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This webinar provides an overview of the K-12 framework, analog and digital resources, and curricular design for implementing NGSS in Earth and Space Sciences. It also discusses the importance of aligning performance expectations and incorporating the three dimensions of SEP, DCI, and CCC in instruction. NSTA resources, including publications and conferences, are highlighted.
NSTA Resources for Implementing NGSS in the Earth and Space Sciences Eric J. Pyle James Madison University NSTA Division Director, Preservice Teacher Preparation
Webinar Overview I. Overview of K12 Framework and NGSS II. NSTA Analog resources III. NSTA Digital Resources IV. Summary and questions
I. Overview of ESS in K12 Framework and NGSS Why the distinction between the two? Not all states are NGSS adoption states, while others have a conflation pushback relative to Common Core It is much harder to reject K12FSE out of hand, as it is an NRC publication NGSS also says explicitly to turn to K12FSE for details and full story in support of NGSS
I. Overview of ESS in K12 Framework and NGSS Performance Expectations – the “heart” of NGSS Arranged longitudinally by strands - Core and Component Ideas 1. ESS 1 – Earth’s Place in the Universe 2. ESS 2 – Earth’s Systems 3. ESS 3 – Earth and Human Activity
I. Overview of ESS in K12 Framework and NGSS Parsed by Grade Bands, and grades, with progressions for Science & Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Cross-Cutting Concepts. HS-ESS2-4. Use a model to describe how variations in the flow of energy into and out of Earth's systemsresult in changes in climate. So curricular framing has to account for the arrangement of the progressions in 1. Curricular Design 2. Instructional alignment 3. Assessments
I. Overview of ESS in K12 Framework and NGSS But…Performance Expectations are fundamentally structured with 3-dimensional language of SEPs, DCIs, and CCCs, so in order to meet a Performance Expectation, you must have all three dimensions appropriately represented; i. DCI match is insufficient to define alignment ii. But the selection of content and grade match is supported by progressions for SEPs and CCCs iii. The difference between NSES and NGSS is that NGSS provides the organization that defines alignment in a non-trivial way, but… iv. We all have to be clear about adhering, and expecting, 3D components
I. Overview of ESS in K12 Framework and NGSS • NSTA is the national leader in Science Education, and has embraced NGSS in materials produced, events supported, and in contributions sought for publications and conferences.
II. NSTA Analog resources Publications Journals – Science & Children, Science Scope, Science Teacher, and the Journal of College Science Teaching i. The first three generally require NGSS connections for articles, especially for themed issues; ii. The last one welcomes manuscripts on science teacher preparation, not just general education science or introductory science courses; iii. The articles are generally short (1500-2000 words), and include diagrams, data analysis, and assessment of student learning, and should follow NSTA safety guidelines.
II. NSTA Analog resources Publications Books – NGSS specific titles i. For teacher professional development – A Quick Guide to NGSS ii. For administrator support – Introduction to NGSS for Teachers & Administrators iii. Often grade-band specific, or describing relationships to particular grade bands iv. Until recently, Earth science titles have lagged behind other content areas in availability
II. NSTA Analog resources a. Publications a. Books – Non NGSS-specific i. Pedagogical orientation – How to teach/how to use…. (Data Literacy) ii. Science Content – Stop Faking It! series remains the most popular ones iii. Assessment – Keeley’s Formative Assessment Probes iv. Trade Books – a recently formed group within NSTA, led by Chris Royce of Shippensburg State University (PA) v. E-books 1. Relatively new, focusing on specific content areas including space science 2. Designed for instruction (for students) and for professional development (teachers)
II. NSTA Analog resources Conferences & Meetings - http://www.nsta.org/conferences/ Annual Meeting – every spring in a major city 1. Hosts NESTA events – share-a-thon, rock-raffle, sponsored sessions; 2. Proposals are usually submitted 11-12 months in advance 3. Proposals should have NGSS relationships and included safety considerations, but… 4. A curious anomaly in the review process seems to favor submissions not tied to specific conference strands; 5. Workshop proposals (day-long or half-day sessions) are very, very hard to get accepted; 6. NSTA student chapter events are also available.
