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Access the FCPS Capital Improvement Program for school capacity information and the monthly Student Membership Reports to track student enrollment trends. Stay informed about new school developments and funding details.
Great Falls Citizens Association • June 19, 2019
Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Updated annually. Available online: https://www.fcps.edu/about-fcps/ facilities-planning-future/capital-improvement-program
SY 2018-19 Current High School Capacity Page 66 of the CIP
SY 2023-24 Projected High School Capacity Page 67 of the CIP
Capacity Utilization Key Page 50 of the CIP
on pages 66 & 67 of the CIP. Page 64 & 65 of the CIP
SY 2018-19 Current High School Capacity Page 66 of the CIP
SY 2023-24 Projected High School Capacity Page 67 of the CIP
Page 51 of the CIP
Page 77 of the CIP
Monthly Student Membership https://www.fcps.edu/about-fcps/performance-and-accountability/student-reporting www.fcps.edu, click “Full Menu”
Monthly Student Membership On the menu, select “About FCPS”
Monthly Student Membership Then select “Performance and Accountability”
Monthly Student Membership Then select “Student Reporting”
Monthly Student Membership On this page, click on “Monthly Membership Reports”
Monthly Student Membership http://schoolprofiles.fcps.edu/schlprfl/f?p=108:42:8721366674114::::: Select different School Year, Months, and School Levels using the drop down boxes at the top.
School Profiles http://schoolprofiles.fcps.edu/schlprfl/f?p=108%3A8 www.fcps.edu, click “Schools”
School Profiles Click “School Profiles”
School Profiles Select a school to view from one of the drop down menus, then click “View”
School Profiles Select information to view on the tabs at the top
School Profiles “Membership” includes monthly student membership for current school year.
Facility and Enrollment Dashboard https://www.fcps.edu/enrollmentdashboard www.fcps.edu, click “Search”
Facility and Enrollment Dashboard Type “Facility Dashboard” and click “Search”
Facility and Enrollment Dashboard In search results, click “Facility and Enrollment Dashboard”
Facility and Enrollment Dashboard Scroll down and click “Facility and Enrollment Dashboard”
Facility and Enrollment Dashboard Click “Dashboard Menu” to select dashboards
Facility and Enrollment Dashboard Click on desired school level.
Facility and Enrollment Dashboard Click on school on the left hand side.
Student Membership Projections • Historical and current membership trends • Birth trends • Existing and new student programs • New residential development under construction or recently completed: For more information on projections, see Page 28 & 37 of the FCPS CIP (FY 2020-24).
Funding Page 22 of the CIP
Funding Proffers account for less than 2% of the capital project expenditures. Page 22 of the CIP
Funding Code of Virginia in §15.2-2303.4 requires all proffers for new residential development to address an impact “specifically attributable” to the development. Additionally, proffers must address “a need, or an identifiable portion of a need, for one or more public facility improvements in excess of existing public facility capacity” due to the impact of the development, and must provide “a direct and material benefit from a proffer made with respect to any such public facility improvements” to the proposed residential development. For more information on proffers, see Pages 22 & 23 of the FCPS CIP (FY 2020-24).
New School and Capacity Enhancements • 2017 Bond
New School and Capacity Enhancements 2019 Bond Referendum
Growth Areas For more information on Special Planning Areas in Fairfax County please refer to the following link: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/planning-zoning/comprehensive-plan/special-planning-areas
Schools Opened and Closed since the 1990s Opened in 2000s (cont’d) 2008-09 Coates ES Glasgow MS Laurel Hill ES 2012-13 Graham Road ES Mason Crest ES South County MS 2014-15 Baileys Upper ES 2015-16 Ft. Belvoir Upper ES Closed during 1990s Markham ES Cheney ES Barden ES Green Acres ES Westmore ES Layton Hall ES Jermantown ES Closed during the 2000s Clifton ES Opened in 2000s 2000-01 Dogwood ES McNair ES Westfield HS 2002-03 Colvin Run ES Island Creek ES Liberty MS Powell ES 2003-04 Lorton Station ES 2004-05 South County HS 2006-07 Eagle View ES https://www.fcps.edu/about-fcps/history Opened in 1990s 1991-92 Stone MS Waples Mill ES 1994-95 Aldrin ES Deer Park ES 1995-96 Centreville ES Halley ES Lane ES 1998-99 Carson MS Ft. Belvoir ES 1999-2000 Bull Run ES Daniels Run ES Providence ES