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Definition of Prevention. Source: United Nations (U.N.) Population Division, Demographic Indicators, 1950-2050 (The 1996 Revision) (U.N., New York, 1996). Historical Examples of Global Prevention Activities.
Source: United Nations (U.N.) Population Division, Demographic Indicators, 1950-2050 (The 1996 Revision) (U.N., New York, 1996).
Death rate for Tuberculosis, 1860-1960, United States, Source: US Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States; Colonial Times to 1970 (Washington, D.C: Government Printing Office, 1975), Part 1 pp58,63. Note: Data between 1860 and 1900 for Massachusetts only. Koch identified tubercle bacillus Streptomycin introduced Vaccination available
Source: Thomas McKeown, The Modern Rise of Population (Academic Press, San Francisco, 1976), pp. 93, 96.
Community • US$4.18 cost per illness-casesincur 83% of cost (=10 days income; 1/3rd for drugs, >1/3rd due to lost income). • Govt pays 17% of cost per illnessand creates treatment system and case-management standards
withAIDS per 1000 live births 250 200 150 100 50 0 without AIDS Botswana Kenya Malawi Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe Source: US Bureau of the Census
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