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America’s Great Divide

Learn how America is manipulated through lies by Marxist UN Elite and Muslims to establish a New World Order. Control, manipulation, and lies aim to subdue the masses for global governance.

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America’s Great Divide

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  1. America’s Great Divide

  2. or One Nation Under The United Nations Agenda21today.com 2

  3. Global Governance or One World Government America – Rights granted by God 2 enemies work together in the UN to create New World Order… Communists - Rights Granted by Government Or Islamists – Rights Granted by Allah Mutually Assured Destruction-Cloward and Piven • Everything is connected • Nothing is random • Everything happens for a reason • Everything is based on a LIE Everything must benefit the State/Islam There is no fact, there is no truth, there is nothing except the words of the State/Allah Man is irrelevant except in his service to the State/Allah Both groups are housed in the United Nations and Americans are the greatest contributor. Americans are stupid and pay for their own demise.

  4. Who are They? 2 Enemies working together – Marxist UN Elite and Muslims - One Goal • Illuminati * IMF *Federal Reserve * World Bank * Governments * • Council of Foreign Relations * Bilderbergs *Trilateral Commission * Monarchy * Dictators • Muslims: OIC – Organization of Islamic Council – 57 states

  5. Divide and Conquer A house divided will fall - failure to identify the enemy • Race, Religion, Ethnicity, Class • Regionalism replaces Nationalism • Multiculturalism replaces Melting Pot • Propaganda replaces Truth • Consensus replaces Fact • Political correctness replace Truth • Doublespeak, Distortion, Lies replace Truth • Outcome based replaces Opportunity Based • Manipulation replaces Free Thought

  6. Why America? • America as a land mass is the richest country in the world. America has it all, natural resources, energy, minerals, soil, water, climate • Problem: America is owned by We the People • Personal Liberty, Personal Wealth Private Property – Real or Intellectual is the basis of Power. Simply put, Only the State or Allah may have power. The purpose of Agenda 21 is to inventory and control every aspect of human activity. CONTROL The purpose of Islam is Sharia, The purpose of Sharia is CONTROL.

  7. How to control millions of people-Lie to them Hegelian Dialectic – Crisis, Scream, Control Originally Man abused but when man learn he corrected • Depopulation – TOO many People – LIE - 3% of the US land is inhabited • Global Warming is destroying the planet – LIE – Weather has natural cycles • Man affects the weather - LIE – Sun controls weather • Carbon Dioxide is toxic - LIE – Needed for food • Man is the enemy of the earth – LIE • Industrialization is ruining the planet – LIE- Weather is cyclical & dynamic • Running out of Oil, Natural Gas – LIE- Huge reserves, eco friendly • Oceans are rising – LIE, never calculated evaporation • UN Agenda 21 is the only way to save the planet - Big LIE use to inventory and control human activity • Depopulation is imperative -“Death solves all problems - no man, no problem.” • Eliminate the First Amendment –substitute words Rationing, conservation, change consumption = CONTROL

  8. Sustainable – J. Gary Lawrence • “Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many…who would actively work to defeat any elected official….undertaking Local Agenda 21/Sustainable Development • So we will call our process something else such as ‘comprehensive planning’, ‘growth management’ or ‘smart growth’ • 1998 UNEP Conference, UK UN Agenda 21 uses WARM FUZZY words to get their point across Action Protection Preserve Quality of life Benefit of all Sanctuary Vision Watershed Environment Economy Equity Consensus Affordable Housing Friends of… Regional Facilitator Zoning change Social Justice Sustainable Medicine Historic Preservation International Baccalaureate School to work Public/Private Partnership Best Management Practices Outcome Base Education Public / Private Partnerships Endangered Species Invasive Species Restoration Traffic Calming Common Good Collaborative Inter-disciplinary Stakeholder Land Use Change 8

  9. How Many Know? President Kennedy was assassinated on 22nd November, 1963 ten days after he made a speech to Columbia University on Nov 12, 1963 stating, “The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight.” Every American President that was assassinated was eliminated because he tried to shut the central bank. Lincoln, Mc Kinley, Garfield, Kennedy Its all about the MONEY…..

