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ISFOL PLUS – MAcAD Emiliano Mandrone e.mandrone@isfol.it. Struttura Lavoro e Professioni Roma, Corso d’Italia 33 www.isfol.it. The objective of this presentation is to show the possibility of using the survey Isfol PLUS as a vector for the MAcAD model. main challenges.
ISFOL PLUS – MAcAD Emiliano Mandrone e.mandrone@isfol.it Struttura Lavoro e Professioni Roma, Corso d’Italia 33 www.isfol.it
The objective of this presentation is to show the possibility of using the survey Isfol PLUS as a vector for the MAcAD model main challenges • Identify the main MAcAD markers • Adapting to PLUS population, not marginal as MAcAD’s • Implement MAcAD in PLUS (controls)
PLUS main features 1/3 Isfol PLUS: Participation Labor Unemployment Survey • is a national sample survey (CATI) on labor supply in the National Statistical Plan since 2006, and it is part of the official statistics • main goals: the distribution of contracts (employee, self-employment, informal, etc..), job search, labor market participation by women, youth and over 50, choices for retirement, education and training, intergenerational dynamics, earnings, child care,… • differs from the usual family-based surveys for the absence of proxy respondents (proxy free), this makes possible to give very detailed questions about the nature and characteristics of employment, education, familiar status, …
PLUS main features 2/3 Isfol PLUS: Participation Labor Unemployment Survey • integrates different aspects of the labor market, often analyzed in a disconnected manner • the dynamic view of these phenomena is guaranteed by a large (66% of total sample) and long (since 2005, 5 observations) design panel. • the schedule of interviews to be made was made on the basis of a stratified quota sampling with definition of partially overlapping domains of study. The choice of quota sampling was motivated by the need to greatly reduce the sample size needed to produce statistically significant estimates for small subpopulations of interest
PLUS main features 3/3 Isfol PLUS: Participation Labor Unemployment Survey • sample characteristics: 55,000 interviews, covering the population age 18-75, representative regional and metropolitan areas, link (administrative data, PIAAC) • this design allows the survey to produce statistically significant estimates of aggregates also relatively rare (little numerous) in the population (70,000 to 100,000 individuals) • 5 waves are available and the maximum length of the panel is 2005-2011 • Next wave will start in the first quarter of 2013
PLUS’s structure • individual data • status: employed, unemployed, students, inactive • education level and school performance • background (education level and job) • earnings • household income, consumption and savings • target 1: young • target 2: Women • target 3: age 50-64 • target 4: age 65-75 (new!) • relatives and child care,health (disability) • well-being, resilience, MAcAD's questions • local public services (including PES) • training activity - life long learning partially overlapping domains
in light of the many experiences and analyzes proposed in this Conference • taking into account the different way of conducting the interview (CAPI v/s CATI) • while considering different populations: marginal MAcAD v/s standard PLUSIt is believed that the possibility of administering it to such a large audience can have a big return in terms of knowledge of the activation phenomena (capability approach) that many Italians live, especially during this long economic crisis.
comments, criticisms, suggestions and experiences are welcome, Plus and MAcAD Team Thanks for your attention Emiliano Mandrone e.mandrone@isfol.it Debora Radicchia d.radicchia@isfol.it Matteo D’Emilione m.demilione@isfol.it Simona Tenaglia s.tenaglia@isfol.it Paolo Raciti p.raciti@isfol.it Giovanna Giuliano g.giuliano@isfol.it Luca Fabrizi l.fabrizi@isfol.it Paloma Vivaldi p.vivaldi@isfol.it Andrea Lazzarini a.lazzarini@isfol.it IsfolEnte Pubblico di Ricerca