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Android Annotations

Android Annotations. Dale King. Goal. Give an overview of AndroidAnnotations to whet your appetite I’ll touch on probably 90% of the annotations My goal is not to make you an expert on AndroidAnnotations , but just make you want to go try it and learn more. What are AndroidAnnotations?.

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Android Annotations

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  1. Android Annotations Dale King

  2. Goal • Give an overview of AndroidAnnotations to whet your appetite • I’ll touch on probably 90% of the annotations • My goal is not to make you an expert on AndroidAnnotations, but just make you want to go try it and learn more.

  3. What are AndroidAnnotations? • AndroidAnnotations is an Open Source annotation processing library that speeds up Android development • It takes care of the plumbing, and lets you concentrate on what's really important. • By simplifying your code, it facilitates its maintenance. "The ratio of time spent reading [code] versus writing is well over 10 to 1... making it easy to read makes it easier to write." - Robert C. Martin

  4. What is Annotation Processing? • Annotation Processing is a feature of the Java compiler that lets you write a library to process source code annotations at compile time • Runs your annotation processing code in the compiler and can generate new source code files that will also be compiled • There is no way with public API to modify existing classes

  5. How does it work? • AndroidAnnotations is a Java Annotation Processing Tool that generates Android specific source code based on annotations • It enhances a class by subclassing it with a generated class that adds and overrides methods in the annotated class • The generated class is named by appending an underscore to the name of the annotated class

  6. How do you use it? • APT is built into Sun javac so all you have to do is include Android Annotations jar in compile time class path • In Eclipse it needs to be enabled for the project • There is a bug in the Eclipse compiler that causes spurious errors if you import an APT generated class. So either access from same package or fully qualify

  7. How do you use it? • Everywhere in the project that you refer to an enhanced class you append an underscore to the class name: • In the Android Manifest • In layout resources • In the code • The git repo has examples on setting up with maven + eclipse and gradle

  8. Enhanced Component Annotations • Code generation begins with a class that is annotated with one of the enhanced component annotations (which start with E) • @EActivity • @EApplication • @EBean • @EFragment • @EProvider • @EReceiver • @EService • @EView • @EViewGroup

  9. Layout Injection With @EActivity and @EFragment public class MyListActivity extends ListActivity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); } @EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyListActivity extends ListActivity {

  10. Fluent Intent Building Interface for EActivity and EService Intent intent = new Intent(myContext, MyActivity.class);intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TOP);startActivity(intent); MyActivity_.intent(myContext) .flags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TOP) .start();

  11. View Injections • For components with associated views you can have views automatically injected into fields @EActivity publicclassMyActivityextends Activity { // Injects R.id.myEditText @ViewByIdEditTextmyEditText; @ViewById(R.id.myTextView) TextViewtextView;

  12. Resource Injections • Can have resources automatically injected into fields. 16 different annotations based on type: @Eactivity publicclassMyActivityextends Activity { @StringRes(R.string.hello) String myHelloString; @IntegerResint offset;

  13. @EApplication and @App • EApplication adds no new functionality to annotated application but let’s you automatically inject the application into any other enhanced component using @App annotation: @EActivity publicclassMyActivityextendsActivity { @App MyApplicationapplication;

  14. @EBean and @Bean • EBean lets you enable enhancement for your own custom classes. Class must have one constructor that takes no parameters or a Context parameter. • You can automatically inject new instances of a bean into any other enhanced component using @Bean annotation: • Optionally EBean can be declared as a singleton

  15. Injecting Beans @EActivity publicclassMyActivityextends Activity { @Bean MyBeanmyEnhancedBean; @Bean(MyImplementation.class) MyInterfacemyInterface;

  16. @Extra • @Extra lets you inject extra values from an intent into an EActivity @EActivity publicclassMyActivityextends Activity { @Extra("myStringExtra") String myMessage; @Extra Date myDate = new Date();

  17. Fragment Injection • Lets you inject fragments by ID or by tag • Does not create them, must already be created (e.g. in the layout) @EActivity(R.layout.fragments) publicclassMyActivityextendsFragmentActivity{ @FragmentByIdMyFragmentmyFragment; @FragmentByTag("myFragmentTag") MyFragmentmyFragmentTag2;

  18. Fragment Argument Injection • Lets you inject arguments to a fragment into an enhanced fragment: @EFragment publicclassMyFragmentextends Fragment { @FragmentArg("myStringArgument") String myMessage; @FragmentArg String anotherStringArgument;

  19. System Service Injection • Simplifies accessing system services from an activity: NotificationManagernotificationManager= (NotificationManager)context.getSystemService( Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); @EActivity publicclassMyActivityextends Activity { @SystemService NotificationManagernotificationManager;

