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David Martinson Alaska District Corps of Engineers Elmendorf AFB, Alaska October 2011. CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2011-2012 NAVIGATION PROGRAM. Building and Preserving Alaska’s Future. FY11 CIVIL WORKS PROGRAM. Number of Civil Works Navigation Projects: 28 Active Projects 12 in Study Phases
David Martinson Alaska District Corps of Engineers Elmendorf AFB, Alaska October 2011 CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2011-2012 NAVIGATION PROGRAM Building and Preserving Alaska’s Future
FY11 CIVIL WORKS PROGRAM • Number of Civil Works Navigation Projects: • 28 Active Projects • 12 in Study Phases • Recon: Sitka harbor, Kasaan 107, Auke bay 107, Craig • Feasibility: Alaska Regional Ports, Anchorage Harbor Deepening, • Elim 107, Little Diomede, Savoonga 107, Whittier, Homer, Valdez • 4 in Preconstruction Engineering & Design Phase • W/agreement: Haines,Sitka • WO/agreement: Port Lions, Valdez • 5 in Construction Phase • Akutan, Douglas, False Pass, Sand Point, Seward, Unalaska • 7 O&M activities • 6 Dredging: Anchorage, Dillingham, Homer, Ninilchik, Nome, Petersburg, • 10 Condition Surveys
FY11 CIVIL WORKS PROGRAM • FY11 Appropriations • Full year Continuing Resolution Act provided funding for: $21,388,000 • 5 Studies • 2 Construction Projects • 7 O&M Activities
FY11 Program Funding Total FY11 Federal funding = $21,388,000 (Navigation related projects)
FY12 CIVIL WORKS PROGRAM • President’s Budget Request Included: • 0 Studies • 0 Construction Project • 6 O&M Navigation Activities • Commitee Reports for FY10 Appropriations Bill includes: • 0 Studies • 0 Construction Projects • 6 O&M Navigation Activities
ALASKA REGIONAL PORTS, AK FEASIBILITY Fairbanks Nome Anchorage Juneau • Location: Statewide • Project Description: This statewide regional ports study will evaluate a system of ports to meet foreseeable development needs, prioritize port development and investment, and identify regional hub functions. This will result in a port and harbor investment strategy and agency participation.
VALDEZ HARBOR, AK FEASIBILITY Fairbanks Nome Anchorage Juneau PROJECT LOCATION • Location: Valdez is on the north shore of Port Valdez, a deep water fjord in Prince William Sound. It is 305 road miles east of Anchorage, and 364 road miles south of Fairbanks. It is the southern terminus of the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline. • Project Description: The feasibility study will investigate the problems, needs, and opportunities for navigation improvement in the Valdez small boat harbor. The demand for moorage space in the harbor far exceeds the existing design capacity of approximately 510 boats and the construction of an additional harbor is desired by local interests.
Nome Fairbanks Anchorage SECTION 107SMALL NAVIGATION STUDIES Auke Bay Navigation Improvements Savoonga Navigation Improvements Elim Navigation Improvements Juneau Douglas Navigation Improvements Kasaan Navigation Improvements
AKUTAN HARBOR, AK Fairbanks Nome Anchorage Juneau PROJECT LOCATION • Location: The city of Akutan is located on the north shore of Akutan Harbor and is uniquely positioned to grand fish and crab fisheries of the Bering Sea. The harbor site is at the head of the bay on Akutan Island 790 miles southwest of Anchorage. • Project Description: The proposed harbor will provide a 12 acre protected mooring basin and serve as the operations base for 58 commercial fishing vessels.
DOUGLAS HARBOR, AK Fairbanks Nome Anchorage Juneau PROJECT LOCATION Location: Douglas Harbor is on the eastern side of Douglas Island. The harbor is adjacent to the city of Douglas, approximately 3 miles south of the city of Juneau. Project Description: The recommended plan provides additional protection to the existing harbor and provides year-round protection to 58 new vessels.
UNALASKA HARBOR, AK Fairbanks Nome Anchorage PROJECT LOCATION Juneau • Location: Unalaska overlooks Iliuliuk Bay and Dutch Harbor on Unalaska Island in the Aleutian Chain. It lies 800 air miles from Anchorage. • Project Description: The harbor will provide additional protected moorage for commercial fishing vessels. It will reduce congestion and rafting at existing docks.
ANCHORAGE HARBOR MAINTENANCE 2010 & 2011 VIRGIN MATERIAL IN 2009 THRU 2011 DISPOSAL SITE Fairbanks Nome Anchorage Juneau PROJECT LOCATION • Location: Anchorage is located at the northern end of Cook Inlet in south-central Alaska. • Project Description: Authorized by the Rivers and Harbors Act, 3 July 1958, and amended by P.L. 108-447 in 2005 to replace the existing dock with a new 10,860 foot long inter-modal marine facility. The port is the largest cargo port in Alaska serving as the main supply and distribution center for the south-central and interior areas as well as the two large military bases within the Municipality of Anchorage. Water Borne Commerce was 3,798,272 tons for year 2009.
Fairbanks Nome Anchorage Juneau DILLINGHAM HARBOR, AK PROJECT LOCATION DISPOSAL SITE • Location: Northern end of Nushagak Bay in western Alaska. • Project Description: The Rivers and Harbors Act of 1958 provides for a 650 to 800 foot wide X 700 foot long basin utilizing a 1100 foot long entrance channel to Nushagak Bay, the harbor provides half-tide access and all-tide moorage for over 320 commercial fishing vessels. The harbor is also used as an alternate landing area for lighterage vessels. PROJECT LIMITS
HOMER SMALL BOAT HARBOR, AK Fairbanks Nome Anchorage Juneau PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT LIMITS • Location: Southern end of the Kenai Peninsula in south-central Alaska. • Project Description: Authorized by the River and Harbors Acts of 1958 and 1964. The 50-acre project provides sheltered moorage for over 1,525 commercial fishing and recreational vessels. The project extends the fishing season an extra four months each year and is an integral part of Homer’s economy. HICKORY BERTH
NOME HARBOR, AK Fairbanks Nome PROJECT LOCATION Anchorage Juneau • Location: Authorized by the Rivers and Harbors Acts of 1917, 1935, 1948 and most recently by the WRDA 1999. Nome harbor is located on the southern coast of the Seward Peninsula in western Alaska. The city is approximately 540 miles northwest of Anchorage and is the transportation and commerce center for northwest Alaska. • Project Description: The project consists of a 1,070 meter-long entrance channel protected by a 910-meter long rubblemound breakwater and sediment collection basins.
TIDAL DATUM UPDATES For current up to date information, please go to: http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/station_retrieve.shtml?type=Datums&state=Alaska&id1=945&id2=946&id3=949
2011 PROJECT CONDITION SURVEYS PERFORMED For electronic access to surveys go to: http://www.poa.usace.army.mil/CO/CoOrg/Ops_Rivers_Harbors.htm
2012 PROJECT CONDITION SURVEYS PLANNED For electronic access to surveys go to: http://www.poa.usace.army.mil/CO/CoOrg/Ops_Rivers_Harbors.htm
QUESTIONS? David Martinson Program Manager, Civil Project Management Branch Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 907-753-2668 david.a.martinson@usace.army.mil Allen Churchill O&M Program Manager, Operations Branch Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 907-753-2753 e.allen.churchill@usace.army.mil BUILDING STRONG