II. NSTA Analog resources Conferences & Meetings i. Area meetings - three held each fall, in October/ November/December ii. STEM Forum – held each summer, includes engineering and overt connection to NGSS iii. Exhibit Halls remain very popular, and vendors have responded in general to NGSS in productive ways
II. NSTA Analog resources Standing Committees and Advisory Boards http://www.nsta.org/about/governance/ Standing Committees are organized by grade level or particular audience 1. “Go-To” people with questions for your needs 2. Elementary —> College 3. Informal, Preservice, Professional Development, Coordination & Supervision 4. Chairs are elected for 3-year terms, on 1/3 rotation, with nominations in the fall 5. Committee appointments are made by President- elect, in the late winter - nominations due 12/15/16!!!
II. NSTA Analog resources Standing Committees and Advisory Boards i. Advisory Boards are organized by specific tasks, i.e. Aerospace, Special Education, NGSS ii. All meet at Annual Meeting and online iii. All need continued Earth Science representation
II. NSTA Analog resources Awards & Recognition - http://www.nsta.org/about/awards.aspx i. New Science Teachers Academy 1. Selective, competitive, where new teachers seek mentors 2. Ensure NGSS connections in applications ii. Maitland P. Simmons Award – for new teachers iii. Sponsor-specific: Shell, Sea World, ExxonMobile iv. The award usually includes travel support to annual meeting v. Robert Yager Excellence in Teaching Award 1. Regionally awards in rotation 2. Expressions of 3D teaching and learning are valued
III. NSTA Digital Resources NGSS Hub – http://ngss.nsta.org/ - Ted Willard i. Close connection to Achieve’s efforts to present NGSS 1. Performance Expectation strands organized by topic and by DCI 2. Other foundational materials are referenced to Achieve ii. Curricular Planning Aids 1. Designing units and lessons 2. Selecting materials 3. Conducting assessments
III. NSTA Digital Resources NGSS Hub i. Classroom Resources 1. Searchable by strands and bands 2. Reviewed and vetted by NGSS Curators 3. Screened by curators using EQuiP rubric from Achieve ii. Professional Development Resources 1. Understanding the standards up front 2. Examples of standards-based teaching in practice 3. Leadership in facilitating the use of the standards by others 4. Specific webinars and streaming videos iii. NGSS News 1. Progress on NGSS assessments 2. Examples of NGSS implementation by state
III. NSTA Digital Resources NSTA Learning Center – http://learningcenter.nsta.org - Flavio Mendez i. Nearly complete access to ALL NSTA materials 1. Searchable by topic 2. Searchable by grade band 3. Available in a variety of formats a. Books and book chapters b. Events, forums, and webinars - http://ngss.nsta.org/web-seminar-archives.aspx c. Conferences d. Lesson plans e. Professional development and courses f. SciPacks 4. While the resources themselves are not explicitly NGSS related, the necessary elements for supporting NGSS instruction are present
III. NSTA Digital Resources NSTA Learning Center – Flavio Mendez i. Resources selected are “permanent” 1. “My Library” feature allows users to archive personal collections of resources, which can be shared with others 2. A personal professional development program can be designed a. Tracks participation and performance b. Provides transcripts c. Relates to other NSTA resources
III. NSTA Digital Resources NSTA Learning Center – Flavio Mendez i. Audience 1. Originally designed for inservice teachers, for their own professional development 2. Can be used with preservice teachers, a. Through methods instructors b. Through content courses specific to preservice teachers, especially elementary teachers c. Using the NSTA Learning Center as your online textbook when teaching pre-service teachers: http://learningcenter.nsta.org/etextbook
III. NSTA Digital Resources Special Focus Resources http://www.nsta.org/publications/#focus1 a. A cross-reference of NSTA resources around contemporary issues i. Item #1 is Climate Change ii. Item #2 is Evolution b. Includes NSTA position statement, direct NGSS cross- reference, publications, and Learning Center resources
IV. Summary and questions a. NSTA provides a huge collection of resources, making them available in a variety of formats; b. NGSS connections are the rule rather than the exception for these materials for the foreseeable future; c. ESS NGSS filters return near turn-key resources in some areas, and long-term professional support in others; d. Earth science materials, however, can be a little thinner on the ground than other science content areas, so contributions are welcome – ask me how to do it!