cofounder of Flickr cofounder of Yahoo! Many cool judges
Hack Day at Yahoo! Brazil Hack Day at Yahoo! Korea The Hack heard around the world
Your presenter, dancing like a maniac ...as did GirlTalk
What’s Our Vector, Victor? ‣ Hack period starts Friday at 5:30PM ‣ Break for food, liquid sugar, caffeine and deep conversa[ons. ‣ All hacks due Saturday at 2PM ‣ Present your hack on Saturday, from 2:15PM. ‣ Win! ‣ Sleep like a victorious baby.
A hack is a good idea,
A hack is a good idea, brought to life.
And good ideas come from... ‣ No[cing something broken and thinking of a fix.
And good ideas come from... ‣ No[cing something broken and thinking of a fix. ‣ Building something you’d use yourself.
And good ideas come from... ‣ No[cing something broken and thinking of a fix. ‣ Building something you’d use yourself. ‣ Automa[ng something you are too lazy to do manually.
And good ideas come from... ‣ No[cing something broken and thinking of a fix. ‣ Building something you’d use yourself. ‣ Automa[ng something you are too lazy to do manually. ‣ Finding a place where the world sucks and figuring out how to make it beaer.
And good ideas come from... ‣ No[cing something broken and thinking of a fix. ‣ Building something you’d use yourself. ‣ Automa[ng something you are too lazy to do manually. ‣ Finding a place where the world sucks and figuring out how to make it beaer. ‣ Paying aaen[on to trends: mobile, video, social, local, geo, games, etc.
A winning hack: InsiderTrades hap://www.insidertrades.org
A winning hack: InsiderTrades hap://www.insidertrades.org What’s good about it?
A winning hack: InsiderTrades hap://www.insidertrades.org What’s good about it? ‣ Simple and good idea
A winning hack: InsiderTrades hap://www.insidertrades.org What’s good about it? ‣ Simple and good idea ‣ Uniqueness
A winning hack: InsiderTrades hap://www.insidertrades.org What’s good about it? ‣ Simple and good idea ‣ Uniqueness ‣ Clean implementa[on
A winning hack: InsiderTrades hap://www.insidertrades.org What’s good about it? ‣ Simple and good idea ‣ Uniqueness ‣ Clean implementa[on ‣ Free or open‐source tech: PHP, HTML/CSS, cron, mySQL, YQL
Hacking Strategies ‣ Brainstorm, but converge quickly, and keep best details of rejected ideas handy.
Hacking Strategies ‣ Brainstorm, but converge quickly, and keep best details of rejected ideas handy. ‣ Scope the work so the end is in sight: set an easy goal, and an ambi[ous one.
Hacking Strategies ‣ Brainstorm, but converge quickly, and keep best details of rejected ideas handy. ‣ Scope the work so the end is in sight: set an easy goal, and an ambi[ous one. ‣ Divide work by team member strengths.
Hacking Strategies ‣ Brainstorm, but converge quickly, and keep best details of rejected ideas handy. ‣ Scope the work so the end is in sight: set an easy goal, and an ambi[ous one. ‣ Divide work by team member strengths. ‣ Ask for help!
Hacking Strategies ‣ Brainstorm, but converge quickly, and keep best details of rejected ideas handy. ‣ Scope the work so the end is in sight: set an easy goal, and an ambi[ous one. ‣ Divide work by team member strengths. ‣ Ask for help! ‣ Minimize the amount of work by using free and open source tech.
Hacking Strategies ‣ Brainstorm, but converge quickly, and keep best details of rejected ideas handy. ‣ Scope the work so the end is in sight: set an easy goal, and an ambi[ous one. ‣ Divide work by team member strengths. ‣ Ask for help! ‣ Minimize the amount of work by using free and open source tech. ‣ Don’t forget to Ctrl+S!
DEMO FTW ‣ “I swear it was just working...” ‐ have a Plan B (screenshots, video, etc.)
DEMO FTW ‣ “I swear it was just working...” ‐ have a Plan B (screenshots, video, etc.) ‣ No sta[c slides ‐ leave PowerPoint for marke[ng.
DEMO FTW ‣ “I swear it was just working...” ‐ have a Plan B (screenshots, video, etc.) ‣ No sta[c slides ‐ leave PowerPoint for marke[ng. ‣ Prac[ce your pitch a few [mes; make it easy on the ears, concise and funny.
DEMO FTW ‣ “I swear it was just working...” ‐ have a Plan B (screenshots, video, etc.) ‣ No sta[c slides ‐ leave PowerPoint for marke[ng. ‣ Prac[ce your pitch a few [mes; make it easy on the ears, concise and funny. ‣ Make a bang: demo what’s most exci[ng and cool about your project.
DEMO FTW ‣ “I swear it was just working...” ‐ have a Plan B (screenshots, video, etc.) ‣ No sta[c slides ‐ leave PowerPoint for marke[ng. ‣ Prac[ce your pitch a few [mes; make it easy on the ears, concise and funny. ‣ Make a bang: demo what’s most exci[ng and cool about your project. ‣ Tell us how you’d like the project to grow.
Surely, Yahoo! can help... hap://developer.yahoo.com
Surely, Yahoo! can help... ‣ Of course (but don’t call us Shirley). hap://developer.yahoo.com
Surely, Yahoo! can help... ‣ Of course (but don’t call us Shirley). ‣ Yahoo! free and open source projects: hap://developer.yahoo.com
Surely, Yahoo! can help... ‣ Of course (but don’t call us Shirley). ‣ Yahoo! free and open source projects: ‣ YUI hap://developer.yahoo.com
Surely, Yahoo! can help... ‣ Of course (but don’t call us Shirley). ‣ Yahoo! free and open source projects: ‣ YUI ‣ YQL and Pipes hap://developer.yahoo.com
Surely, Yahoo! can help... ‣ Of course (but don’t call us Shirley). ‣ Yahoo! free and open source projects: ‣ YUI ‣ YQL and Pipes ‣ APIs: Flickr, Answers, del.icio.us, Fantasy Sports, Fire Eagle, GeoPlanet, PlaceFinder, Placemaker... hap://developer.yahoo.com