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Environmental Science

Explore marine pollution sources, Federal laws for marine ecology protection, ocean acidification causes, coral reef threats, and estuary abiotic conditions. Test and quiz schedules included.

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Environmental Science

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  1. Environmental Science Agendas Fall 2013

  2. To get Textbook on-line • Go to my.hrw.com • Login: allper_stude • Fill in the _ with your period number • Example: if you are in 4th period, your login would be allper4stude • Password: • Per 1: k8j6s • Per 4: p9s7b • Per 5: v2t7z

  3. REMIND 101 Text to 706 434-8709 Period 1: @1d10e Period 4: @cd298 Period 5: @ed840 Period 6: @8ee7a Period 7: @fbc83

  4. Environmental Science: T 11/19 Marine Vocabulary Quiz Warm Up • Where does most ocean pollution come from? (Justify with text, p. 197 & 311.) • How much marine oil pollution is spilled by non-point sources on land? Compare to amount by ocean tankers. (Justify with text p. 311) • Describe the Federal laws that are designed to protect marine ecology. (DATE, NAME, DESCRIPTION)

  5. Environmental Science: M 11/18 Warm Up • What is the cause of ocean acidification? • What is the cause of the answer to #1? • What causes more damage, oil spills from drill rigs and tanker ships or oil “drips” on land? CW: Oil spill lab Vocab Quiz tomorrow Test Thursday

  6. Environmental Science: F 11/15 Turn in Coral Reef webquest • Coral Reefs Benefits, Threats, and Solutions notes • Ocean Acidification video • Start End of the Line if time GO TROJANS!

  7. Environmental Science: Th 11/14 Warm Up • Where do most of the threats to coral reefs come from? • What are some big threats to open ocean environments? • If you were algae (!) would you rather live in cold or warm water? Explain. Notes + video clips HW: Coral Reef Web Quest due tomorrow Vocab quiz Tues Marine ecosystems test Thursday (7.2, 11.3 + class)

  8. Environmental Science: T 11/12 Warm Up • Which is more dense: salt or fresh water? How do you know? • Define diffusion. Notes on coral reefs and ocean acidification. MEET IN MEDIA CENTER TOMORROW

  9. Environmental Science: M 11/11 Warm Up • What is an estuary? • What special abiotic conditions exist in an estuary? • Why are estuaries so threatened? Notes on estuaries Marine ecosystems vocabulary p 197 Q 1&2 Test corrections due at end of week (ASE, B4 & after school)

  10. Environmental Science: F  11/8 • Share Current Events • Test corrections

  11. Environmental Science: Th 11/7 • Turn in unit vocabulary • Test • Journal check • CURRENT EVENT DUE FRIDAY

  12. Environmental Science: W 11/6 Fill in BINGO sheet – both sides Correct yesterday’s warm up question Answer questions from review guide • Collecting vocab tomorrow Test Thursday: Freshwater (Ch 7.1 & Ch 11 + extras from field trip and video) CURRENT EVENT DUE FRIDAY

  13. Environmental Science: T 11/5 Warm Up • Which is easier to remediate – contaminated surface water or groundwater? Explain. CW: Complete study guide with ONE partner. Test Thursday: Freshwater (Ch 7.1 & Ch 11 + extras from field trip and video) CURRENT EVENT DUE FRIDAY

  14. Environmental Science: M 11/4 • Turn in Water Footprint Webquest • Returns Warm Up • Review Unit Vocabulary list. Write down terms you feel we have not yet discussed in class. • Remaining info bits. • Review Ch 11.1 ws & Ch 11.2 answers. • Discuss webquest info. • Review warm-up answers from last Friday, 10/25 HW: print out and bring to class tomorrow: • Aquatic Ecosystems powerpoint slides 1-27; • Freshwater powerpoint Test Thursday: Freshwater (Ch 7.1 & Ch 11 + extras from field trip and video) CURRENT EVENT DUE FRIDAY

  15. Environmental Science: Th10/31 Warm Up • What are the steps of water treatment? • What are the steps of wastewater treatment? Ch11.3: 2 notes from each paragraph (26 ¶) Ch 11.2: Read and answer Reading Checks and section 2 review Q’s #1-5 MEET ME IN MEDIA CENTER TOMORROW Test Wednesday

