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Agenda - Friday

Agenda - Friday. Agenda - Friday. Westwood Vision. Vision Statement. Westwood Baptist Church strives to be a loving, accepting, affirming, and diverse fellowship of believers leading others to Christ through worship, discipleship, missions, and ministries. Mission Statement.

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Agenda - Friday

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda - Friday

  2. Agenda - Friday

  3. Westwood Vision

  4. Vision Statement Westwood Baptist Church strives to be a loving, accepting, affirming, and diverse fellowship of believers leading others to Christ through worship, discipleship, missions, and ministries.

  5. Mission Statement A community of believers worshiping God, making disciples, and sharing Christ’s love.

  6. Four-Fold Mission of the Church Community Worship Missions Discipleship

  7. Four-Fold Mission of the Church Administration Community Worship Missions Discipleship

  8. Children’s Ministry Erin Allard

  9. Secure more resources for Children's Ministry • Staff person responsible for children/family ministry • Summer Intern for Children's Ministry • Training for leaders • Expand the base of volunteers • Update current policies and ensure that all current and new volunteers are appropriately trained • Create a more cohesive approach to discipleship throughout the Children's Department • Implement a special monthly gathering for children (all ages combined) on Sunday mornings

  10. Single Adult Ministry Tullie Johnson

  11. Members include single adults, divorced, and widow church members • Meet each month on 1st Sunday after service and 3rd Sunday to go out from lunch, if interested • Members:  Tullie Johnson, Glynda Rich, Jackie Woodcock, Martha Murray, Joanne Giles, Carolyn Ausley, Nancy Hunter, Pat Godfrey, Flo Sudduth, Keith Vaughan/Staff

  12. Will have Pecan Sales in early Fall for Thanksgiving and Christmas for those who bake (Fall of 2018 sales were very profitable and $373 was donated to the Belize scholarship fund and will also make remaining cookbooks available for purchase during this time). • Make scarves to be delivered each Winter to "Oak City Outreach" for the homeless, as was completed this January.

  13. Ronald McDonald House Brunch--each year provide brunch once or twice a year to families staying at RMH in Durham. Basics purchased by WBC and members provide the rest and any other items needed by RMH, e.g. toilet paper, paper towels. We arrive by 8:45am on a Saturday to cook bacon, eggs, make waffles, fresh fruit, fruit salad, biscuits. We also talk to families there who come for brunch or do take out. It is a heartfelt joy to be able to do this mission.

  14. On Sunday, May 19th at 2:00-4:00pm, we will showcase "Alive Inside" film and a discussion about folks who have Alzheimer's and Dementia and how music from their generation awakens them. Group will provide light snacks and beverages. Church will help promote through newsletter, website, and Facebook. Event is open to not only church members, but also anyone in the Raleigh and Cary areas. Many people have parents, spouses, grandparents, etc. who are no stranger to Alzheimer's and Dementia.

  15. April 27, 2019, we will participate in "Purple Stride/ Pancreatic Cancer" event and will give out cupcakes and purple scarves to survivors and family members. • Early Summer, we will prepare a meal for the families and staff at Transitions Life Care and also continue to collect individually wrap snacks for those families who have a loved one under Hospice care.

  16. Bereavement Laura Church

  17. Promote a congregational focus on the significance of showing love to grieving families through the work of our committee and the immediate need for new volunteers. • Determine standardized meal and reception plans to offer the families we serve, and familiarize members with those choices. • Establish funding so that the standardized meal and reception plans can include the purchase of prepared foods.

  18. Young Adult Ministry Michelle Anderson

  19. Establish a monthly event called "Second Sunday" that will provide time and space for meal/study/discussion/fellowship for young adults. • Work to establish rapport with and develop relationships within the young adult community at Westwood. • Explore the possibility of creating an in home small group for young professionals.

  20. Missions on the Horizon Russell Culler

  21. Develop Missions Partners/Relationships • Complete transparency with the church • Who do we choose to support? Why are we supporting? Where are they located? What is the impact? • Grow Transformational Missions Relationships • Focus on missions opportunities that can transform a life • Become less task focused

  22. Identify Local Missions Partnerships • Welcome House, Baptist Build • Have a missional impact in our local community • Develop Adult Missions Education Opportunities • Local partners to come speak to the church • Educate on who they impact, why their ministry is important, and how does God call you to serve

  23. Music and Worship Darrel Vuncannon

  24. Set a standard of excellence in the worship and music ministries of Westwood Baptist church Colossians 3:23-24 “23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (NIV) • Provide music and worship training opportunities for various ages. Provide 1st-6th graders with the opportunity to participate in the Raleigh Baptist Association Children’s Music Camp this summer. June 17-20, 2019, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Concert: Thurs., June 20, 7:00 pm at New Hope Baptist Church, Raleigh Only $70/child

  25. Set a standard of excellence in the worship and music ministries of Westwood Baptist church Colossians 3:23-24 “23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (NIV) • Provide music and worship training opportunities for various ages. Vocal Health for Singers and Speakers Sat., May 18, AM, 9:30 AM-11:30 AM Westwood Choir Room

  26. Share the love of Jesus out in our community through the arts.

  27. Share the love of Jesus out in our community through the arts. • Pursue opportunities to connect area musicians with Westwood Baptist church.

  28. Share the love of Jesus out in our community through the arts. • Pursue opportunities to connect area musicians with Westwood Baptist church. • Use our musical gifts to support other committees and ministries of the church.

  29. Dessert Keith Vaughn

  30. Properties Jimmy Leonard

  31. Vision Take Care of Our Talents Matthew 25:14-30 Be a Light to the Community Matthew 5:14-15

  32. Purpose Enable Westwood Staff and Ministries to effectively carry out their mission by providing excellent facilities through: • Facility Maintenance • Facility Improvements • Space Utilization/Optimization • Professional Office Environment • Policies

  33. Facility Maintenance • Implement Preventive Maintenance Contracts • Evaluate Routine Maintenance

  34. Facility Improvements • Facilitate Guest/Member Engagement • Establish Security Procedures

  35. Space Utilization/Optimization • Remove the Junk in the Trunk • Create Mid-Sized Meeting Space

  36. Professional Work Environment • Review Office Equipment Needs (April 2020) • Replace Aging Office Furniture • Insure Adequate Office Space for Interns

  37. Policies Does our current building usage policy/fee structure align with the vision of the church?

  38. Deacons Jackie Woodcock

  39. 1.  Develop tracking system for member visitation. 2.  Grow deacon engagement. 3.  Lead congregational prayer focus/meetings. 4.  Partner with others to plan fellowship experiences. 5.  Develop a mentoring model for new deacons.

  40. Christian Education Joy Minster

  41. In order to help make and support disciples, the Christian Education Committee will: Action Step 1 Continue to provide short-term discipleship classes regularly during the Sunday School hour as well as looking for ways to increase our weekday discipleship options. Action Step 2 Continue to support and encourage Financial Peace University short-term courses.

  42. In order to help make and support disciples, the Christian Education Committee will: Action Step 4 Offer Sunday School Teacher training, such as a Master Class or other opportunities, to support their continual growth as they are helping to make disciples. Action Step 3 Provide quarterly “Getting to Know Westwood” events, as well as a “Nuts & Bolts” Workshop to help introduce and educate members. Action Step 5 Base short-term Bible Studies and other Christian Education events upon results from a yearly data collection.

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