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Darwin Phones: the Evolution of Sensing and Inference on Mobile Phones. Emiliano Miluzzo * , Cory T. Cornelius * , Ashwin Ramaswamy * , Tanzeem Choudhury * , Zhigang Liu ** , Andrew T. Campbell * * CS Department – Dartmouth College ** Nokia Research Center – Palo Alto.
Darwin Phones: the Evolution of Sensing and Inference on Mobile Phones Emiliano Miluzzo*, Cory T. Cornelius*, AshwinRamaswamy*, TanzeemChoudhury*, Zhigang Liu**, Andrew T. Campbell* * CS Department – Dartmouth College ** Nokia Research Center – Palo Alto
Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
evolution of sensing and inference on mobile phones Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
PR time Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
ok… so what ?? Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
density Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
sensing accelerometer …. digital compass microphone light sensor/camera GPS WiFi/bluetooth Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
sensing …. accelerometer air quality / pollution sensor digital compass gyroscope microphone light sensor/camera GPS WiFi/bluetooth Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
programmability • free SDK • - multitasking Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
hardware • - 600 MHz CPU • - up to 1GB • application memory computation capability is increasing Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
application distribution Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
application distribution deploy apps onto millions of phones at the blink of an eye Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
application distribution deploy apps onto millions of phones at the blink of an eye collect huge amount of data for research purposes Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
cloud infrastructure cloud - backend support Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
cloud infrastructure cloud - backend support Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
cloud infrastructure cloud - backend support we want to push intelligence to the phone Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
cloud infrastructure cloud - backend support preserve the phone user experience (battery lifetime, ability to make calls, etc.) Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
cloud infrastructure cloud - backend support • sensing • run machine learning algorithms locally (feature extraction + inference) Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
cloud infrastructure cloud - backend support run machine learning algorithms (learning) • sensing • run machine learning algorithms locally (feature extraction + inference) Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
cloud infrastructure cloud - backend support store and crunch big data (fusion) run machine learning algorithms (learning) • sensing • run machine learning algorithms locally (feature extraction + inference) Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
cloud infrastructure cloud - backend support store and crunch big data (fusion) run machine learning algorithms (learning) 3 to 5 years from now our phones will be as powerful as a • sensing • run machine learning algorithms locally (feature extraction + inference) Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
cloud infrastructure cloud - backend support store and crunch big data (fusion) run machine learning algorithms (learning) 3 to 5 years from now our phones will be as powerful as a • sensing • run machine learning algorithms locally (feature extraction + inference) Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
cloud infrastructure cloud - backend support store and crunch big data (fusion) run machine learning algorithms (learning) 3 to 5 years from now our phones will be as powerful as a • sensing • run machine learning algorithms locally (feature extraction + inference) Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
cloud infrastructure cloud - backend support store and crunch big data (fusion) run machine learning algorithms (learning) 3 to 5 years from now our phones will be as powerful as a • Sensing • run machine learning algorithms locally • (feature extraction + learning + inference) Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
programmability sensing cloud infrastructure Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
programmability sensing ?? cloud infrastructure Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
societal scale sensing reality mining using mobile phones will play a big role in the future global mobilesensornetwork Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
end of PR – now darwin Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
a small building block towards the big vision Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
from motes to mobile phones Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
evolution of sensing and inference on mobile phones from motes to mobile phones Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
evolution of sensing and inference on mobile phones from motes to mobile phones • classification model • evolution darwin • classification model • pooling • collaborative • inference Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
darwin sensing apps social context microphone camera audio / pollution / RF fingerprinting GPS/WiFi/ cellular air quality pollution image / video manipulation • classification model • evolution darwin applies distributed computing and collaborative inference concepts to mobile sensing systems • classification model • pooling • collaborative • inference Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
why darwin? mobile phone sensing today Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
why darwin? mobile phone sensing today train classification model X in the lab Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
why darwin? mobile phone sensing today train classification model X in the lab deploy classifier X Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
why darwin? mobile phone sensing today train classification model X in the lab deploy classifier X train classification model X’ in the lab Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
why darwin? mobile phone sensing today train classification model X in the lab deploy classifier X train classification model X’ in the lab deploy classifier X’ Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
why darwin? mobile phone sensing today a fully supervised approach doesn’t scale! train classification model X in the lab deploy classifier X train classification model X’ in the lab deploy classifier X’ Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
why darwin? a same classifier does not scale to multiple environments (e.g., quiet and noisy env) Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
why darwin? a same classifier does not scale to multiple environments (e.g., quiet and noisy env) Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
why darwin? a same classifier does not scale to multiple environments (e.g., quiet and noisy env) Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
why darwin? a same classifier does not scale to multiple environments (e.g., quiet and noisy env) darwin creates new classification models transparently from the user (classification model evolution) Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
why darwin? ability for an application to rapidly scale to many devices Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu
why darwin? ability for an application to rapidly scale to many devices darwin re-uses classification models when possible (classification model pooling) Emiliano Miluzzo miluzzo@cs.dartmouth.edu