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升學澳洲 - 澳洲毅進奬學金講座 Further Study in Australia – The Endeavour Awards Seminar. www.deewr.gov.au/EndeavourAwards. 澳洲 – 是你的選擇 W hy Study in Australia?. 澳洲 – 是你的選擇 Why Study in Australia?. 優質教育學制,世界認可 World-class education with internationally recognised qualifications
升學澳洲 - 澳洲毅進奬學金講座Further Study in Australia – The Endeavour Awards Seminar www.deewr.gov.au/EndeavourAwards
澳洲 – 是你的選擇 Why Study in Australia? • 優質教育學制,世界認可 • World-class education with internationally recognised qualifications • 完善教育質素保證及海外學生消費者權益保障制度 • Comprehensive quality assurance and rigorous consumer protection
澳洲 – 是你的選擇 Why Study in Australia? • 多元化的入學途徑及課程選擇 • Flexible learning pathways & a wide range of study options • 教學模式:鼓勵創新、發揮創意、培養獨立思考 • Learning style: innovative, creative & independent thinking • 多元文化背景,安全學習環境,社會和諧友善 • Safe and multiculturalsociety
澳洲學歷資格框架Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF, 1 July 2011) www.aqf.edu.au
Queensland (QLD) Australian Catholic University Bond University Central Queensland University Griffith University James Cook University Queensland University of Technology The University of Queensland University of Southern Queensland University of the Sunshine Coast 高等教育 Higher Education Northern Territory (NT) Charles Darwin University New South Wales (NSW) Australian Catholic University Central Queensland University Charles Sturt University Macquarie University Southern Cross University University of Newcastle University of New England University of New South Wales University of Sydney University of Technology Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Wollongong Western Australia (WA) Curtin University of Technology Edith Cowan University Murdoch University University of Notre Dame University of Western Australia Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Australian Catholic University The Australian National Canberra of University The University of New South Wales South Australia (SA) Adelaide University Flinders University University of South Australia Victoria (VCT) Australian Catholic University Central Queensland University Deakin University La Trobe University Monash University RMIT University Swinburne University of Technology University of Ballarat The University of Melbourne Victoria University Tasmania (TAS) University of Tasmania
高等教育 Higher Education • 各大學的質素均受監管 Universities are accredited by state and territory governments • 提供廣泛的選讀範圍,各院校有其強項及專門範疇 A wide range of courses and each of the universities has its own strengths and areas of specialisation
高等教育 Higher Education • 研究及學術成就達世界頂級水平,接觸最新研究,開濶視野 World class academic research and access to the latest research in any chosen field
Australian Nobel Prize Winners 卓越研究Research Excellence 下列都是澳洲科學家的發明呢! Did you know these were invented by Australian scientists? 諾貝爾獎澳洲得主
澳洲聯邦政府核准招收海外學生之教育機構與課程名冊澳洲聯邦政府核准招收海外學生之教育機構與課程名冊 Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) www.cricos.deewr.gov.au
設立於1991年,以保障持學生簽證到澳洲升學的海外學生的有關權益設立於1991年,以保障持學生簽證到澳洲升學的海外學生的有關權益 Introduced in 1991 to protect and interests of the right international students who are granted student visa in Australia 學籍保障服務 Tuition Protection Service(TPS) 海外學生教育服務法Education Services for Overseas Students Act (ESOS) www.aei.gov.au
海外學生教育服務法Education Services for Overseas Students Act (ESOS) 檢討The Review: • 該法例於 2009年8月再被檢視,並於2010年2月完成檢討。 In August 2009, a review was undertaken by the Hon Bruce Baird. The review was completed in February 2010, and named the ‘Baird’ review.
海外學生教育服務法Education Services for Overseas Students Act (ESOS) 檢討The Review: • 改善對營運者的監管 Improved regulation of providers • 令學生獲取更多訊息 More information available to students • 加強對學生的保障 Stronger protection for students
澳洲國際學生策略The International Student Strategy for Australia • 策略包括四方面 The strategy covers four action areas where efforts will be targeted • 學生福祉 Student wellbeing • 教育質素 Quality of education • 消費者保障 Consumer protection • 更佳訊息 Better information
學生簽證檢討 The Knight Review www.immi.gov.au/students/knight/
教育機構提供的留學生支援Student Support Services Provided by Education Providers
教育機構提供的留學生支援Student Support Services Provided by Education Providers • 新生接機 • Airport pick-up • 迎新活動 • Orientation program • 居住安排 • Accommodation arrangement • 海外學生會 • International student associations
教育機構提供的留學生支援Student Support Services Provided by Education Providers • 英語及學術支援 • English and academic support services • 就業諮詢及心理輔導 • Career and psychological counsellingservices • 兼職工作 • Part-time jobs
國際學生調查 2010International Student Survey 2010 • 國際學生對澳洲教育表示高度滿意 International students’ level of satisfaction with Australian Education is high • 84%的國際學生對他們在澳洲的學習體驗滿意或非常滿意 84% of International students are either satisfied or very satisfied with their study experience
國際學生調查 2010International Student Survey 2010 • 86%的學生則對生活體驗表示滿意或非常滿意 86% were satisfied or very satisfied with their living experience in Australia • 影響學生選擇赴澳洲留學的因素是:教學質量、學歷和院校的聲譽Factors influencing choice including quality of teaching, and reputation of the qualification and institution.