  16. Wastewater Treatment • Grit screen • Primary: Settlement basin – sludge settles out and transported to landfill, incinerator or fertilizer • Secondary: Biological process - Add bacteria + oxygen (aerobic) • Secondary clarifier (recycle bacteria – eats more waste) • Tertiary treatment – chlorination or UV radiation – kills germs

  17. Water Treatment • Withdrawal from river • aeration • Coagulation (alum) • Floculation • Sedimentation • Filtration • Disinfection & fluoridation (chlorine & fluoride) • Distribution

  18. Environmental Science: W10/30/13 • Turn in Ch 11.1 guided reading ws • Turn in Water Distribution mini-lab if you still have it • Guest Speaker Kathleen Lemley from Cobb County Water System Ch 11.3 2 notes from each paragraph (26 ¶) – Now due Friday BRING TEXTBOOK TOMORROW Test Wednesday

  19. Environmental Science: T10/29 1st per Warm Up • How much of the world’s total water is available to us as fresh surface water, in total %? • What are other methods of obtaining drinking water for areas without fresh surface water? CW/HW: • Complete Water Distribution mini-lab & turn in • Complete 11.1 guided reading – due tomorrow • Ch 11, section 3: due Thursday • Read, • Write each section title (including red subsections) • take 2 important notes from each paragraph(26 ¶’s) Test next Wednesday: Freshwater (Ch 7.1 & Ch 11 + extras from field trip and video)

  20. Environmental Science: T10/29 4th & 5th per Warm Up • How much of the world’s total water is available to us as fresh surface water, in total %? • What are other methods of obtaining drinking water for areas without fresh surface water? Turn in 11.1 guided reading CW/HW: • Complete Water Distribution mini-lab & turn in • Ch 11, section 3: now due Thursday • Write each section title (including red subsections) • take 2 important notes from each paragraph(26 ¶’s) Test next Wednesday: Freshwater (Ch 7.1 & Ch 11 + extras from field trip and video)

  21. Environmental Science: M10/28 Warm Up • What is it called when water gets taken up through plants and sent back to the atmosphere through their leaves? • How does water get back into an aquifer? CW/HW: Ch 11, section 1: Complete Guided Reading – due tomorrow Ch 11, section 3: due Wednesday • Read, • Write each section title (including red subsections) • take 2 important notes from each paragraph Test next Wednesday: Freshwater (Ch 7.1 & Ch 11 + extras from field trip)

  22. Environmental Science: F  10/25 • Summarize three main points from yesterday’s Poisoned Waters video. • What is the endocrine system? Answer #3-6 during the video: • How do the endocrine disruptors, PCB’s and other toxic chemicals get into the waterways? • How do they end up in our drinking water? • How do they end up in our food? • Video notes: list all sources of pollutants to the bay as they are discussed in the video. Chesapeake Bay video: Poisoned Waters

  23. Environmental Science: W 10/23 Feedback on field trip (Write on a separate sheet): • Your Group names (~5) • General impression • What you liked • What you didn’t like • Suggest improvements Class Data collection and analysis Complete macroinvertebrate M&M lab

  24. Environmental Science: M 10/21 • Stamp vocab #33 – 59 Warm Up • What is a macroinvertebrate? • What is a bioindicator? • How do we use macroinvertebrates as bioindicators? Field trip instructions Macroinvertebrate graphing activity (w/ M&M’s !)

  25. Field Trip Instructions • Allergies? Come prepared (epipen, if needed) • Dress for the weather • Sneakers or other closed shoes • Sweatshirt/light jacket/rain gear • Pack a lunch that doesn’t have to be refrigerated • $ if you wish to shop at gift shop (if time) • Buses leave FROM SCIENCE BUILDING AT 8:20 • 1st per, first bus • 4th per, second bus • 5th per, 3rd bus

  26. Environmental Science: F  10/18 TURN IN FIELD TRIP FORMS/$ Current event – share and turn in No Warm Up CW/HW: Complete vocabulary #33 – 59 Due Monday note – some will need to be looked up on line

  27. Environmental Science: Th 10/17 • Turn in Chattahoochee River article Organized Notes • Stamp “Dam Debate” argument points • Current Event DUE TOMORROW • Tomorrow is LAST DAY to turn in field trip permission forms. Warm Up • Describe solutions to river pollution • How does desalination work? • What are 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of desalination?

