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This study examines the quantitative and qualitative evolution of three table grape varieties with different maturation periods. The research explores the visual perspectives, flavors, health conditions, and other attributes that define and assess the quality of table grapes.
Comparative study on defining quality elements at some table grapes varieties Authors names: Dunuţă Toniţa Valentina Coordinator Professor: Stroe Marinela International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 31, 2017 - Bucharest, Romania
Introduction • Production of table grape varieties is a major concern for the producers, on the one hand and researchers on the other hand, to be competitive in a highly competitive market, which is in a continuous transformation, based on the consumers preferences, more and more pretentious about the visual perspectives of the production obtained. • Generally at fresh fruits, and grapes in particular, besides these first perspectives it adds the flavors ones, based on the sensory characteristics highly appreciated by consumers, as: texture, firmness and freshness, the gluco-acidometric index, key attributes for defining and assessing the quality of a product.
Introduction • The table grapes varieties are very appreciated by the consumers, because they are an important health source through the bioactive compounds, with antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory action and potential regulating endothelial function ((Manachet al., 2004,Milella et al. 2013). • Quality of table grapes is associated with descriptive parameters of berries (size and color), but in reality it is a complex term, seen from several perspectives: visuals, flavors, nutritious, health condition, therapeutics, evaluated by the consumer - buyer. • Starting from this premise, I decided to follow the quantitative and qualitative evolution of three table grape varieties with different maturation periods, depending on the climatic conditions that causes installation of some deficiencies along with already existing defects in the structural composition of grapes.
Materials and Methods • In the experiment were followed three varieties of vine with table grapes from the varietal conveyor cultivated in Romania - Muscat Hamburg cv., Afuz Ali cv., and Victoria cv., with different periods of maturation, two of these being genetically related: Afuz Ali variety is one of the Victoria’s variety genitors. Varieties can be found in the experimental field of the Ampelography Collection from University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. • The conduct form used was the semi-stalk one, with the type of pruning Guyot on semi-stem with a load of 30 buds/vine, distributed on two fruit links, the chord length with 14 buds and rootstock selection for all varieties was Oppenheim 4 (Table 1). • The main data about these varieties can be found in Vitis International Variety Catalog www.vivc.de (Table 2). In the experimental field of U.S.A.M.V Bucharest, planting distances are 2.2 m between rows and 1.2 m between plants in the row, and the establishment year was 2012.
Table 1 • Synthesis of the rootstock used, the number of buds left on the vine and the number of vines analyzed International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 31, 2017 - Bucharest, Romania
Table 2Genetic origin of studied varieties International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 31, 2017 - Bucharest, Romania
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS • For this comparative study, mainly focused on deployment phenological spectrum were observed the main phenophases: bud opening, flowering, veraisonand full maturation. • The debut and deployment phases of vegetation are different every year, because, through the evolution of the weather, and more and more extreme events, they will influence the manifestation of one and the same variety in the same area. • Climatic conditions of 2015-2016 influenced the development of entire phenological spectrum at the studied varieties (Table 3), observing that the varieties were registered a precociousnessat the beginning of each phenological phases, especially on the date when the maturation phase was recorded. Table 3 Synthesis about the development of phonological spectrum at studied varieties in the ecopedoclimatic conditions from U.S.A.M.V Bucharest International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 31, 2017 - Bucharest, Romania
Syhthesis on the fertility and productivity values at studied varieties in experimental field from U.S.A.M.V Bucharest • In terms of the fertility elements, expressed by the values of the two coefficients - the highest value was registered by Muscat Hamburg cv. and the lowest values, Victoria cv. • In terms of productivity indices, the highest value of absolute productivity index was recorded by Afuz Ali variety (571.2 g/sprout), and the lowest, Muscat Hamburg variety (345.4 g/sprout), values that influenced exponentially the production. Table 4 International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 31, 2017 - Bucharest, Romania
Table 5 Summary on the defining elements of the quality • Production and quality (table 5), provides indications that varieties have suffered from the tᵒ and U% recorded in the flowering phenophase, putting their mark on the percentage of related berries. Most of these remain small (6-7mm) and very small (2-4mm), basically halving the production on the vine. • As regards of daily average temperatures recorded during flowering (Figure 1) they were below the limit of 20.0 ᵒC, which determined a small percentage of related inflorescences, first of all having negative effects on average weight and then on production. • Has been observed that at the same number of buds/vine in the viticultural year 2015-2016, the varieties have been diferently manifested in terms of quantity and quality of the defining elements of production, by specifying that only the amount of accumulated sugars remain in the limits of varieties. • The obtained merchandise production being in this case deficient. Figure 1.The evolution of average temperatures (° C) of the flowering period in the range of -20 June 2016 May 20. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 31, 2017 - Bucharest, Romania
Conclusions and recommendations From research on the study of three varieties of table grapes and the results obtained, are resulting the next conclusions: • The varieties recorded an earliness in developing all phenological phases. • Elements of fertility and productivity recorded values that are in the normal range of varieties, especially absolute productivity index values. • Climatic conditions registered in the spring of 2016 in flowering phenological phase (t ᵒC and the relative humidity U%) had negative effects primarily on the percentageof related inflorescences, the average weight of grapes and then the production. • The obtained merchandise production being in this case deficient. Recommendations • Having regard to the management of soil in accordance with respecting technologies for the varieties of table grapes, application of some works and operations in green with special character(pinching sprouts ,ring incision), even in a year with bad weather conditions can be obtained remarkable productions in terms of quality and quantity , through the consumer satisfaction and also the benefit of producer. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 31, 2017 - Bucharest, Romania
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