  10. Where: Rio 1992, UN Agenda 21 • “We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective -- a new world order -- can emerge..” On September 11, 1990 at 9:09 PM, President George Herbert Walker Bush spoke before a joint session of Congress. • With the failure of the Senate to ratify the Bio –Diversity Treaty, Clinton created the Presidents Council on Sustainable Development. 1993 EXECUTIVE ORDER 12852 . Supplied the money to allow Agenda 21 to progress. • Clear Act 2007 • Every Agency in the US government is implementing Agenda 21 MONEY * POWER * CONTROL Agenda21today.com 10

  11. The James Irvine foundation Gates PewResearchCenter Clinton 11

  12. Control the Vocabulary, Control the People "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"  George Orwell Because there is fact, there can be no truth, people are reduced to nothing except that which is told by the State or the Quran… Hegalian Dialectic: Create Crisis, Create Mob/Riot, People will demand control Because there is no truth, there will be no order. if there is no order there is only chaos. Muslims and communists manage chaos so people will be divided and never succeed. Demoralize and destroy free will as divide people will be confused. Use political correctness to refuse to name the enemy. Under GW Bush, DHS whitewashed all Islamic words out of all reports. Under Obama , Ft Hood became workplace violence. Political correctness = the death knell of freedom; destruction of the First Amendment. The destruction of factual analysis is accomplished by the removal of words that define. Agenda21today.com 12

  13. Only RE-Education Will Change your values Education Equity Bearable Social Sustainable Environment Economic Viable

  14. We the People Get our Rights from God "I envisage the principles of the Earth Charter to be a new form of the ten commandments. They lay the foundation for a sustainable global earth community."- Mikhail Gorbachev, co-author of The Earth Charter Pantheistic, Secular Humanism, Man is God. "any system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values, or dignity predominate." Atheists All Communists are Atheists-State is God Ten Commandments Constitution Agenda21today.com 14

  15. We the People Get our Rights from God Quran 3:45 Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam will never have it accepted of him. 5:51 O ye who believe! take not the Jews and Christians for your friends and protectors. 7.33 The only reason to kill: soul for soul, adultery, a person who leaves the religion. 9:5 Fight and slay the unbelievers where you find them and lie in wait for them. 9:29 If not people of the book – commit or die or pay a tax, JIZYA, with wiling submission and feel themselves subdued Ten Commandments Constitution 15 Agenda21today.com

  16. The Marxist Plan - UN Agenda 21 • “There is a single theme behind all our work–we must reduce population levels. Either governments do it our way, through nice clean methods, or they will get the kinds of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it…." Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine. On GA Guidestones • “Individual Rights will have to take a back seat for the good of the collective.” Harvey Ruvin Miami Dade, Clerk of Courts. • “...current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – golf, high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, automobiles, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.” • “ In order to save the planet, capitalism must be destroyed” Maurice Strong, Sec, General of the UN, 1992. • MONEY * POWER * CONTROL Agenda21today.com 16

  17. Principals of Agenda 21 Must change mindset of Americans into do more get less. Crisis: Environment Unfinished Agenda Rockefeller Foundation, Environmental issues, conservation. Sustainable Developments means development of society that meets the needs of the present society without compromising the needs of future society to meet their own needs. (You may do nothing without government approval.) Gro Harlem Brundtland, 1987, friend of Hillary Clinton Consensus of the Precautionary Principal used to restrict through regulation Taking action without scientific certainty to save future generations from scarcity of resources- Catch shares, oil, water, coal, food, global warming Implementation and monitoring through TECHNOLOGY/Digitalizing/Cameras Everything must be watched, shared, monitored for usage. Energy will become the basis for currency – Carbon credits You will be monitored for you consumption patterns and if you use too much you will be shut off. Smart Meters, Smart Grids, Red light Cameras, Cameras, Auto.

  18. Three Things About Islam • Unlike the Bible or Torah the Qur’an written by one man, meant to be take literally through direct commands. Newer words are abrogated, the older passages are eliminated. The Muslim must follow newer passages or suffer consequences. • Institute Sharia law is a religious duty through a mandatory legal and political plan for the whole society. No separation. Allah says governments (democracy) and Free Speech must be eliminated. Eye for Eye, Husbands can hit wives, Drinkers Gamblers, should be whipped, Thief hand cut off, Gays executed, adulterers stoned to death. Death to anyone who speaks out about Sharia, Commands Jihad - Sharia is the law of Allah all other form of government is a sin. Duty of every Muslim to keep striving until all forms of government have been converted to Sharia • Muslims are allowed to deceive Non-Muslims, Taqiyya in order to protect and spread Islam. Islam is at war with the non-Islamic world until the whole world follows Sharia. All Non- Muslims are enemies. 3:28 Deceiving the Westerners is their Duty - totally Acceptable. Because there is no fact there is no truth, there is no reality. Deceive, divide so Americans will turn on each other. • Money to Arab states, Immigrants from Arab Nations, weapons, technology

  19. Dr Shirley Mc Cune, Sr Director McRel • 1989 Governor Association on Education – Gov Bill Clinton, Pres Bush 41 • Students are HUMAN CAPITAL Education’s purpose is to train students to work. • Purpose of Education: Transform Society from individualism to collectivism • Fact Based Education is not longer the primary focus of education • People are human capital only good to work for the state. • Through psychological manipulation, behavior can be altered. • Base training on emotion not fact.