  28. Environmental Science: W 10/16 TURN IN FIELD TRIP FORMS/$ • Take organized notes on Chattahoochee River History Article • Write 5 bulleted arguments for tomorrow’s debate • Current event due Friday

  29. Environmental Science: T 10/15 TURN IN FIELD TRIP FORMS/$ Warm Up • Brainstorm some benefits of dams. • Brainstorm some negative effects of dams. • Notes on water management. CW/HW: • Take organized notes on The Community Pond Pre-Visit Information – due Thursday (class time will be given tomorrow to work on this) • Current Event due Friday • Prepare for “dam debate” Thursday (create bulleted list of at least 5 arguments)

  30. Environmental Science: M 10/14 TURN IN FIELD TRIP FORMS/$ Complete Watershed Woes pollution activity – turn in Notes on Freshwater Aquatic ecosystems

  31. Environmental Science: F 10/11 • TURN IN FIELD TRIP FORMS/$ Warm Up • What is a watershed? • Brainstorm some possible sources of pollution in rivers. Stamp vocab #1-32 Watershed Woes pollution activity

  32. Environmental Science: Th 10/10 TURN IN FIELD TRIP FORMS/$ Warm Up • How does temperature affect dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in aquatic ecosystems? • How does current/turbulence affect DO levels in aquatic ecosystems? CW/HW: • complete test corrections • Vocab #1-32 – due tomorrow

  33. Environmental Science: W 10/9 Turn in field trip permission/$$ - due Friday Warm Up • List at least 5 different types of aquatic ecosystems (i.e., lakes, etc) • List at least 5 abiotic factors that affect organisms in aquatic ecosystems. GREEN CLUB GUEST SPEAKER FROM ENVIRONMENT GEORGIA TODAY AFTER SCHOOL – HERE – SNACKS! CW/HW • Test returns/make-ups/corrections – due Friday end of day • Aquatic ecosystems vocab – due Friday (class time tomorrow)

  34. Environmental Science: W 10/2 Turn in Packet • Section 5.1 (Energy Transfer) vocab • Section 5.2 (Cycles of Matter) vocab + Q’s • Section 5.3 (Succession) vacab + Q’s • Vocab review sheet • Transfer of Energy in Ecosystems/Food web ws • Carbon Cycle (complete Matter Cycles on back) • Predators as Prey (Shark Article notes) • Turn in field trip permission – exact change, or donation, please • TEST

  35. Environmental Science: T 10/1 Warm Up • Compare and contrast the matter cycles C, N & P Put Packet together – due tomorrow • Section 5.1 (Energy Transfer) vocab • Section 5.2 (Cycles of Matter) vocab + Q’s • Section 5.3 (Succession) vacab + Q’s • Vocab review sheet • Transfer of Energy in Ecosystems/Food web ws • Carbon Cycle (complete Matter Cycles on back) • Predators as Prey (Shark Article notes) • Stamp and review Vocab Review • BINGO review TEST WEDNESDAY: How Ecosystems work (Ch 5)

  36. Environmental Science: M 9/30 Warm Up • What kind of succession is shown in the Mount St. Helen’s video? Explain. • How does an algal bloom lead to oxygen depletion? • Notes on phosphorus cycle • Review and complete C & O worksheet CW/HW: Ch 5 vocab review TEST WEDNESDAY: How Ecosystems work (Ch 5)

  37. Environmental Science: F 9/27 No Warm Up Stamp 5.3 Succession HW NOVA Mount St. Helen’s: Back from the Dead video, with notes

