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Updated Oct 2009 to reflect June meeting updates (Behaviour Change assessment and prioritization). Fort St. James to function as a sustainable community (town, surrounding areas, surrounding First Nation communities). Ultimate Goal. Long Term Outcome (Environmental Condition).
Updated Oct 2009 to reflect June meeting updates (Behaviour Change assessment and prioritization) Fort St. James to function as a sustainable community (town, surrounding areas, surrounding First Nation communities) Ultimate Goal Long Term Outcome (Environmental Condition) (B) Increase in fish stocks in Fort St. James (Stuart River, Stuart Lake & tributaries) (E) Decrease amount of energy imported to Fort St. James (C) Decrease the rate of growth (footprint) of landfill located FSJames & Vanderhoof) (A) Increase water quality of (Aquifer and Stuart River / Stuart Lake & tributaries (D) Improve the air quality of airshed of Fort St. James (airshed boundary TBD) (E-8) increase occurrence that populations buy local products (A-1) Increase in occurrence of proper fuel/oil storage and disposal practices (a- private, b-business) (E-1) increase occurrence that people grow and store their own food (D-1) increase occurrence of planting trees and native vegetation on public and private land (a-municple, b-residents) (C-1) Increase occurrence that event planners ensure adequate supply of recycling containers (B-1) Decrease in occurrence that fish are “wasted” or thrown away (C-10) increase occurrence that old tires are taken to a recycling facilities (A-2) Increase in occurrence of properly functioning septic systems (a-private, b-district) (C-2) Increase occurrence that people separate recyclables (a- private, b- schools, c- businesses) (E-2) increasing occurrence that people hang clothes to dry (use solar heat) (B-2) decrease in occurrence of sturgeon being killed (D-2) increase occurrence of use of non-motorized transportation (E-9) increase occurrence that local producers increase production to meet local demand (D-8) increase occurrence that people turn off vehicles when not moving (A-3)Improvement in water treatment to extract dissolved prescription drugs (C-11) Increase occurrence that product packaging is minimized or that businesses have an option for reusable containers (C-3) increase occurrence that people bring own dishware to community events (D-3) increase occurrence that people organize and use car pooling, public transit or car coops (B-3) Increase in occurrence of sustainable netting practices (timing and quantity) (E-3) increase occurrence that people turn lights off (A-4) Decrease in amount of Human waste that is transported in water Medium Term Outcome (Behaviour Change) (D-9) increase occurrence that people respect interior air (perfume, air fresheners) (C-4) increase occurrence that people re-use or pass on useful items (B-4) Increase in stream restoration activities (e.g. Nahounli Creek and old bark @ Cottonwood) (E-10) increase occurrence that new buildings are built to maximum heat efficiency (a-private, b-commercial) (A-5) Increase in use of Best Management Practices (BMP) to decrease in transfer of aquatic vegetation between aquatic systems (D-4) decrease use of beehive burners (E-4) Buy Less Note: Use graph results as one input to decide what behaviour changes to focus on. Consider potential biggest bang for buck of those located in top right of graph. (C-5) / (A13) Increase occurrence that a) appliances b) electronics are taken to a recycling facility (B-5) Increase in good sediment mgmt practices on exposed soil (a-highways, b-private, c-Ag community, d- district) (C-12) increase occurrence that people purchase items with no or minimal packaging (E-5) increase occurrence that people turn off water when not needed (A - 6) Increase use of environmentally friendly fertilizers, pesticides and household cleaners (D-5) increase occurrence that people purchase electric/hybrid cars (D-10) decrease occurrence of bad backyard burning practises (a- Public) (E-11) increase occurrence of current home owners making necessary improvements to make their homes as energy efficient as possible (structure) (B-6) Increase in occurrence that fish derby rules are sustainable for lake pop’n and duration (C-6) increase occurrence that separated recycling material get taken to recycling depot (e.g. via personal transport or blue box) (A-7) Increase in occurrence of proper disposal of prescription drugs (E-6) increase occurrence of bulk buying (single, small family) Outcomes (changes we see) (D-6) increase occurrence of people purchasing high efficiency wood burning stoves (C-13) increase use of cloth diapers verses disposable diapers (A-8) Improvement in run off management of water that moves through areas of high concentrations of animal (C-7) increase occurrence that people put separated garbage in correct area at transfer station (D-11) increase occurrence good burning practices (a- Ag community, b-forest industry, c-small business) (E-7) increase occurrence of intake of non- processed in-season food. “eat seasonally” (D-7) increase occurrence of choosing alternative energy sources (C-14) increase use of cloth bags when purchasing products (A-12) increase monitoring of stream health (C-8) Increase occurrence of construction waste separating (reuse, sell, recycle)… Victoria example (a- commercial, b- private) (E-12) increase