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German Unification: Blood and Iron Legacy of Bismarck

Explore the rise of nationalism and Otto von Bismarck's vision to unite Germany through militarism, wars, and realpolitik to create the German Empire. Learn about Bismarck's key role in shaping German industrial power, foreign policy strategies, and domestic policies aimed at centralization and control.

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German Unification: Blood and Iron Legacy of Bismarck

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  1. German Unification

  2. Quote • “Germany does not look to Prussia’s liberalism, but to her power….The great questions of the day are not to be decided by speeches and majority resolutions….but by blood and iron!” • “Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.” Otto von Bismarck

  3. Nationalism • Nationalism emerged during Napoleonic Wars. In 1848 liberals tried to achieve unity and Democracy. • Conservatives took control and Germany was united under a strong autocratic ruler.

  4. Otto von Bismarck the Iron Chancellor • The architect of German unity • Junker • Diplomat in Russia and France before King Wilhelm made him chancellor • Policy called: Blood and Iron or militarism and war. • Realpolitic: do what is necessary to achieve goal of unification.

  5. Architect of German Unity • Master of realpolitic • Used money collected for other purposes to strengthen the army • Strong army allowed him to use aggressive foreign policy

  6. Victory in THREE Wars Schleswig and Holstein 1864 alliance with Austria seized duchies from Denmark – divided spoils Austro-Prussian War 1866 Prussia is victorious creates a Confederation dominated by Prussia. Franco-Prussian War 1870 Ems dispatch –Otto made it seem Prussia insulted the French. French were defeated

  7. The German Empire • Wilhelm I takes the title Kaiser • January 1871 birth of the Second Reich • Set up a two house legislature – Reichstag • Bundesrat (appointed by ruler/veto) and Reichstag elected by people

  8. German Industrial Giant • Supply of coal and Iron • Workforce was disciplined and educated • Growing population • Issued a single currency • Reorganized banking system and coordinated railroads

  9. Foreign Policy Sought to keep France weak and isolated He did not want to compete with the water rats – British Domestic Policy Erase local loyalties Crush opposition Targets socialists and Roman Catholics Kulturkampf or battle for civilization – state had the right to supervise Catholic education To combat socialism Otto sponsored Social Security reform!!!! Iron Chancellor

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