  38. Environmental Science: Th 9/26 • Turn in Dead Zones webquest Warm Up • How does eutrophication relate to the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles? • Short Video notes on eutrophicationand succession. • Powerpoint on succession CW/HW: Succession Book Work: Ch 5, section 3 • Define vocab, including italics • Answer Section Review Q’s p. 141 #1-6 TEST WEDNESDAY: How Ecosystems work (Ch 5)

  39. Environmental Science: W 9/25 After school Wed, Oct. 9th 3:30 – 4:30 Green Club Meeting: presentation by Environmental Georgia (a non-profit organization that works to protect the Georgia environment) Warm Up • What do all fish need to thrive? • What do phytoplankton and algae need to thrive? • Turn in Food Web Project WITH RUBRIC • CW/HW: Dead Zone internet ws TEST WEDNESDAY: How Ecosystems work (Ch 5)

  40. Environmental Science: T 9/24 No Warm Up – start working on C & O cycles sheet Stamp and review matter cycles book questions Notes on Nitrogen and phosphorus cycles CW: C & O cycles ws Food Web Project due Tomorrow

  41. Environmental Science: M 9/23 Warm Up • What are the 3 elements whose cycles are explained in Ch 5.2? • What are the three main ingredients of fertilizer? • What is the main ingredient of “air”? CW/HW: Ch 5.2 1) vocab, including italics 2) read 3) answer end of section questions (p. 136) #1-6 thoroughly Food Web Project NOW DUE WEDNESDAY

  42. Environmental Science: F  9/20 • Stamp graph and article notes • No warm up, but get your journal for later • Questions on project? • Discuss Land to Mouth graph and articles • Review “quiz” (on back of graph) • Turn in Land to Mouth, with graph • Outdoor activity: 2 column observations Nature Man’s effect on nature Food web project due Tuesday

  43. Environmental Science: Th 9/19 SIGN UP FOR REMIND 101 No Warm Up Stamp and review Land to Mouth activity Shark Articles CW: complete Land to Mouth graph – due tomorrow BRING TEXT BOOK TOMORROW Apex Predator Food Web due Tuesday

  44. Environmental Science: W 9/18 Warm Up • Describe the effects on the food web from yesterday’s ws if the frog population declined. • Stamp energy pyramid • Food chain quiz ws & From Land to Mouth activity – due tomorrow • Assign APEX predator project – due next Tuesday

  45. Environmental Science: T 9/17 Warm Up • How does energy transfer in an ecosystem? • Does energy cycle in an ecosystem? Explain. • Is energy transfer 100% efficient? Explain. CW/HW: Energy pyramid ws – both sides Below FOOD WEB diagram, write in longest food chain you can find. Add in energy % and trophic levels for each organism in chain.

  46. Environmental Science: M 9/16 • Journal Check • Review Friday’s warm-up • Guided notes on transfer of energy in ecosystems • Test corrections due by end of day Friday

  47. Environmental Science: F  9/13 Stamp Energy Transfer Vocab Share current events Warm Up • What is a food chain? • Why do the arrows in a food chain point to the “eater”? Test corrections Journal check Monday

  48. Environmental Science: Th 9/12 Warm Up • Predict your test score • Reflect on whether you feel you were well enough prepared. If not, what could you have done more? If so, what did you do? Test returns New Unit: How Ecosystems work (Ch 5) CW/HW: Ch 5 Vocabulary, section 1 only, including italics – much + Energy Pyramid Current Event due TOMORROW

  49. Environmental Science: W 9/11 Turn in Packet • Ch 4 Vocab (#13-40) • Scientific Method Vocabulary sheet • The Organization of Life (triangle) • Pesticide resistance • Kingdom VENN diagrams • Ch 4 and Sci Method Review Practice • p. 115-116 #10-18, 21, 23-24; p117 #1-2 Test

  50. Environmental Science: T 9/10/13 Put Packet Together • Ch 4 Vocab (#13-40) • Scientific Method Vocabulary sheet • The Organization of Life (triangle) • Pesticide resistance • Kingdom VENN diagrams • Ch 4 and Sci Method Review Practice • Text book work – see below • CW/HW: Complete p. 115-116 #10-18, 21, 23-24; p117 #1-2 • Quiz returns • Stamp VENN and Review • Review Review • Test tomorrow and Packet due

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