occurrence that home owners replace old appliances with more energy efficient ones Insert picture of Assessment Graph of Behaviour Changes (A-9) Increase use of 4 stroke motors in water Level of Impact on Environmental Condition (Long Term Outcome) (C-15) increase occurrence that people buy “green” products” (A-13) / (C5) increase in proper disposal of old appliances or vehicles (metal) (a- citizens, b- businesses) (A-10) Increase in proper disposal of paint (a- citizens) (C-9) Increase occurrence that people compost (a- private, b- business, c- work) (C-16) increase occurrence that people buy they “need” verses what they “want” (A-11) increase in occurrence of optimal application of fertilizers (a- farmers, b-golf course management) (A-14) Increase in regular maintenance of recreational equipment use water or on ice on bodies of water Target Audience xxx K - A - S - A - Target Audience xxx K - A - S - A - Target Audience xxx K - A - S - A - Level of Participation Target Audience xxx K - A - S - A - Target Audience xxx K - A - S - A - Target Audience xxx K - A - S - A - Target Audience xxx K - A - S - A - Target Audience xxx K - A - S - A - Short Term Outcomes (Knowledge & Beliefs) Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Aspiration xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx Audience ID xxx xxx xxx xxx Recycling: Produce a FSJames pamphlet on recycling: What & Where in FSJames, Vanderhoof, & PG (days open, hrs of operation, map of location, suggested ‘route’) It takes practice to recycle… start off small.. with one thing.. then taken on more when your are comfortable xxx Destination Conservation (DC) in schools Have newspaper feature: ‘Tip of the week’ Recycling – Promote 5 main ways to RRR (recycle, turn out lights, turn off tap, ride bike/walk, don’t litter Challenges between homes/blocks/schools, businesses – who can put out least garbage, use least electricity) Put in Co-Generation facility Establish legislation to align fool/farm regulations with 100 km policy Establish Idle Free zones Develop a support network: Blog/website (or some sort of central, accessible location) to inform, share, organize projects, etc.) OneSky- Energy Olympics Develop community co-op programs for vehicles Stream or River rehabilitation project (Nahounli Creek) Communal pick up at airport Educate on alternative to turning up the heat (e.g. Put on a sweater) Train community members to monitor stream health (teachers, students) Recycling – specifically Blue Box recycling program (recycle bins with garbage cans) 1 residence puts out 1 OWT bag of garbage Establish wood-stove trading program • Composting: • compost toilets on lake • Vermi composting • Can-o-worms Have organic local produce delivered to homes weekly (like in Vanderhoof) Educate/promote use of 4 cycle boat motors Recycling – Partner with CNC to develop ‘How to Recycle’ course Recycling Create a list of local providers of food Newsletter Car pooling of kids to school, ski hill Start up Fish Hatchery at Cottonwood Outputs (things we do) Evaluate affects of annual fishing derby Community compost has dirt available Increase purchasing of green technology Establish FSJames as ‘pilot or research community’ and link local activities to research opportunities with universities and researchers. Promote local small scale farming – teach people how to get most from ground with minimal effort Educate regarding impacts of phosphates (household cleaners & detergents), herbicides and pesticides (lawn & garden) Establish Farm Coop Organize Earth Day Activities Individual awareness and control regarding consumerism (e.g. what you need vs what you want) or would be nice to have Evaluate and compare aquifer results from year, year. To help increase use of cloth bags by consumers, develop $ incentives, kids to pressure parents, Walk you kid to soccer/school. October is walk your child to school month Develop education and awareness of how to reduce and reuse material (re-cycling route in PG) Shore line clean-up - 1 day- stream, ocean, creek. Royal Bank Trail along Nahounli Creek to increase fish habitat awareness Recycling – 1 residence puts out 1 OWT bag of garbage Promote use of re-useable plates and cups at community events (or bring own) Buy locally Education around idea that this is a community that can be supported by local agriculture Have green theme days/weeks, months (e.g. Community Clean up Day Centralize and make accessible (e.g. pamphlet) information on local produce (what, available when, where from who) Use a cold room for long term storage of fruit and vegetables Encourage sustainable fishing (stick to limit, ID species/size to release…) Plant shade trees on community fields (capture water, filter, reduce wind, air filter) Fix bridge approaches over Nahounli creek or replace bridge Work towards getting environment on everyone’s agenda (individual, business, industry, council) In fort Saint James we have barriers to recycling- lack of opportunity Start CSA- Community Supported Agriculture- pay farmers upfront to supply veggies for you each week Increase availability of bike racks in downtown area Register GUF’ers as non-profit society so we can apply for grants Obtain base line data as to how many people are recycling (survey, interviews…) Increase public education through campaign slogans- Last out- lights out Inputs xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx