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What do you know about the Vietnam War?

What do you know about the Vietnam War?. 1960s #4: Vietnam War Begins. Longest war – until Afghanistan Most controversial US loses for the first time: Why does US fail? What lessons can be learned? How can this apply to today?. Vietnam War Why did the US fight?.

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What do you know about the Vietnam War?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What do you know about the Vietnam War?

  2. 1960s #4: Vietnam War Begins • Longest war – until Afghanistan • Most controversial • US loses for the first time: • Why does US fail? • What lessons can be learned? • How can this apply to today?

  3. Vietnam War Why did the US fight? • "Even today, many Americans still ask whether the American effort in Vietnam was a sin, a blunder, a necessary war, or a noble cause, or an idealistic, if failed, effort to protect the South Vietnamese from totalitarian government," historian Steve Mintz writes.

  4. Vietnam • Colonized by the French • Ho Chi Minh – leads communists to fight agst French • 1954: French surrender • Vietnam divided: • N – comm • S – free led by Ngo Dinh Diem

  5. SEATO : Southeastern Asia Treaty Organization: Stop communism from spreading in SE Asia • Vote in 1956: determine leader of country • Elections never happen • Ho Chi Minh – too popular & would win • Diem: unpopular • Persecutes Buddhists (majority)

  6. Uh-oh communism is spreading again, what should the US do? • Domino Theory: if 1 country falls to communism, the neighboring countries will too So, should the US get involved?

  7. 1960 Conflict begins • Vietcong: Commie guerilla warriors (popular)

  8. US Response: • 1963: Diem assassinated & replaced w/another unpopular ruler --- looked like the S would fall to communism • US escalates (increases) its involvement: • Sends advisors & supplies • By 1964: send US troops

  9. Why did US fight in Vietnam? • Person 1: Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, Diem’s Letter, and Dulles’ Speech • Person 2: John Kerry statement to Congress • Person 3: Nixon’s speech & Eisenhower Interview • Person 4: Pick 1 from above

  10. Why did US fight in Vietnam? • Share your results with your team – by speaking out loud to them ! • Decide what you think are the most convincing arguments • On back: • List top 5 reasons why US fought in Vietnam • List 5 reasons why US should NOT have fought in Vietnam • The most convincing argument on each side

  11. Why did US fight in Vietnam? • On back: • List top 5 reasons why US fought in Vietnam • List 5 reasons why US should NOT have fought in Vietnam • The most convincing argument on each side

  12. Compare and ContrastWhy we fought in WW2 / Korea (pick 1) to Vietnam Vietnam WW2 / Korea Similarities • 5-7 items in each column • Draw a picture or symbol for each column • Create your own original title for the poster • Put names on the back

  13. CW #20: Vietnam War Ends! • North = • South = • Hit-n-run tactics =

  14. Vietnam War (1964 – 1973) • US should win: biggest, most advanced army in world! BUT….

  15. Vietcong

  16. Guerilla Warfare – hard to fight against • Foreign geography – • S= unpopular & war is unpopular in US

  17. Vietcong Tunnels

  18. Ending… • Vietnamization: slow withdrawal of US troops starts in 1969 & gone by 1973 • Ceasefire – but US does not win • 1975: North overtakes South & reunites the country into a communist Vietnam Did containment work in Vietnam?

  19. ANSWER: • How does the Vietnam war get started? • Why does the US join in this fight? • Explain the domino theory. • Who wins this war?

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