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Discover how your congregation can excel in mission, outreach, and innovative ways of being church. Explore models like community meals, monastic communities, and wine bars. Choose between Conventional or Regeneration ministry paths for impactful leadership. Receive guidance and resources for developing a Regeneration Ministry scenario and nurturing a missional focus within your church community. The Presbytery team is here to assist you in discerning God's calling for your congregation's journey ahead.
The Presbytery Vision • Is about: • Supporting what congregations are already doing in mission and outreach
Presbytery Vision Nurturingmodelsof missional Church both within and beyond the existing congregation.
The Presbytery Vision • Is to: • Help congregations explore • what new things God might be calling them to in mission and • new ways of being church that might reach people who are not part of any church. v
Models... Community meal cafe Op shop Monastic community/meditative space A congregational base Refugee community Messy church tweaking Wine bar
This is why we do the mission studyto understand what God is callingusto, in the next stage of the journey. Knowing where you’re going then helps you know what ministry you need, to help you get there.
In our Presbytery, you have a choice! A. Conventional ministry OR B. Regeneration ministry
What’s the difference with regeneration ministry? • The focus on mission is agreed at the start, including time allocations. • Regeneration ministers are invited to participate in coaching and ongoing missional training by the Presbytery. • A ‘regeneration’ profile attracts some ministers who seek a missional placement where that focus is well understood and already committed to. • Regular conversations with the minister, the Church Council and the Presbytery occur to look at progress and provide support.
Regeneration Ministry When a congregation has decided that their primary focus is on developing mission and new ways of being missional Church, they may decide to seek a Regeneration Minister.
Example: a Regeneration Ministry scenario • Worship and teaching 40% (2) • Pastoral Care 20% (1) • Mission/growth 30% (1.5) • visioning • Planning • Youth ministry • Leadership development • Admin/meetings 10% (.5)
Examples of regeneration ministry Developing a new model of Church based in a cafe • A traditional church that is also developing new ways of being Church for unchurched people. • worship and pastoral care • 2 days training, planning mission Worship, pastoral care plus resources and training for lay ministry. Providing pastoral care and worship plus 2 days/week developing a messy church ministry, and family ministry. Placed in a new estate, building relationships with a view to developing a model of church for that new community.
Is a Regeneration Minister qualified? Yes a Regeneration minister is usually a Uniting Church minister who is seeking a congregation who want to develop its mission focus.
Safeguards • You decide who comes as minister. • Your reps on the JNC will have conversations with • ministers. • You will vote to issue a call. • The Presbytery is committed to supporting regeneration ministers and congregations in the long term.
All ministries are of equal value. But they are all different.It isn’t ‘better’ to have a regeneration minister, or a traditional minister. It just depends on what kind of leadership you need. Reminders
To the future and beyond! The Presbytery team is here to support you as you make these important decisions. We are also available to work with you, to discern what God is calling you to in this next phase of your journey.