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Learn about R&D projects supporting the Marine Strategy Framework Directive implementation at the Marine & Coastal Research Seminar in Brussels. Explore FP7 funding details and policy contexts for marine research.
FP7 Environment ProgrammeMarine & Coastal Research Seminar on R&D projects supporting the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Implementation 22 February 2012 , Brussels Ana Teresa Caetano European Commission DG R&I - Environment Directorate Management of Natural Resources Unit
FP7 Structure and Thematic Areas2007-2013 EU’s chief instrument for funding research Environment Programme Budget ~€ 2 billion • First level • Second level • Third level • Fourth level • Fifth level Implementation: On an annual basis through calls for proposals • Balanced combination of funding schemes: • Collaborative research projects • ERA-Nets (coordination) • SICAs (Int. Cooperation) • Coordination and support actions
FP7 Marine & Coastal ResearchCooperation sp programme EU contribution (2007-2010): Environment ~200M€ Transport ~138 M€ KBBE ~98 M€ (*) Energy ~76 M€ ICT ~50 M€ Space ~47 M€ Security ~ 44M€ Health ~3 M€ (*) Socio-eco-hum ~1 M€ (*)data does not include the KBBE and Health 2010 calls Total = ~685 M€ (*) FP7 marine/maritime all programmes => average 213 M€/y
FP7 Environment ProgrammePolicy Context Environmental Research to support International commitments such as: • UN FCCC and Kyoto Protocol and Montreal Protocols • UN Convention on Biological Diversity • UN Strategy for Disaster Reduction • World Summit on Sustainable Development • Intergovernmental panel for Climate Change (IPCC) • Group on Earth Observations (GEO) ATC/R&I I.3 Management of Natural Resources Unit
FP7 Environment ProgrammePolicy Context (cont.) Environmental Research to support EU policies such as: • European Climate Change Programme II • 6th Environmental Action Plan and associated Thematic Strategies (air, waste, marine protection, biodiversity, soil, pesticides, urban) • Action Plans on Environmental Technologies and Environment and Health • European directives – Water Directive, REACH (chemicals), CAFE (air quality), INSPIRE (env. Data) • Marine Strategy Framework Directive – environmental pillar of the Maritime Policy • Integrated Maritime Policy for the Union (“The Blue Book”) • EU Strategy for Marine and Maritime Research – science pillar of the Maritime Policy • Europe 2020 Strategy and related flag ship initiatives e.g., the Innovation Union, A resource-efficient Europe ATC/R&I I.3 Management of Natural Resources Unit
FP7 Environment ProgrammePolicy Context (cont.) “If we really want to build sustainable policies and practices, we need better knowledge [...] we need marine research and innovation if we want to make our sick European seas healthy again.” Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for Environment "substantial need to develop additional scientific understanding for assessing GES in a coherent and holistic manner to support the ecosystem-based approach to management.» EC Decision on GES ATC/R&I I.3 Management of Natural Resources Unit
FP7 Environment Programme Marine & Coastal Research Calls 2007- 2011 Marine R&D projects with some components of research in support to the Marine Strategy Directive • Management of marine environments: 18 Funded activities • Ex: ODEMM, MEECE, Knowseas, SESAME, MESMA, Vectors, PERSEUS, Coralfish, Hermione Climate Change, Pollution and Risks: 9 funded activities Ex: THOR, EPOCA , MedSea, Ice2sea, ATP, CLAMER: Climate change and marine ecosystems => Conference Sept. 2011 Ocean observation systems and monitoring methods: 8 funded activities Ex: Eurosites, Acobar, Hypox, Envirogrids, Medina Monitoring technologies: 4 funded activities Ex: Protool, Midtal, WreckProtect and Theseus 04/01/2020
FP7 Marine & Coastal Research Calls 2012 – R&D in support of the Marine Directive: • Support the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) and other relevant Policies (CFP, IMP) • Address research gaps about the definition and monitoring of the “Good Environment Status” (GES) of EU waters to be achieved by 2020 • 9 Topics targeting several descriptors (e.g. biological diversity, sea floor integrity, sea food contaminants, litter, noise) • Dedicated budget: 42 Million € • Status: call closed (evaluations and negotiation on going) • FP7 Themes involved: Theme 2 (KBBE), Theme 5 (ENERGY), Theme 6 (Environment) and Theme 7 (Transport)
Calls 2012 – R&D in support of the Marine Directive (some results): FP7 Marine & Coastal Research BENTHIS: study adverse impact of fisheries on benthic ecosystem which may negatively affect the fisheries yield and integrity of the sea bed – Collaborative project - EC proposed funding ~ 6 Million€ (under negotiation, KBBE) ECsafeSEAFOOD:assess environmental contaminants in seafood – Collaborative project – EC proposed funding ~3 Million€ (under negotiation, KBBE) STAGES: Science and Technology Advancing Governance of Good Environmental Status – Support Action - EC proposed funding ~1 Million€ (under negotiation, Environment)
Calls 2012 – R&D in support of the Marine Directive (some results): FP7 Environment Programme Marine & Coastal Research STAGES - Science and Technology Advancing Governance of Good Environmental Status (FP7 Environment support action) • Aims: • Extract the knowledge of EU and national research funded activities in the area of marine environment, synthesise it and make it widely accessible (per descriptor, criteria, indicator, pressures and impacts) • Identify the needs for further researchto improve the scientific underpinning for the implementation of the Marine Directive, • Assess options for the development of a structured science / policy interfaceplatformsustainable on the long term in support to the Implementation of Marine Directive.
