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We invite you to find out more about…. 1. EU Project. 4 . Leonardo Office Saxony -Anhalt. 2. Concept. 5 . Health -care Commu-nication. A language and cultural learning tool + a translation tool

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  1. We invite you to find out more about… 1. EU Project 4. Leonardo Office Saxony-Anhalt 2. Concept 5. Health-care Commu-nication A language and cultural learning tool + a translation tool To overcome cultural and linguistic barriers between healthcare professionals and patients in medical care For staff and students in the medical sector 3. Project Partners 6. Contact // Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt / angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de

  2. 1. EU Project • Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project • „Vocationally Oriented Culture and Language“ (VOCAL) • Following two earlier successful EU projects • EU-Grant: 278.000 €, total cost: 377.000 € • Duration: February 2014 - February 2016 • Project Launch: 14th-15th January 2016 in Krakow • Testing of tools: currently // Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt / angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de

  3. 1. 3 EU Projects since 2003 Pilot project 1. 2003-2005 Transfer of innovation project 2. 2007-2009 www.vocalproject.eu Transfer of innovation project 3. 2014-2016 // Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt / angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de

  4. 2. 3 Projects & A Common Concept Good communication and intercultural competence in vocational settings NEED • Increased mobility in Europe • More and more people do not share a common language and cultural background • Intercultural differences and language barriers occur WHY? Gaining practical language skills and cultural awareness AIM • By developing learning materials: • Open access + web based + multilingual + interactive HOW? // Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt / angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de // Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt / angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de

  5. 2. VOCAL vs. VOCAL-MEDICAL Transfer of Innovation VOCAL VOCAL-MEDICAL COMMUNICATION SITUATION Placement situations Healthcare situations Medical / Healthcare students preparing for mobility placement + Medical staff TARGET GROUPS Students preparing for mobility placement 10 European languages LANGUAGES 13 European languages Website with learning materials + translation tool Website with learning materials MATERIALS // Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt / angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de

  6. Project Partners Language Learning & InterculturalAwareness EU Project Management (LdV) 3. Professional Background • An interprofessional project team Health Care / Emergency Services IT / Computer • 10 Countries & 14 Partners Turkey Ireland Belgium Bulgaria Slovenia Slovakia UK Poland Lithuania Germany // Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt / angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de

  7. List of Partners 3. • Institute of Technology, Tralee (ITT) [project management] • The Royal College ofSurgeons in Ireland • Thomas More Kempen • PaisilHilendarski University of Plovdiv • Assist GmbH • Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt [we are presenting today!] • Kaunas University of Technology • Danmar Computers Malgorzata Miklos • Foundation Institute for Entrepreneurship and Regional Development • National Emergency Center of the Slovak Republic • Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava • Srednja Sola Za Gostinstvo in Turizem Celje • Mesleki Ve Teknik Egitimi Gelistirme Dernegi • Alcantara Communications LLP // Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt / angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de

  8. 4. Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt (GER) Where we are… • Healthstudies at ourpartneruniversities: • Medicine (2 partners) • Toothmedicine • Healthpromotion & management • Health & healthcaresciences • Healthcareapprenticeships Who we are… We are a project partner because… • A regional placement consortia of 7 universities • Founded in 1991 • Organizing the collaboration between universities and the business sector • Within the framework of EU-projects • Ourmedical / healthstudents will use VOCAL-MEDICAL: • toimprovethequalityoftheir international placementsbybetterpreparation • Ourmedical / healthstaff will use VOCAL-MEDICAL: • toimprovecommunicationwith international patients Magdeburg Our key activities are… • EU mobilityprojects: • Placements forstudents, graduates, apprentices (Outgoings) • Placement andmentoringof European trainees in Saxony-Anhalt (Incomings) • Improvementofthequalityofplacements // Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt / angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de

  9. Healthcare Communication 5. Good communication can make the difference between life and death in emergency cases! Tool1: Web based learning & training for medical staff He/she will meet patients speaking different languages and with different cultural backgrounds How should I start the conversation with a patient from … ? What are the basics of the national health system of … ? ! He/she will work in a foreign country with a different healthcare system Dialogues imitating real-life situations Phrases Self-tests Goodpreparationisnecessary! Communicative problems increase the risk for medical mistakes and lower therapy adherence! Situation A: A medical student is planning a practical training abroad How can I deal with cross-cultural situations? Information on health systems Keywords Which keywords and phrases will I need? www.vocal-medical.eu Technical language will be needed Information about the local health system will be needed Which specific religious aspects, gender attitudes, health beliefs do I have to keep in mind? Intercultural training & comments How can patient and healthcare professionals of different language and cultural background understand each other better (in emergency cases)? Switching between languages Which questioning techniques can I use to obtain all the information needed from the patient? Audio files ? Skills & knowledge in intercultural communication will be needed What are the dos and dont´s in cross-culture communication? // Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt / angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de

  10. Healthcare Communication 5. Tool 2: Mobile translation application Situation B: Emergency case Doctor from country A Patient from country B www.m.vocal-medical.eu • Has to pose questions to obtain information on the patient´s: • Current complaint • Past medical history • Allergies • Medication • Last oral intake • Events leading to the current complaint • Family / social history помогать Please try to stay calm. Includes a set of questions to be posed by the first aider Includes a set of possible answers in the patient´s language ? • Has to understand the doctor´s questions ? ? • Has to answer the doctor´s questions Mobile website (for mobile phones, tablets) Switching between languages How can they talk to and understand each other? • Has to understand the patient´s answers // Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt / angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de

  11. Contact 6. www.leonardo.ovgu.de Kristin Brogan Institute of Technology, Tralee (ITT) Lead Project Partner VOCAL-MEDICAL If you are interested contact us! Angela Wittkamp Project Coordinator Leonardo-Office c/o Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg GERMANY kristin.brogan@staff.ittralee.ie angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de // Leonardo-Office Saxony-Anhalt / angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de

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