  20. How will it work? Technology will control everything-STEM • School – Logarithms will track the kids • RFID Chips will control the money • GMO’s will control the food supply • Healthcare will control the population • Media will control the conversation • Internet will control communications • Smart Meters control energy use • Sustainable Developments control living space Students will be taught to replace: • God with Government • Family with School • US with UN Private Property MUST be eliminated Common Core Standards will insure a generations of dumb Americans capable of allowing the Government to control and manipulate them.

  21. Goals of Marxism/AG 21 • Abolition of private property • Heavy progressive income tax –or Jaziza in the Healthcare Bill • Abolition to all rights of inheritance • Confiscation of property of all emigrants & rebels • Centralization and monopolization of credit by a national bank  • Centralized control of communication, transportation, health • Transportation, food, consumption, property • Communication • Obamacare • Government ownership of factories- PPP • Equal liability of all to labor – Unions, minimum wage • Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries • Free education for all children in government controlled schools Goal of ISLAM – Destroy Israel, America With help of Obama Muslim’s have received: Guns, Amnesty, Wealth, Jobs, Oil MB in military, government, NGOS, Schools

  22. What are the effects? • Loss of American Nationality • Eliminate Borders – global become international • Redistribution of wealth • Funding the UN • Gutting the Military • Immigration • Sharia in Government • Dumb Americans=Dumb Legislators • Healthcare • Taxes, fees, permits, regulations, restrictions • Loss of CONSTITUTION-Rights

  23. Education • CCS = All children will learn the same, tracked, trained to work, eliminate family, focus on environment. • AG21 says: reduce consumption, use less • Humans are enemies of planet – tax abusers • Report abusers – WPB – Hitler • Wealth is bad, redistribute make them pay • Owning land is bad • America bad UN Good • Christianity–Judaism bad Islam good • Distort texts – American History from 1865 • English – use to divide • Ethnicity – divide • Solution - Monitor what the kids are reading. Eliminate social programs for fact. Back to truth, fact. Work with legislators. • Cfns.us, act.org –book review

  24. What are Common Core Standards? • Old Program (Eisenhower) based on 50’s model of Russian school to work programs. City- states (SD) were created to train workers for government favored industry • School to work=Goals 2000=Sustainable America=NCLB=Common Core Standards • Against Education Code – No Fed in Curricula • All training is same, written by European Socialists/Muslim • Distorts America so kids hate America, family, GOD • History in HS starts in 1865 – Progressive era. (Reconstructionalism) • RTTT grant provided funding for small piece but demands a fortune be provided for technology, new curricula (inferior) • Students will be tracked and trained from elementary school • No legislative, school broad, teacher, or parental input • Eliminates anything to do with personal identity, cursive- Group Think • Do more get less Another untested, un-proven educational fad that will only benefit those involved in supplying the variety of “new services” needed to comply with common core. Every school will be Common Core compliant • LOSS OF LOCAL AND PARENTAL CONTROL

  25. Who Benefits from Common Core? • Schools: The problem with education is not where they learn; it is what they learn. Kids are not learning!!! Examples: • School Choice/Charter Schools, Race to the Top - Elite implement communism/ called Social Justice. Youtube: Who Is Behind The Privatization Of Education: Gates, Broad, KIPP, Pearson, EdWest & The Gulen Schools http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAeRbh1KVkg   MUST WATCH VIDEO (even just the first 15 min).  Who controls the schools? They are all the same people one goal in mind: NEW WORLD ORDER, Global Governance • Jeb Bush - Chiefs for Change – gets donations from Gates • Neil Bush – software to implement CCS • Bill Gates youtube.com bill gates co2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WQtRI7A064 • Eli Broad Foundation - http://www.broadfoundation.org/ gives Green grants to schools who promote communism • KIPP - Charter School - Funded and Partnered with the same people, http://www.kipp.org/about-kipp/the-kipp-foundation/national-partnershttp://jacksonville.com/news/metro/2011-06-30/story/new-jacksonville-kipp-charter-scores-bottom-fcat • Pearson -(NCS Pearson in London - International testing company, manage assessments, no oversight, personal data for profit driven, data- assesses teachers and students for corporate work training. Muslim Ties) • The Gulen Schools - Gulen Islamic cult led by Imam Fethullah Gulen. There are 6 Radical Islamic Schools in FL. No oversight from Legislators. http://charterschoolscandals.blogspot.com/p/gulen-school-characteristics.html • Communist Chinese are funding Florida Charter Schools http://miamitodaynews.com/news/121004/story1.shtml

