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2012 SVCodeCamp: In App Payments with HTML5

Video available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sQYYCx_CQM&feature=em-share_video_user Presentation on In-App Payments with HTML5 at Silicon Valley Code Camp (October 7th, 2012)

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2012 SVCodeCamp: In App Payments with HTML5

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Presentation Transcript

  1. In-App Payments with HTML5 Building Scalable Game Payment Systems Jonathan LeBlanc Developer Evangelist (PayPal) jleblanc@paypal.com Twitter: @jcleblanc Github: github.com/jcleblanc

  2. Background Developer Evangelist with PayPal and eBay Author of Programming Social Applications Emmy award winner for Outstanding Achievement in Advanced Media Technology

  3. What are we going to talk about HTML5 Toolkit Payments

  4. What are we not going to talk about Physical Goods

  5. Demo - JSWars http://29a.ch/jswars/

  6. Session Breakdown The Architecture The Implementation The Product Webhooks

  7. Session Breakdown The Architecture The Implementation The Product Webhooks

  8. The Players in our Little Game Client & Server-Side Components PayPal Digital Goods (Express Checkout) HTML5 LocalStorage jQuery

  9. Client / Server Side Components Client Components Server-Side Components

  10. How Digital Goods Work Fetch the token Display login lightbox Commit the payment Verify the payment

  11. Fetching Identity Information Client Identity Server PayPal Identity Server

  12. Getting the Token and Lightbox Client Requests Payment Token PayPal Returns Token Payment Lightbox Displayed to User

  13. Fetching Inventory Information Within the Application From Client Inventory Store

  14. Committing the Payment Client Approves Transaction PayPal Returns Transaction Data Client Activates Success State

  15. Storing Data Store Identity Information Store Transaction Information

  16. Verifying the Purchase Client Makes Verification Call to PayPal PayPal Returns Purchase Data for User

  17. Fetching LocalStorage Purchases Local Storage Client Inventory System

  18. Session Breakdown The Architecture The Implementation The Product Webhooks

  19. The Project Code Base https://github.com/paypal/html5-dg

  20. File Architecture index.html: Sample integration client/pptransact.js: Core front-end server/[LANG]/cancel.[EXT]: Display when user cancels server/[LANG]/common.[EXT]: Common functions and variables. server/[LANG]/identity.[EXT]: Client identity hooks server/[LANG]/inventory.[EXT]: Client inventory hooks server/[LANG]/success.[EXT]: Display on payment success server/[LANG]/pptransact.[EXT]: Server-side controller

  21. Setup Sandbox User Accounts https://developer.paypal.com/

  22. Library & Toolkit Setup Attach the script includes <script src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/js/ external/dg.js"></script> <script src="client/jquery-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="client/pptransact.js"></script>

  23. Picking the Server-Side Language Pick Language and Mobile Support pptransact.init('py', true); //mobile pptransact.init('java'); //non-mobile

  24. Creating a Billing Handler pptransact.bill({ userId:'[USER ID]', itemId:'[ITEM ID]', itemQty:'[ITEM QUANTITY]', successCallback: function(data){ //bill success }, failCallback: function(data){ //bill cancelled } });

  25. How the Billing Flow Works Bill Digital Goods Success / Fail Billing Request Product Storage Store Details User Notification Notify User

  26. Creating a Verification Handler pptransact.verify({ userId:'[USER ID]', itemId:'[ITEM ID]', successCallback: function(data){ //verify success }, failCallback: function(data){ //verify failed } });

  27. How the Verification Flow Works Get Data Product Storage Success / Fail Verify Purchase Verification Request Digital Goods Success / Fail User Notification Notify User

  28. Session Breakdown The Architecture The Implementation The Product Webhooks

  29. Identity and Payment Hooks Client Identity Server PayPal Identity Server

  30. Identity: verifyUser function verifyUser($userId = 0){ $YourSessionUserId = '888888'; $returnVal = ($userId == $YourSessionUserId) ? true : false; return $returnVal; }

  31. Identity: getUserId function getUserId(){ $result = "888888"; return $result; }

  32. Payment: recordPayment function recordPayment($paymentObj = ""){ $userId = $paymentObj["userId"]; $itemId = $paymentObj["itemId"]; $transactionId = $paymentObj["transactionId"]; $paymentStatus = $paymentObj["paymentStatus"]; $orderTime = $paymentObj["orderTime"]; //INSERT YOUR CODE TO SAVE THE PAYMENT DATA }

  33. Payment: verifyPayment function verifyPayment($userId = 0, $itemId = 0){ $result = false; //INSERT YOUR CODE TO QUERY PAYMENT DATA AND //RETURN TRUE if MATCH FOUND return $result; }

  34. Payment: getPayment function getPayment($userId = 0, $itemId = 0){ //INSERT CODE TO QUERY AND RETURN PAYMENT STRUCTURE $returnObj = array("success" => true, "error" => "", "transactionId" => "12345678", "orderTime" => "2011-09-29T04:47:51Z", "paymentStatus" => "Pending", "itemId" => "123", "userId" => "888888"); return $returnObj; }

  35. Inventory Management Hooks Client Inventory Server PayPal Digital Goods Payment

  36. Inventory: getItem function getItem($itemId){ $items = array( array(name => "Mega Shields", number => "123", qty => "1", taxamt => "0", amt => "1.00", desc => "Unlock the power!", category => "Digital"), ...); $returnObj = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++){ if ($items[$i]['number'] == $itemId){ $returnObj = $items[$i]; } } return $returnObj; }

  37. Is the Toolkit Right for You? HTML5 Support? Need to Accept Payments? Accepting Digital Goods?

  38. A Few Links The HTML5 Toolkit https://github.com/paypal/html5-dg The PayPal Sandbox (Create Test Users) https://developer.paypal.com/ JSWars Code and Demo http://29a.ch/jswars/

  39. Thank You! Any Questions? http://www.slideshare.net/jcleblanc Jonathan LeBlanc Developer Evangelist (PayPal) jleblanc@paypal.com Twitter: @jcleblanc Github: github.com/jcleblanc

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