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Totally Terrific Tissues

Totally Terrific Tissues. Tissues. A group of similar cells that work toward a common structure and function. Cell Physiology most cells in a tissue will:. Exhibit irritability (respond to a stimulus) Digest food Excrete wastes Reproduce Grow Metabolize

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Totally Terrific Tissues

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  1. Totally Terrific Tissues

  2. Tissues • A group of similar cells that work toward a common structure and function.

  3. Cell Physiologymost cells in a tissue will: • Exhibit irritability (respond to a stimulus) • Digest food • Excrete wastes • Reproduce • Grow • Metabolize Cells of a specific tissue type have additional specialized functions.


  5. I. EPITHELIAL • Makes Linings, coverings, and glandular tissue 4 Functions: 1.Protection: Skin 2.Absorption: Food 3.Filtration: Cilia 4.Secretion: Oil, Sweat

  6. 5 Characteristics 1.Cells fit closely together in sheets or membranes 2.Always have one unattached (free) surface 3. Lower surface rests on a basement membrane 4.No blood supply of their own 5.Can Regenerate easily when nourished

  7. 2 Ways to Classify 2.Cell Shape • Squamous: Flat, like fish scales • Columnar: Columns • Cuboidal: Cubes, dice

  8. 2. Cell Arrangement Simple: one layer Stratified: more than one layer Classification (cont.)

  9. 2. Connective Tissue 3 Functions • Connects body parts • Supports • Binds 2 Characteristics • Most have blood supply • EXCEPT: tendons, ligaments, cartilage • Connective cells make a non-living substance , called the matrix, that can be liquid, soft, or hard

  10. 5 Examples of Connective Tissue 1. Bone (Osseous) • Bone cells live in cavities. • They secrete a hard substance

  11. 5 Examples of Connective Tissue 2. Cartilage • Larynx, attaches ribs to sternum, covers bone ends, external ear, vertebral discs

  12. 5 Examples of Connective Tissue 3. Dense Connective • Strong and rope-like • TENDONS: Connect bone to muscle • LIGAMENTS: Connect bone to bone

  13. 5 Examples of Connective Tissue 4. Loose Connective • Packing tissue, glue, squishy protection, insulation • ADIPOSE = FAT

  14. 5 Examples of Connective Tissue 5. Blood • Blood cells in a fluid (non-living substance) • Transportation

  15. 3. Muscle Tissue • Function : CONTRACT, shortens to produce movement

  16. 3 Types of Muscle Tissue Classification 1.Skeletal: • Voluntary • long cells with stripes, • lots of nuclei (cells look like a slinky in the microscope) • Attached to bones

  17. 3 Types of Muscle Tissue Classification 2. Cardiac: • Involuntary cells (you don’t have to control them) • have stripes, look broken, • each cell has one nucleus

  18. 3 Types of Muscle Tissue Classification 3. Smooth: • Found in walls of hollow organs • Involuntary • Cells have NO stripes, • look like thread, one nucleus

  19. Silly Skeletal Muscle Tissue Slimy Smooth Muscle Tissue Crazy Cardiac Muscle Tissue

  20. 4. Nervous Tissue Functions • Irritability and Conductivity • Receive and send electrochemical impulses Tissue Classification • NEURONS • Found in brain, spinal Cord and nerves

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