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by: Dr. Salim Hanna Chairman ITU-R TG 1/8,

This paper by Dr. Salim Hanna invites comments on UWB devices in Canada, addressing definitions, regulations, and technical aspects. Public input will shape spectrum policies and standards for new technologies.

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by: Dr. Salim Hanna Chairman ITU-R TG 1/8,

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  1. CONSULTATION PAPER ON WIRELESS ULTRA-WIDEBAND DEVICES by: Dr. Salim Hanna Chairman ITU-R TG 1/8, Manager, Spectrum Engineering Branch, Industry Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0C8. Tel: (613) 990-7218 Fax: (613) 952-5108 e-mail: hanna.salim@ic.gc.ca

  2. Outline  INTENT BACKGROUND DISCUSSION AND PROPOSALS - Definitions and Terminology - Technical Considerations (Masks, Compatibility, Measurements) - Regulatory and Licensing Considerations INVITATION TO COMMENT

  3. Intent  To identify public interests and concerns relevant to the introduction and use of ultra-wideband systems in Canada.  Draw a good balance between facilitating the introduction of new technologies and protecting radiocommunication services from harmful interference.  Public comments will provide important inputs for the development of specific spectrum policy provisions and radio equipment standards.

  4. Background •  UWB applications include: vehicular radar, radar imaging systems such as ground penetrating radar, and short-range wireless radiocommunication systems.  The use of UWB for wireless PANs is expected to be a key application. •  UWB communication devices could be available in market by late 2005 or early 2006.

  5. Discussion and Proposals Definitions and Terminology UWB bandwidth, Center frequency, fractional bandwidth, UWB device and system, activity factor, and pulse duty cycle. Emission Limits - The FCC has adopted emission masks. - The CEPT (Europe) has proposed draft emission masks. - The maximum emission levels of the Draft CEPT and FCC masks are identical over 3.1 – 10.6 GHz. - The maximum emission levels of the FCC and Draft CEPT masks are identical to the licence-exemption level in Canada.

  6. FCC and Draft CEPT Emission Masks for UWB Systems Outdoor Indoor 3.1 10.6 1.99 3.1 1.99 10.6 Draft CEPT Limit FCC Limit RSS 210 Limit* Draft CEPT Limit FCC Limit RSS 210 Limit* GPS GPS Band Band 0.96 1.61 0.96 1.61 *Transmitter emission limits outside of restricted bands or levels of unwanted emissions of transmitters within restricted bands.

  7. Technical Considerations • UWB Compatibility • Cumulative impact of multiple UWB devices. • Measurements of UWB Emissions • Proper methods of measurements are required for • compliance with standards and specifications and • may be useful for monitoring. • Guidelines are proposed for average and peak power • measurements.

  8. Regulatory and Licensing Considerations • A licensing approach:The traditional approaches of radio and spectrum licensing may not be adequate for some UWB applications. • - A licence-exempt approach: A valid regulatory option to authorize Consumer devices. • - A user-eligibility based approach:This option would allow some user groups to operate specific UWB equipment on a licence-exempt basis under certain conditions.

  9. FCC DGSE DG DGRB Invitation to Comment Q1) On additional public interests and concerns relevant to the introduction of UWB. Q2) On a set of definitions and terminology for UWB. Q3) On measurement methods of UWB emissions. Q4) On authorizing UWB GPRs, wall imaging, and through-wall imaging UWB devices. Q5) On authorizing various UWB applications including consumer devices and vehicular radar systems, etc. Q6) On emission levels and other, if any, measures that would not impede the development of UWB devices and would be protective of authorized radiocommunication services.

  10. Invitation to Comment (Cont.) Gazette Notice No. SMSE-002-05 - January 28, 2005 Consultation Paper on the Introduction of Wireless Systems Using Ultra-wideband Technology Interested parties should submit their comments no later than May 6, 2005. http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/epic/internet/insmt-gst.nsf/en/sf08283e.html

  11. THANK YOU Questions

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