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ESIF Funds Programme 2014-2020 Focus on Social Inclusion

ESIF Funds Programme 2014-2020 Focus on Social Inclusion. SELEP Consultation Event 27 May 2014 sandra.turner@ncvo.org.uk. Content. Policy Context Key Objectives and Priorities in England 3. Focus on Social Inclusion Business Process/Match Funding Timetable.

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ESIF Funds Programme 2014-2020 Focus on Social Inclusion

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  1. ESIF Funds Programme 2014-2020Focus on Social Inclusion SELEP Consultation Event 27 May 2014 sandra.turner@ncvo.org.uk

  2. Content • Policy Context • Key Objectives and Priorities in England 3. Focus on Social Inclusion • Business Process/Match Funding • Timetable

  3. European Policy ContextEurope 2020 & EU Proposals Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth 2014- 2020 - 5 EU targets: employment 75%; innovation 3%; education reduce early school leaving by 10%; social inclusion; 20m less people at risk of poverty climate/energy: 20%/ 20%/20% (less greenhouse emissions, more renewable energy, more energy efficiency) - More flexibility to align the funds (ESF, ERDF, EAFRD, EMFF) • Thematic concentration, intervention logic, results driven, performance framework and reserve, • Placed-based approaches (for instance community-led local development) • Simplification (eg flat rates, lump sums, limited audits for small projects) • Reinforced partnership arrangements: regulatory requirement accompanied by a European Code of Conduct on Partnership - Promoting Equality, combating discrimination and promoting sustainable development are cross cutting themes

  4. EC position paper 2012National Reform Programme & Country Specific Recommendations for the UK The Challenges: Decreasing labour market opportunities Increasing risk of social exclusion Stagnant investment in R&D&I Low availability of finance to SMEs Inefficient use of resources EU funds focus: • Employability of young people • Raising skills’ levels to match economy’s demand • Labour Market Integration of people form jobless household • Child poverty/childcare

  5. AND PROMOTE Active inclusion by: • Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and exclusion by supporting the employability of disadvantaged individuals and reinforcing measures to help people at risk to return to employment. • Increasing the employability of inactive and unemployed individuals facing multiple disadvantages. • Supporting the training of low-skilled workers, including those receiving Universal Credit benefits, in order to increase their chances of better paid work and to reduce poverty. • Facilitating access to childcare services


  7. ESF Opt-ins • BIG, DWP,SFA • NOMS + non-opt-in • Local Growth • Teams LEPs and local partners ENGLAND MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS 2014-2020 ESI Funds Growth Programme (ERDF, ESF & EAFRD) £5.8m for ESF & ERDF + £177m EAFRD Maritime and Fisheries Programme (EMFF) £118m to the UK Rural Development Programme (EAFRD) £3.3 billion and 5% to LEADER Community Led Local Development, including Leader and FLAGs Projects/Operations

  8. Governance arrangements Growth Programme Board (PMC) National ‘thematic sub-committees 39 Local sub-committees for each LEP area: • LEPs: convene partners and organise Chair; fit with the SEP; pipeline development; • LSCs: implementation plan; prioritise operations; test fit with ESIF; operations recommendations; monitoring role

  9. EAFRD contribution to EU Growth Programme £177m to ESIF Growth Programme and £14.4 m to SELEP Area Activities: • Building knowledge and skills in rural areas • Funding and developing micro, small & medium sized rural businesses; • Supporting small scale renewable and broadband investment in rural areas • Support for tourism activities

  10. Programming for Social Inclusion ESF DRAFT Operational Programme: Priority Axis 1: Inclusive Labour Markets TO9: Active Inclusion + CLLD To address the root causes of poverty which create barriers to work so more people move closer or into employment. Focus is on the most disadvantaged. TO 8: access to employment for inactive people & job Seekers + integration of young people & Youth Employment Initiative

  11. Programming for Social Inclusion ERDF DRAFT Operational Programme Targeting of regeneration on a specific geographic area through… Community Led Local Development

  12. Evidence of need…. From ESF DRAFT OP: 24.1% of population in UK at risk of poverty or social inclusion; 11% of adults experience 3-6 areas of disadvantage (education, health employment, income, social support, housing and local environment) 2.8m workless households In-work poverty on the rise

  13. Added Value of ESF • Help more people progress towards work or into employment • Additional and more intensive support • Gaps in provision • Integrated/holistic packages of support • Prevention, outreach, tailored to the needs of target groups • Responsive to local needs

  14. Social Inclusion target groups • People with multiple disadvantage/those furthest from the labour market • Lack of or poor basic skills • Ethnic minorities & migrants • Those with disability, learning difficulties/mental health problems • Substance/alcohol abusers • Lone parents • The homeless • Participants from workless households • Helping workers with disabilities and health conditions stay in work • Over 50’s • Disadvantaged young people • Carers • Those leaving care • Ex-offenders

  15. Examples of activities Basic skills and ESOL Financial literacy programmes Digital literacy Community Grants Soft skills First Engagement activities Volunteering Investment Readiness (Local Impact Funds) Community Led Local Development

  16. Results Greater focus on progression…. • Engaged in job search • In education/training upon leaving • In employment • Engaged in positive activities including volunteering and work experience????

  17. Business Process/Match funding • Non- Optins: Local commissioning and procurement, direct bidding? • Opt-ins and Co-finance (ESF) • Contracts and/or Grants? • Large and small interventions? Match: primarily CASH from public (DWP, SFA, BIG, NOMS BIS programmes), private (including volunteer time for ESF???) and VCSE

  18. Timetable 17 April 14: Partnership Agreement submitted August 14: EC should approve PA June/July 14: OPs Submitted Dec 14 or Jan 15 at the latest : OPs adopted 1st Q of 2015: ESIF Programme begins 2015 : Growth Deals and EAFRD begin

  19. For more information www.gov.uk/government/policies/making-european-funding-work-better-for-the-uk-economy www.europfundingnetwork.eu European Code of Conduct

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