  26. What is School Choice? UNESCO Illuminati, Bilderbergs, UN, Tri Lateral, Fed Reserve, IMF, World Bank, Carnegie, Rockefeller Government Writes Laws Programs Subsidies Permits Republicans Democrates PPP Public pays. Private Corps Profit Business Funds school to work Provides funds for programs Cheap Labor School Training for business Mandatory Volunteerism Apprentice = Slave Labor

  27. Understanding theBible of Sustainability- Agenda 21 • Pay close attention to the choice of words and emphasis on “Government” in the Agenda 21 “Sustainability” document. • In particular watch for the following: • Gov’t into production and consumption • Gov’t source for all solutions • “Identity Politics” as a means of dividing; conquering; and building consensus against capitalism and private property rights. • Transfer of wealth initiatives and pro-Marxist “bent”. • Emphasis on “the people” rather than individuals • Outcome based – the govt determines the outcome

  28. UN Agenda21: Equity-Social Compass • Divide & Conquer - point a finger, create chaos, find someone to be the enemy. • Eliminate God, Family and Nationalism, personal wealth and private propertyAlways avoid confrontation on issues, always demonize the individual or group Lie, the ends justify the means. Use the media, marketing materials, propaganda pieces are used to reinforce. Determine the outcome and slant all literature to promote that goal. Truth is not an issue. DOUBLE SPEAK Race Wars - the Middle Class – corporations – religion – family - God. Over spend the entitlement programs – open borders – oil – Conservatives -Tea Parties – Create Spin - create confusion with the only solution is that of the government Partner with Islam Use phony contrived scientific data to constrict the individual GOD must be eliminated, there can be no room for loyalty for spiritual. Only material. Mother Earth- pantheism under the GAIA religion As noted in the Arc of Hope at the UN We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future. Humanity is part of a vast evolving universe. Earth, our home, is alive with a unique community of life….

  29. Every Sustainable Development builds the Progressive Base Maurice Strong former UN Secretary General –Oil Billionaire –stated: “Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Social justice, urban renewal and development, the provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people  can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole.”

  30. Acres of Conservation Florida has more than 5.5 million acres of public hunting lands, giving us one of the largest wildlife management area systems in the nation. Florida Forever, Friends of, Sierra, Audubon, NOT ENOUGH LAND, NEED more $$

  31. Legislate Theft of Private Property • Florida HB 87, Homeowners, and the Foreclosure Inferno • By Michael Collins, on May 10th, 2013A bill passed last week by the Florida legislature offers efficiencies and advantages to banks that may launch a major increase in foreclosures in the state known for its volatile real estate market.  The only thing standing in the way is a veto by Governor Rick Scott.  (Image: Nathan Rein) HB 87 S\shifts the burden of proof from the plaintiff, typically a bank, to the defendant, the homeowner.   If the bill is signed into law, homeowners must prove that the bank lacks the legal right to take your home within 20 to 45 days of the date that the bank served the foreclosure notice.   The reduced timeline restricts the ability to gather evidence from the bank and test it (Does the bank actually have a legal record of your mortgage?).  Without the time to discover evidence, homeowners are at a major disadvantage at the initial hearing or appealing a decision, presuming there are funds for an appeal. • Link:  http://agonist.org/florida-hb-87-homeowners-and-the-foreclosure-inferno/

  32. Conserve = Theft of Private Property • CPR has recently learned of another such program on a much larger scale designed to do something similar.  It is called Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs).  To view this program, related documents, and a sharper image of the map, visit: www.doi.gov/lcc.It was establish by Secretarial Order No. 3289 in 2009.  It divides the United States into 22 regions and is defined as “a network of public-private partnerships that provide shared science to ensure the sustainability of America’s land, water, wildlife, and cultural resources.”   • According to a DOI paper, the network of LCCs is “a response to landscape-scale stressors.”  The two mentioned that are evidently “stressing” America’s landscapes are climate change and carbon emissions. The LCCs are to be “public-private partnerships composed of states, tribes, federal agencies, non-government organizations, universities, and others.”

