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The Northern Sea Route - legal perspectives. Professor Erik Røsæg Nordisk institutt for sjørett erik.rosag@jus.uio.no folk.uio.no/erikro. Statoil – Rosneft agreement. Zones. Port Inernal waters Territorial waters EEZ --- Continental shelf. www.eoearth.org. Article 21
The Northern Sea Route- legal perspectives Professor Erik Røsæg Nordisk institutt for sjørett erik.rosag@jus.uio.no folk.uio.no/erikro
Zones • Port • Inernal waters • Territorial waters • EEZ --- • Continental shelf www.eoearth.org
Article 21 Laws and regulations of the coastal State relating to innocent passage 1. The coastal State may adopt laws and regulations, in conformity with the provisions of this Convention and other rules of international law, relating to innocent passage through the territorial sea, in respect of all or any of the following: (a) the safety of navigation and the regulation of maritime traffic; (b) the protection of navigational aids and facilities and other facilities or installations; (c) the protection of cables and pipelines; (d) the conservation of the living resources of the sea; (e) the prevention of infringement of the fisheries laws and regulations of the coastal State; (f) the preservation of the environment of the coastal State and the prevention, reduction and control of pollution thereof; (g) marine scientific research and hydrographic surveys; (h) the prevention of infringement of the customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations of the coastal State. 2. Such laws and regulations shall not apply to the design, construction, manning or equipment of foreign ships unless they are giving effect to generally accepted international rules or standards. 3. The coastal State shall give due publicity to all such laws and regulations. 4. Foreign ships exercising the right of innocent passage through the territorial sea shall comply with all such laws and regulations and all generally accepted international regulations relating to the prevention of collisions at sea.
Article56 Rights, jurisdiction and duties of the coastal State in the exclusive economic zone 1. In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State has: (a) sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to the seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil, and with regard to other activities for the economic exploitation and exploration of the zone, such as the production of energy from the water, currents and winds; (b) jurisdiction as provided for in the relevant provisions of this Convention with regard to: (i) the establishment and use of artificial islands, installations and structures; (ii) marine scientific research; (iii) the protection and preservation of the marine environment; (c) other rights and duties provided for in this Convention. 2. In exercising its rights and performing its duties under this Convention in the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State shall have due regard to the rights and duties of other States and shall act in a manner compatible with the provisions of this Convention. 3. The rights set out in this article with respect to the seabed and subsoil shall be exercised in accordance with Part VI.
Article 234 Ice-covered areas Coastal States have the right to adopt and enforcenon-discriminatorylaws and regulations for theprevention, reduction and controlof marine pollution from vessels in ice-covered areas withinthe limits oftheexclusiveeconomiczone, whereparticularlysevereclimaticconditions and thepresenceoficecoveringsuch areas for most oftheyearcreateobstructions or exceptionalhazards to navigation, and pollutionofthe marine environmentcouldcause major harm to or irreversible disturbanceoftheecologicalbalance. Suchlaws and regulationsshall have due regard to navigation and theprotection and preservationofthe marine environmentbasedonthe best availablescientificevidence.
Lov om offentlig tilsyn med overvintringstogt til de arktiske egne (06.08.1915 nr. 1) § 1. Togt, som utrustes fra norsk havn for at drive fangst i de arktiske egne, skal være undergit tilsyn efter denne lov, naarhensigtenopgives eller skjønnes at være, at nogen av dem, som er med paatogtet, skal overvintre. Kongen eller den, han bemyndiger,1 kan bestemme, at tilsynet ogsaa skal gjældetogt, som sker under saadanne forhold, at overvintring kan bli nødvendig, selv om overvintring ikke er hensigten. 1 Sjøfartsdirektoratet iflg. res. 5 april 1963. § 2. Togtet skal være forsvarlig utrustet med det, som trænges, saasom levnetsmidler, beklædning, boligmateriel, brændsel, lægemidler, skytevaaben, ammunition og redskaper, alt beregnet for mindst to aar. Der bør føres med baat- og sledemateriel, telt, kokestel og soveposer til bruk ved længere turer fra fartøi eller station. I særlige tilfælde, saasomnaartogtetgjælder mindre farefulde egne, kan tilsynet lempe paa kravene til utrustningen.1 Tilsynet kan ogsaa tillate, at utrustningen blir beregnet for kortere tid end to aar. Spirituosa maa ikke føres med undtagen til medicinsk bruk.2 Om anvendelsen av bestemmelserne i denne paragraf kan Kongen eller den, han bemyndiger,3 gi nærmere forskrifter. 1 Jfr. § 8. 2 Se § 15 tredje ledd. 3 Sjøfartsdirektoratet iflg. res. 5 april 1963. ----
Phase III • Mandatory code 2016? • DE 56-WP.4 • Correspondence Group web site (NMD) • Key documents • Canada DE 53/18/2 • Norge MEPC 60/21/1 • IALA MSC 87/INF.15 • STCW DE 54/13 • Norge/DNV DE 54/INF.5 • IACS DE 55/12/11
Draft Polar Code 1 Polar Water Operational Manual 2 Structuralintegrity 3 Stability … 4 Watertight … integrity 5 Machinery 5 bis Anchoring … 6 Habitability … 7 Fire safety/protection 8 Life-savingappliances… 9 Navigation 10 Communications 11 Alternative design 12 Operationalrequirements 13 Crewing … 14 Emergencycontrol 15 Environmentalprotection
Consultationissues • Accidental damage • HFO • Discharge • Leakage • Garbage, sewage and grey water • Soot • Incineration • Anti-fouling • Ballast water discharge • Containers • Underwater noise • Speed limitations
Sundryagreements • Arctic Search and Rescue Agreement • STCW/CONF.2/DC/4 • Bilateral agreements