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Phylum Nematoda

Phylum Nematoda. Roundworms Roundworms. monsters inside me roundworms. Taxonomy. Kingdom Animalia Phylum Nematoda Class Secernentea Class Adenophorea Filarial worms Trichinella worm Roundworms Hookworms Pinworms. General Characteristics.

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Phylum Nematoda

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  1. Phylum Nematoda Roundworms Roundworms

  2. monsters inside me roundworms

  3. Taxonomy Kingdom Animalia Phylum Nematoda Class Secernentea Class Adenophorea Filarial worms Trichinella worm Roundworms Hookworms Pinworms

  4. General Characteristics • Live in fresh and salt water, soil and inside organisms • Live in every habitable environment • Over 8,000 named species • Parasites to many plants and almost every type of animal • Pseudocoelomate: false body cavity • Straight-through digestive tract with 2 openings

  5. Form and Function • BodyPlan: Pseudocoelom • Threelayers: Epidermal (cuticle) layer, muscle layer and gut cavity • The pseudocoel is fluid-filled and holds reproductive organs

  6. Form and Function • Epidermis: thick cuticle layer for protection • Hydrostaticskeleton: a fluid-filled, pressurized cavity surrounded by muscle

  7. Digestion • DigestiveSystem: Consists of a mouth, pharynx (throat), an intestine, a rectum and an anus • One way straight path

  8. Circulation and Respiration • Circulation: No circulatory system: Cells circulate nutrients and gases • Respiration: Gas exchange occurs through diffusion through cuticle • Sensoryorgans: 2 nerve cords (ventral and dorsal)

  9. Movement • Movement: move by muscle contractions and cilia (tiny hairs)

  10. Reproduction • Most are dioecious • Fertilization is internal • Males have a spicule to grab on to the female while mating • Shelled fertilized eggs are stored in the uterus until they can be deposited in the soil • One female can lay up to 200,000 eggs in one day

  11. Life Cycle Stages • 4 juvenile stages with molting occurring between stages • Some stages require an intermediate host

  12. Class Secernentea: Roundworms • Most common worm parasite in humans • Live in Tropical areas with poor sanitation • Eggs can survive for years in soil (unhatched) • Contracted by eating vegetables from infected soil • Lives in the intestines of the host but can migrate to the heart, lungs or brain • roundworm parasite in toddler

  13. Class Secernentea: Hookworms • Transmitted through the soil • Either ingested or can burrow through the skin • Attach to the intestinal wall and suck more blood than they need • Can lead to high amounts of blood loss • parasite from cat scratch

  14. Pinworms • The most common parasite in the U.S. • Contracted through ingestion or anally • Adults live in large intestine • Live in intestines but migrate to the anus at night to lay their eggs

  15. Filarial Worms • Most common is the heartworm in dogs • Enters tissues and causes immense swelling (elephantitis) • Transmitted into blood stream through mosquitoes

  16. Class Adenophorea: Trichinella Worm • Cause the potentially lethal disease trichinosis • They are found in almost any body tissue • Transmitted by eating uncooked pork or other infested meat • Infect a wide range of mammals • trichinosis • monsters inside me

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