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Understand why people participate in physical activities in modern society, exploring positive and negative influences like education, culture, social factors, and more. Dive into personal experiences, practical applications, and external influences impacting participation.
Participation Candidates will be expected to show knowledge and understanding of the factors why people participate in physical activity in contemporary society This section is related to the individual and their own personal experiences Factors that affect my participation in sport/physical activity – positive or negative: Other influences might include: Physical education programme National curriculum Extra curricular sport e.g. initiative 5x60 Risks associated with sedentary lifestyle – heart attack, diabetes Access - disabled Lack of media coverage – X games, development of interest, of lack of coverage Deviance e.g. drug taking to improve performance Information
Information Factors that affect my participation in sport or physical activity.Positive and negative factors
Practical Application Grouping Positive effect Negative effect Friend / Family Encouragement, Support, interest, role model May not be interested in sport or same sport Gender Boys have lots of opportunities girls now have opportunities e.g. women only gym Stereotype activities and attitudes e.g. women and religion Social More opportunities, accessible and more funding available Some sports and equipment are expensive e.g. golf, polo Race Cultural aspects, some ethnic groups favour certain sports Racist attitude and lack of positive role model Click here to reveal answers
Other influences that students can relate to: Physical Education in the NC – 4 areas: Health fitness and well being Creative Adventurous Competitive Extra curricular provision Sport development Community links Initiative 5x60 - http://www.5x60.org.uk/index Dragon Sport - http://www.dragonsport.co.uk/ Risks associated with sedentary lifestyle – heart attack, diabetes etc. Equal Opportunities – disabled, age, gender Media coverage – X games, development of interest, or lack of coverage Deviance e.g. drug taking to improve performance Role models – sports stars, teachers, coaches Welsh Assembly Government: Physical Education Sports Council for Wales Practical Application
Research the following websites to support your work in this section: http://www.aboutequalopportunities.co.uk/how-confront-racism-sport.html http://www.sports-council-wales.org.uk http://www.sportengland.org.uk/ http://www.s-cool.co.uk/gcse/pe/personal-factors-that-affect-participation-in-sport.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/ Activity