國際學生就業结果International Student Employment Outcomes • 研究於2010年進行 Research undertaken in 2010 • 高等教育國際學生中 Among Higher Education International Student Graduates: - 73% 留在澳洲居住者獲聘 73% of those living in Australia were employed - 81% 離開者獲聘 81% of those who left were employed
國際學生就業结果International Student Employment Outcomes • 數字與澳洲本土學生相若 Similar to Australian Graduates • 大部份沒有受聘者仍在進修或求職中 Majority of students not employed were undertaking further study or seeking work
澳洲毅進獎學金Endeavour Awards 澳洲毅進獎學金Endeavour Awards
與亞太地區國家的個人及機構組織之間建立起長久的教育、研究和專業領域的聯繫與亞太地區國家的個人及機構組織之間建立起長久的教育、研究和專業領域的聯繫 Develop on-going education, research and professional linkages between individuals and organisations in Australia and countries in the Asia-Pacific region. 為已具較高成就的個人提供擴大全球視野和增強技能的機會Provide opportunities for high achieving individuals to enhance their global awareness and skills 為高品質的教育培訓和研究創新提供支援 Support high quality education and training research and innovation in the region 目的Aims
研究生獎學金 Postgraduate Awards 澳亞毅進獎學金總理獎 Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Awards 研究獎學金 Research Fellowships 行政管理獎學金 Executive Awards 職業教育與培訓獎學金 Vocational Education and Training (VET) Awards 毅進獎學金種類Endeavour Awards Categories
授課式或研究式碩士或博士課程 Masters or PhD by coursework or research 最高金額為碩士11.85萬澳元、博士22.85萬澳元Valued at up to118,500 for Masters or $228,500 for PhD 最長為2年的碩士課程或4年的博士課程 Up to 2 years for Masters, 4 years for PhD 學習領域不設限制 Any field of study 月生活津貼 Monthly stipend 學費 Tuition fees 毅進研究生獎學金Endeavour Postgraduate Awards
國際申請者資格 Eligibility Requirements for International Applicants 為參與國家的公民或永久居民 Citizens and/or permanent residents of a participating country 持有有效澳洲學生簽證的國際學生不可申請 Not a valid Australian student visa holder 在本年度獎學金前2年曾獲得並完成澳洲毅進獎學金或發展獎學金者不可申請 Without completion an Endeavour Award and/or AusAID Scholarship in the preceding 24 months 至少大學本科學位並成績優秀 Undergraduate degree (minimum) & high academic achievement 已被澳大利亞的大學碩士或博士課程錄取;申請時可先提供有條件的錄取通知書 Admission to a Masters or PhD course in Australia; conditional letters of offer accepted at the time of application 毅進研究生獎學金Endeavour Postgraduate Awards
研究生獎學金的前20名來自亞洲地區的獎學金得主將自動獲得Awarded to the top 20 Endeavour Postgraduate Award recipients from the Asia region 可於博士課程後期在澳洲進行最長12個月的實習 Up to 12 months work placement/internship in Australia at the end of their PhD. 獎學金金額Benefits: 額外最高3.5萬澳元的生活和實習津貼 Additional stipend and internship allocation: AUD35,000 最高金額達26.35萬澳元 Value: up to AUD263,500 澳亞毅進獎學金總理獎The Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Awards
毅進研究獎學金 Endeavour Research Fellowship 長江澳洲研究毅進獎學金 Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowship 毅進原住民研究獎學金 Endeavour Research Fellowship for Indigenous Australians 獎學金金額Benefits: 最高金額達2.35萬澳元 Valued at up to $23,500 4-6 個月的在澳時間 Four to six month duration 月生活津贴 Monthly stipend 旅遊和安頓津貼 Travel and establishment allowances 旅遊險和健康保險 Travel and health insurance 特派專案主管和支援服務體系 Dedicated case manager and support network 支付給接收學校的費用 Host institution payment 毅進研究獎學金Endeavour Research Fellowships
國際申請者資格 Eligibility Requirements for International Applicants 為參與國家的公民或永久居民 Citizens and/or permanent residents of a participating country 持有有效澳洲學生簽證的國際學生不可申請 Not a valid Australian student visa holder 在本年度獎學金前2年曾獲得並完成澳洲毅進獎學金或發展獎學金者不可申請 Without completion an Endeavour Award and/or AusAID Scholarship in the preceding 24 months 需在本國已註冊碩博士課程或在澳獎學金項目開始前已獲得博士學位並取得最後成績(後項適用於博士後申請者) Enrolled in a Masters or PhD course in a participating country or PhD conferred with final results prior to commencement (for postdoctoral applicant) 至少大學本科學位並成績優秀 Undergraduate degree (minimum) & high academic achievement 必須獲得澳洲接收單位的提名並提供由他們完成的提名表 Nominated by host organisation; nomination form completed 毅進研究獎學金Endeavour Research Fellowships
