1. Room AcousticsSpeech Intelligibility STI/RASTI
Wilson Acoustics Limited (WAL)
Internal Presentation
2. Speech Intelligibility Inside a Room Depends on masking effects:
Background Noise
Reverberations of Speech
3. Simple Testing of Speech Intelligibility Locate a Source & a Receiver
Source produces a signal
Receiver measures the quality of received signal
E.g. Clap your hands & listen to the response of the room
4. Systematic Method to Measure Speech Intelligibility Source emits a well-defined signal a function of direction & frequency
Receiver has a well-defined sensitivity a function a direction & frequency
5. DIRAC 4.0 (B&K) Software for Room Acoustics
Standards: ISO 3382 (Room Acoustics) & IEC 60286-16 (Speech Intelligibility)
Measuring Impulse Response-> Room Acoustic Parameterse.g. Reverberation Time, Sound Strength G, Energy Ratios, Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Speech Transmission Index (STI), etc.
6. Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) Also named Modulation Reduction Factor
Given that intensity of source is modulated by a low frequency sine modulation of 100% depth
7. Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) Reduced by room reflections & background noise
A function of Modulation Frequency F
F: 0.63 12.5 Hz
8. Modulation Reduction Matrix
9. Speech Transmission Index (STI) One of the speech intelligibility parameters
Weighted sum of Modulation Transmission Index (MTI) over each octave frequency band from 125 Hz to 8kHz
RASTI (Rapid/Room Acoustic Speech Transmission Index) Subset of STI
10. Different Methods to measure STI Modulated Noise Method / Impulse Response Method
Closed Loop Mode / Open Loop Mode
11. Modulated Noise Method Consisting of 7 (octave band freq.) X 14 (modulation freq.) = 98 noise signals
Open Loop
Relatively long time (about 30s on average)
Error: may misinterpret background noise as signal modulations, hence overestimating STI/RASTI
12. Impulse Response Method Giving a specific signal covering necessary octave bands through the source
Measuring the Impulse Response, the response of a system to an impulsive signal
Closed or Open Loop
Used by DIRAC 4.0
Error in Open Loop: sample rate & playback speed mismatch
13. Signal Types
14. Impulse Response Response of a system to an ideal impulse with unit energy & infinite power
An acoustic property of a system (room specific)
Can be obtained by Deconvolution, when using other types of signal instead of impulse
15. Convolution Convolution: A mathematical operation on the system response & signal to obtain the system response
f(t) is convolved with g(t) :if f(t) is unit impulse, result is simply g(t), hence g(t) is named impulse response
16. Deconvolution Concept: -> System response is a mixing of input signal & impulse response-> Deconvolution is a signal processing method to separate them
17. DIRAC 4.0 (B&K) Recording the signal by microphone
Processing on the signal to obtain impulse response
All parameters are obtained from impulse response
It just takes severalseconds to obtain the STI/RASTI !!