FP7 Environment Programme Marine & Coastal Research Promoting Synergies – Governance • SEAS-Era: Towards Integrated European Marine Research Strategy and Programmes (Eranet) • develop a coordination structure of MS marine research programmes sustainable at the long term with the major goal of developing and implementing common research strategies related to the EU basins • Link with JPI Healthy Oceans and Seas – Adopted by the Council Dec 2011 • Bonus-185 :Joint Baltic Sea Research Programme. Adopted in July 2010 ATC/R&I I.3 Management of Natural Resources Unit
FP7 Environment ProgrammeMarine & Coastal Research Calls 2013 – Marine research topics • Joint Call « The Ocean of Tomorrow » • Innovative Sensors For In-Situ Monitoring Of Marine Environment And Related Maritime Activities • Biosensors For Real time Monitoring of Contaminants In The Marine Environment Involving several FP7 Themes other than Theme 6 (Environment) • FP7 Environment workprogramme includes other relevant marine research related topics (e.g. seabed mining, climate related oceans processes, coastal threats) • Launch of the call => summer 2012 (last FP7 calls) ATC/R&I I.3 Management of Natural Resources Unit
Europe 2020 priorities European Research Area International cooperation Shared objectives and principles • Tackling Societal Challenges • Health, demographic change and wellbeing • Food security, sustainable agriculture and the bio-economy • Secure, clean and efficient energy • Smart, green and integrated transport • Climate action and resource efficiency, including raw materials • Inclusive, innovative and secure societies • EIT and JRC will contribute to addressing these challenges • Creating Industrial Leadership and Competitive Frameworks • Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies • ICT • Nanotechnology, advanced materials, biotechnology and advanced manufacturing & processing • Space • Access to risk finance • Innovation in SMEs • Excellence in the Science Base • The European Research Council (Frontier research) • Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) • Skills, training and career development (Marie Curie) • European research infrastructures Coherent with other EU and MS actions Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes Horizon 2020 – Objectives and structure Simplified access
Climate Action and Resource Efficiency, including Raw Materials Challenge The challenge is to achieve a resource efficient and climate change resilient economy that meets the needs of a growing global population within the natural limits of a finite planet. Activities will increase European competitiveness and improve well being, whilst assuring environmental integrity, keeping average global warming below 2 °C and enabling ecosystems and society to adapt to climate change. Horizon 2020
Climate Action and Resource Efficiency, including Raw Materials Challenge Policy drivers include: Europe 2020 strategy Innovation Union - research and innovation key drivers of competitiveness, jobs, sustainable growth and social progress A Resource-Efficient Europe and the corresponding Roadmap – promoting the shift towards a resource-efficient and low carbon economy which will help us to fight against climate change and limit the environmental impacts of resource use Adapting to climate change: Towards a European framework for action The Raw Materials Initiative The EU Sustainable Development Strategy An Integrated Maritime Policy for the EU (incl. MSFD) The Eco-innovation Action Plan Etc. Horizon 2020
Climate Action and Resource Efficiency, including Raw Materials Challenge Broad line of activities (emphasis on marine research): Fighting and adapting to climate change by further improving the scientific knowledge-base of climate drivers, processes, mechanisms and feedbacks associated with the functioning of oceans Sustainably managing natural resources and ecosystems Further our understanding of the functioning of ecosystems, including research on marine ecosystems, from coastal zones to the deep sea. Provide knowledge and tools for effective decision making and public engagement . Emphasis will be put on critical policy relevant ecosystems and ecosystem services, such as fresh water, seas and oceans. Ensuring the sustainable supply of non-energy and non-agricultural raw materials including access to deep-sea resources (e.g. sea-bed mining). Enabling the transition towards a green economy through eco-innovation Developing comprehensive and sustained global environmental observation & information systems Horizon 2020
From FP7 to Towards HORIZON 2020 a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation funding Indicative time line Nov 2011: HORIZON 2020 Commission proposal adoption Summer 2012: FP7 last calls (bridging with Horizon 2020) 2012-2013: HORIZON 2020 Parliament and Council discussion End 2013: HORIZON 2020 Parliament and Council adoption of legislative acts 01/01/2014: HORIZON 2020 starts; launch of first calls
HORIZON 2020 http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm Marine Research http://ec.europa.eu/research/environment/index_en.cfm?pg=marine New CORDIS Projects Service http://cordis.europa.eu /projects