E L O C A T I O N S . C OM
CA Thanks to its abundance of sun, sand and surf, Santa Monica, CA, is a dreamdestinationformanypeople.However,it’salsoasmartchoicefor thoseinsearchofacoolcareer,makingitatopspotforthoseonapost- college jobhunt. MONICA SantaMonicaalsohasahighnumberofresidentsbetweenages22and 29,givingnewcollegegradsplentyofnetworkingopportunities,andit’s hometoaseeminglyendlessarrayoffunthingstodo. Knownasoneofthebeststand-upandimprovcomedyclubsinthe area, WestsideComedyTheatreisanotherfavoritedowntownSanta Monicadestination. SANTA W W W . P M R E L O C A T I O N S . C O M
GA Sandy Springs, GA is home to one of the highest numbers of Fortune 500 companies per capita in the U.S., giving residents access to high- payingjobsinavarietyofsectors,andSandySprings’costoflivingisstill prettyreasonable—soaffordingrentoramortgagepaymentisentirely feasible,evenforrecentgradsjustbeginningtheircareers. SPRINGS, • ThisNorthGeorgiacityisalsoamajordrawforthoselookingtospend timeoutdoors,asithas950acresofparkland. • SandySpringshasitsfairshareofdiningandentertainmentdestinations, too,anditsofferingsarecontinuingtoexpand. SANDY WWW.PMRELOCATIONS.COM W W W . P M R E L O C A T I O N S . C OM
NJ JustacrosstheHudsonRiverfromLowerManhattan,JerseyCityiscarving out a well-deserved reputation as a destination of choice for recent college grads who are in the market for an affordable – and cool – place toputdownroots. Thecommunityhasitsownprosperouseconomywithmajoremployers in the financial, education and health-care sectors, but it’s also a quick commutefromthemanyjobopportunitiesintheBigApple. , CITY JERSEY JerseyCityoffersplentyofentertainment,too,withWhiteEagleHall,a liveperformancevenuethatdrawsworld-classperformersforconcerts, plays, comedy shows andmore. W W W . P M R E L O C A T I O N S . C O M
Withathrivingeconomy,plentyofwell-payingjobsandahighnumberof college-educated residents between ages 22 and 29, it’s easy to see why Arlington, VA, landed the No. 2 spot on our list of Best Cities for Recent Grads. Itisfilledwithhistoricbuildings,sitesandneighborhoods,alongwith trendy nightlife spots, delicious restaurants and a booming arts and culturescene. Thecommunityisalsoagreatplaceforthosewhoenjoyspendingtime outdoors,thankstodestinationslikethe18-mileMountVernonTrailthat winds alongside the Potomac River and offers gorgeous views of Washington, D.C.'sskyline. VA ARLINGTON, WWW.PMRELOCATIONS.COM W W W . P M R E L O C A T I O N S . C OM
ThecentralIllinoiscityofChampaignconsistentlyrankshighlyonlists likethisone,andforgoodreason.Thecityhasaboomingeconomyas well as an unusually high employment rate for those with bachelor’s degrees – 99.2 percent(!) – making it a prime spot for those looking to launch theircareers. ChampaignisalsohometotheUniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign and Parkland College, which have landed the city on another of our lists: The 10 Best CollegeTowns. Theuniversityisthecommunity’stopemployer,butitalsooffersample opportunities for entertainment with on-campus attractions like the KrannertCenterforthePerformingArtsandKrannertArtMuseum,the state’ssecond-largestgeneralfineartsmuseum. IL CHAMPAIGN, 10 W W W . P M R E L O C A T I O N S . C O M
PMR If you’re relocating from within the city or moving from one city to another,thehassleyoufaceisprettymuchthesame.Whodoyoutrust withyourbelongings?Howdoyougetintouchwiththebestandmost trustedmovers?Howmuchdotheycharge?Aretheyoverchargingme? Ifyoudon’thavetheanswertothesequestions,don’tworry,we’rehere to helpyou. CHOOSE WHY PMRelocationswillhelpyoutorelocate.Ouraimistomakethewhole movingprocessasquick,affordable,andpainlessaspossible WWW.PMRELOCATIONS.COM W W W . P M R E L O C A T I O N S . C OM