  33. Foreign Interest in US US Muslim Training Camps Communist Chinese City in Idaho Russian City in Idaho Communist Chinese in FL Empowerment Zones Communist Chinese given permits to drill in Gulf Communist Chinese bought $6Billion in Real Estate holdings NTO and Russian Troops in US Muslims in Military guiding FBI

  34. Environment “Themodels are convenient fictions that provide something very useful.”- Dr David Frame, climate modeler, Oxford University AG21 - Bring together everyone who works on a farm-EO 13575 Use grants and regulations to control farmers while – “HELPING THEM” • Restrict land use in environmental programs – ESA, Conservation programs like Everglades Restoration, Water Management • Encourage (restrict) farmers for using equipment, fertilizer, water… • Restrict crops, subsidize others – regulate, fine, permit • “It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe. Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace"The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe." - emeritus professor Daniel BotkinFrightened Children grow up to be legislators. Eliminate science and math facts = believe in government texts Every critter and every life form on earth is equal. ?????

  35. UN Agenda21: Environment before Man “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill .... The real enemy then is humanity itself. Democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead .... It would seem that humans need a common motivation, namely a common adversary .... such a motivation must be found to bring the divided nations together to face an outside enemy, either a real one, or else one invented for the purpose...” Club of Rome, “The First Global Revolution” Environment is the web which encases Agenda 21 and is squeezing the life out of America. Made up data pushes Americans into sustainable communities to control the population • Bio-Diversity Treaty. • ICLEI and NGOs will help local municipalities rezone/land grabs less use. • Endangered Species removes land out of private hands • Bad Fossil Fuels - high gas prices less auto use • Rezoning to create wilding forcing no-human land masses • EPA, NOAA, FDA, DoED, DOD, DOT, DOI 7.5. The programme areas included in this chapter are: (b)  Improving human settlementmanagement; (c)  Promoting sustainableland-use planningandmanagement; 7.16(a)  Adopting and applyingurban management guidelines in the areas of land management, urban environmental management, infrastructure management and municipal finance and administration 7.30(a)  Establish, as appropriate, national legislation to guide theimplementation of public policiesfor environmentally soundurban development, land utilization, housing and for the improved management of urban expansion

  36. Un Agenda21: Anti Free Market Economy Economy - NEVER LET A GOOD CRISIS GO TO WASTE. If there is no crisis manufacture one: All about Natural resources ,Land and OIL • Create Chaos, Create the solution: Fosil Fuels evil, close coal, close oil • Over regulate, high taxation closes industry jobs to be outsourced. If no data exists, create it FDA, more regulations on food; bubbles: Fannie, Freddie • Use phony scientific models to point fingers and close industry Fishing Industry closed, eat fish from cesspools in SA and ASIA. • Open borders cause massive influx of socialists and more debt. US dollars leaving • Printing money will cause massive inflation • Subsidies: Pick winners and losers - Burning food for fuel will cause food shortage • Pubic / Private Partnerships – unfair advantage to favored corporations • Govt take over of industry and health care. Nanny State • Use Executive Orders to create laws that by pass congress and the people • Lie to support values "Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of morality control. ” Professor Maurice King Very important to destroy middle class: Housing, retirement accounts, investments Over spend the entitlement programs – open borders – oil – create shortages – Create Spin - call for riots – martial law – no election – Dictator

  37. Education and Pushback • Benghazi – Impeachment • Seal Team VI - Investigate • Drones ad Cameras– I will not comply • Guns – Registration leads to confiscation • Immigration hoax -34 million more, no $$$ • Climate Hoax – Cold prepare • CCS – Funding, results, require test model expose content • Identify the enemy END PC • Missouri Legislature BANS Agenda 21

  38. What Can You Do? • Stop Political Correctness • Become an AgEnder-American Against Agenda 21 • Truth * Education * Conversation * Action • Learn and Share the Constitution • Learn and Share American History, Civics • Form a committed headed by chairs for: Precinct Sign and pass out the Petitions Education: learn and teach agenda 21 info Legislation: oversight, train legislators Media: Press releases, articles, blogs, social media Samples • Demand American in schools / goods • Eliminate Smart Meters * No to Grants • Home school * God * Family * Community * Prepare • No Sharia, Keep Christmas • Demand Borders • Stop Rules of Engagement FREEDOM IS NOT FREE Victory is our only option

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