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Zero Emission Vehicle Innovations: Fuel Cell-Li Battery Hybrid Scooter

Explore cutting-edge projects such as fuel cell-li battery hybrid scooters, fuel cell demonstrators, and electric vehicle motors developed with advanced technology and sustainable practices. This collection showcases the exciting progress towards zero-emission vehicles. The projects demonstrate a blend of fuel cell and lithium battery technologies to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Experience the performance metrics and innovative designs achieved by dedicated teams pushing the boundaries of eco-friendly transportation.

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Zero Emission Vehicle Innovations: Fuel Cell-Li Battery Hybrid Scooter

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  1. 作品集 Zero Emission Scooter 4.5 Fuel Cell- Li Battery Hybrid Scooter Fuel Cell Demonstrator Electric Vehicle Motor Nastreamer Front BezelLenovo UWB Dock Smart Team

  2. Zero Emission Vehicle 4.5 • Zero Emission Vehicle 4.5 • Pure PEM Fuel Cell scooter • Performance: 108kg/60kph/5.5° • Department / Owner: APFCT • My Main Job • Maintain the Electric Controller. • Fuel Cell system Control logic Test and Design. • Transmission Design. • Hardware / Tool: PIC16F877. • Time: 2003.10-2005.03

  3. Fuel Cell- Li Battery Hybrid Scooter • Fuel Cell- Li Battery Hybrid Scooter • 業界科專計劃:以生產20台燃料電池與鋰電池混合動力為目標,進一步推動燃料電池電動車的進程。 • 與材料所鋰電池實驗室合作開發燃料電池與鋰電池的混合電力系統。 • 與台全電機合作開發傳動及車體。 • Performance: 118kg/52kph/12° • Maximum 5KW , Nominal 1KW. • Department / Owner: APFCT • My Main Job • Project Owner. • Fuel Cell Controller. • Hybrid system Design. • Hardware / Tool: PIC16F877. • Time: 2006.01-2007.05

  4. Fuel Cell Demonstrator • Fuel Cell Demonstrator • 200Watt Fuel Cell System. • To demo how does the Fuel Cell system produce power. • 高雄科工館 • Department / Owner: APFCT • My Main Job • Project Owner. • Fuel Cell Controller. • Hybrid system Design. • Hardware / Tool: PIC16F877. • Time: 2007.01-2007.04

  5. Electric Vehicle Motor • Electric Vehicle Motor • In Wheel Motor structure. • Parallel Axial Permanent Magnet Motor. • IEEE journal Papers (Yee-Pien Yang, Member, IEEE, Down-Su Chuang, “Optimal Design and Control of a Wheel Motor for Electric Passenger Cars,” IEEE Trans. On Magnetics, Vol. 43, No. 1, Jan. 2007, pp.51-61.) • Department/Owner: Nation Taiwan University Mechanical Engineering/ Joson Chuang • My Main Job • Electric Vehicle Motor Design / Simulation. • Software / Tool: Ansoft Maxwell EM-3D • Time: 2001.05-2003.07

  6. Nastreamer Front BezelLenovo UWB Dock Nastreamer Front Bezel • Nastreamer Front Bezel: • Storage Server • Process: Tooling Done • Time: 2008.04~Now. • LENOVO UWB Dock • Wireless dock • Process: Mockup Done • Time: 2008.03~Now. • Department / Owner: USI/CE/MD/MD1/MD1 • My Main Job • Mechanical/Structure Design. • Software / Tool: Pro/E • Time: 2008.01-Now LENOVO UWB Dock

  7. SMART TEAM • SMART TEAM : • ERP / PDM Software. • ODBC Data Base Program. • Department / Owner: • My Main Job • Program Design / Debug. • Software / Tool: Visual C++ / MFC • Time: 2001.07~2002.05

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