  20. @AfterViews • Method annotation for methods that are called after views are injected: @EActivity(R.layout.main) publicclassMyActivityextends Activity { @ViewByIdTextViewmyTextView; @AfterViewsvoidupdateTextWithDate(){ myTextView.setText("Date: " +new Date()); }

  21. @AfterInject • Method annotation for methods to be called when injection is complete for @Ebean @EBeanpublicclassMyClass{ @Bean MyOtherClassdependency; publicMyClass(){ // dependency is null } @AfterInjectpublicvoiddoSomething (){ // dependency is set here }

  22. Event Binding • Method annotations for methods that are automatically called in response to UI events @TextChange @AfterTextChange @BeforeTextChange @FocusChange @CheckedChange @Touch @Click @LongClick @ItemClick @ItemLongClick @ItemSelect @OptionsItem @SeekBarProgressChange @SeekBarTouchStart @SeekBarTouchStop

  23. Event Binding Examples @Click(R.id.myButton) voidmyButtonWasClicked(){[...]} @Click voidanotherButton(){... } @Click voidyetAnotherButton(View clickedView){... }

  24. @Background Annotation • Method annotation that causes method to be executed on a background thread voidmyMethod(){ someBackgroundWork("hello", 42); } @Background voidsomeBackgroundWork(String aParam,longanotherParam) { // … }

  25. @Background parameters • @Background(id="cancelable_task") • Allows job to be cancelled based on id • @Background(serial = "test") • All background tasks with same serial value will be executed sequentially • @Background(delay=2000) • Delay before starting task

  26. @UIThread • Method annotation that causes method to run on UI Thread (supports delay parameter): voidmyMethod(){ doInUiThread("hello", 42); } @UiThread voiddoInUiThread(String aParam,longanotherParam){ // ... }

  27. EActivity Modification annotations • Annotations to add to an EActivity to modify its behavior • @NoTitle • Shows activity with no title • @FullScreen • Requests full screen • @CustomTitle(R.layout.custom_title) • Use custom resource for title

  28. Shared Preference Annotations • Annotations to create a type-safe shared preference interface: @SharedPref publicinterfaceMyPrefs{ @DefaultString("John") String name(); @DefaultInt(42) intage(); longlastUpdated(); }

  29. Injecting Shared Preference • The @Pref annotation will inject a shared preference instance: @EActivity publicclassMyActivityextends Activity { @Pref MyPrefs_ myPrefs; // ... }

  30. Modifying Shared preferences // Simple edit myPrefs.name().put("John"); // Batch edit myPrefs.edit().name().put("John") .age().put(42).apply(); // Preference clearing: myPrefs.clear();

  31. Reading Shared Preferences // Check if a value exists: booleannameExists= myPrefs.name().exists(); // Reading a value longlastUpdated=myPrefs.lastUpdated().get(); // Reading a value and providing a default longnow =System.currentTimeMillis(); longlastUpdated=myPrefs.lastUpdated().getOr(now);

  32. Options Menu annotations @EActivity @OptionsMenu(R.menu.my_menu) publicclassMyActivityextends Activity { @OptionMenuItem MenuItemmenuSearch; @OptionsItem(R.id.menuShare) voidmyMethod(){ // … }

  33. Options Menu continued @OptionsItem voidhomeSelected(){ // The "Selected" keyword is optional }@OptionsItem({R.id.menu_search, R.id.menu_delete}) voidmultipleMenuItems(){ } @OptionsItemvoidmenu_add(MenuItem item){ // You can add a MenuItemparameter }

  34. @InstanceState • Field annotation to cause field to be saved and restored in instance state automatically @Eactivity publicclassMyActivityextends Activity { @InstanceState intsomeId; @InstanceState MySerializableBeanbean;

  35. @OnActivityResult • Method annotation to connect methods as callbacks for startActivityForResult @OnActivityResult(REQUEST_CODE) voidonResult(intresultCode, Intent data){}@OnActivityResult(REQUEST_CODE) voidonResult(intresultCode){} @OnActivityResult(ANOTHER_REQUEST_CODE) voidonResult(Intent data){} @OnActivityResult(ANOTHER_REQUEST_CODE) voidonResult(){}

  36. Miscellaneous • @OrmLiteDao – Field annotation for injecting OrmLite DAOs • @RoboGuice – Combine Android Annotations with RoboGuice dependency injection without subclassing • @Trace – Method annotation that logs entry and exit for the method • @Transactional – Method annotation that executes method in a SQLite transaction

  37. REST API • Rest API lets you easily create REST clients using clean interfaces. • It is a wrapper around the Spring Android RestTemplate Module.

  38. Summary • Android Annotations lets you reduce the amount of code to create an Android app • Takes care of the boilerplate code for you. • The work is done at compile time so does not slow app down (unlike RoboGuice) • https://github.com/excilys/androidannotations

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