最高金額1.85萬澳元 Valued at up to $18,500 1-4個月的在澳時間 One to four months duration 提供給教育界、商業界、工業界或政府內的專業人士 For professionals in education, business, industry or government 建立長久的聯繫與合作網路 Establish ongoing linkages and networks 申請人自行設計進修專案 Design your own program 在回國後與同行分享他們的新技能和知識 Share updated skills and knowledge with colleagues 毅進行政管理獎學金 Endeavour Executive Awards
毅進行政管理獎學金 Endeavour Executive Awards 國際申請者資格 Eligibility Requirements for International Applicants • 為參與國家的公民或永久居民 Citizens and/or permanent residents of a participating country • 持有有效澳洲學生簽證的國際學生不可申請 Not a valid Australian student visa holder • 在本年度獎學金前2年曾獲得並完成澳洲毅進獎學金或發展獎學金者不可申請 Without completion of an Endeavour Award and/or AusAID Scholarship in the preceding 24 months • 高中畢業證書或大學本科學位; 在澳期間不可接受學歷教育 Either an Australian Year 12 secondary qualification or equivalent or an undergraduate degree; not result in receiving a formal academic qualification • 必須獲得澳洲接收單位的提名並提供由他們完成的提名表Nominated by host organisation; nomination form completed
改善地區內技術短缺問題 Address regional skills shortages 澳大利亞學歷資格框架內的文憑、高級文憑或准學士學位課程 AQF Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree 學習領域不設限制 Any field of study 最高金額11.95萬澳元;最長2.5年 Valued at up to $119,500 over 2.5 years 如需要可包含6個月的英語培訓 Includes 6 months English language training if required 毅進職業教育與培訓獎學金 Endeavour VET Awards
國際申請者資格 Eligibility Requirements for International Applicants 為參與國家的公民或永久居民 Citizens and/or permanent residents of a participating country 持有有效澳洲學生簽證的國際學生不可申請 Not a current Australian student visa holder 在本年度獎學金前2年曾獲得並完成澳大利亞毅進獎學金或發展獎學金者不可申請 Without completion of an Endeavour Award and/or AusAID Scholarship in the preceding 24 months 至少初中畢業 The equivalent to an Australian Year 10 secondary qualification (minimum) 已被澳洲職教院校的文憑、專科文憑或准學士學位課程錄取 Admission to a Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree course at an Australian vocational education institution; conditional letters of offer accepted at the time of application. 職業教育與培訓奮進獎學金 Endeavour VET Awards
獎學金申請方法 Applicant Guidelines www.deewr.gov.au/EndeavourAwards 獎學金 每年於4月1日至6月30日接受申請 Applications for Endeavour Awards normally open from 1 April to 30 June each year
毅進獎學金申請時間及選拔過程Endeavour AwardsTimeline for application & selection process
個人資訊 Personal details 國籍/公民身份 Citizenship and residency 學習/研究計畫 Proposed program 以往所獲學歷資格 Educational qualifications 英語水準 English proficiency 獎學金、獎項榮譽、會員資格和出版物 Scholarship, awards, memberships and publications 工作經歷 Employment history 推薦人Referees 提名Nomination 學習/研究計畫的陳述說明 Program supporting statement 自薦信 Personal statement 回應Feedback 條款和條件 Terms and conditions 申請毅進獎學金EndeavourAwardsApplication
怎樣選擇適合的澳洲課程?How to look for a course in Australia? • 搜尋器 Search engine www.studyinaustralia.gov.au
怎樣選擇適合的澳洲課程?How to look for a course in Australia? • 校內教授 (澳洲籍或曾在澳洲修讀則更佳) Faculty Professor (especially those who are Australians or were educated in Australia) • 已設立教學聯系的澳洲院校 Those Australian universities that have exchange collaborations set up with your university www.umac.mo/gao • 諮詢你在澳洲的親友 Consult your relatives/friends in/from Australia
特派專案主管 Dedicated case manager 行前說明 Pre-departure briefings 獎學金獲得者國際網路 International network of Award holders 毅進獎學金校友網路(將於不久後併入澳洲政府獎學金校友網路) Endeavour Awards Alumni Network (soon to be incorporated into the Australia Awards Alumni Network) 毅進獎學金——支援服務和專案強化 Endeavour Awards Support Services and Program Enrichment
接受院校和機構將從中受益Benefits to Host Institutions and Organisations • 為國際合作帶來機遇 Opportunity for international collaboration and ongoing cooperation • 獲得智慧財產權 Intellectual property gains • 獲得額外的資源 Additional resources • 建立專門領域的聯繫和網路 Develop professional linkages & networks • 知識共用 Sharing of knowledge • 在國內外提升院校知名度的絕佳機會 Opportunity to profile your institution nationally & internationally
For further information欲獲取進一步資訊,請登陸 www.deewr.gov.au/EndeavourAwards Contact Information聯繫資訊
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