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Barratt b-ball trivia

Test your knowledge of US history with this fun trivia game covering key events, figures, and policies from 1844-1877. Gather your team, answer questions, and aim for the bonus round to shoot for extra points!

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Barratt b-ball trivia

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  1. Barratt b-ball trivia Rules:2-4 TeamsScribe: to record answers for each roundReponses: letters must be legiblePoints:Each question correct (written on paper) gets 1 pt.Teams that answer correctly go to Bonus RoundQuickest team correct (via hand up) in Bonus Round gets the rock to shoot for Bonus pts3 shots allowed at 1 pt each UNIT 5: 1844-1877

  2. Round one Nicknamed “Old Rough and Ready”, this war hero never lost a battle during the Mexican War, and would later become the 12th president of the U.S. A:Zachary Taylor

  3. Bonus Round one From which political party was the cartoonist? A:Democratic Party

  4. Round two “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight” was a motto championed by James K. Polk and directed at… A:Great Britain

  5. Bonus Round two Name the author of the following excerpt: “Even so the creature, whose paws are now fastened upon Kansas, whatever it may seem to be, constitutes in reality a part of the Slave Power, which, with loathsome folds, is now coiled about the whole land.”--The Crimes Against Kansas A:Charles Sumner

  6. Round three Deemed a martyr for the abolitionist cause, his violent actions in 1856 and again in 1859 spurred further animosity between North and South. A:John Brown

  7. Bonus Round three The name attached to the slim piece of Arizona desert bought in 1853 to facilitate transcontinental railroad building. It would be the last addition to the contiguous 48 states. A:Gadsden Purchase

  8. Round four Ideology depicted in the political cartoon: A:Nativism

  9. Bonus Round four President that won the Election of 1856, and proved to be a sympathizer for the South. A:James Buchanan

  10. Round five The Missouri Compromise would be effectively cancelled and deemed unconstitutional in 1857 in line with this case. A:Dred Scott v. Sandford

  11. Bonus Round five Which of the following came FIRST: Battle of Shiloh Fort Sumter Appomattox First Battle of Bull Run A:Fort Sumter

  12. Round six Developed in 1864, Radical Republicans challenged Lincoln’s reconstruction plan with this stricter measure. A:Wade-Davis Bill

  13. Bonus Round six This Republican law in 1862 allowed for a free 160 acres to any families that would move out West, settle, and develop the Great Plains. A:Homestead Act

  14. Round seven During the Reconstruction era, it provided education, shelter, employment, security, and medical care to former slaves…until its government funding was cut. A:Freedmen’s Bureau

  15. Bonus Round seven Name for the following image: A:Greenbacks

  16. Round eight Which of the following was NOT a Union general during the Civil War?George B. McClellanAmbrose BurnsideStonewall JacksonWilliam T. Sherman A:Stonewall Jackson

  17. Bonus Round eight Name the man responsible for: The Compromise of 1850The Kansas-Nebraska ActDefeating Lincoln for the Illinois Senate Seat Popular Sovereignty A:Stephen A. Douglas

  18. Round nine Elite Mexican ranchers of the late 18th and early 19th centuries whose land and wealth became threatened by “Forty Niners.” A:Californios

  19. Bonus Round nine The Treaty of Kanagawa opened up trade with which nation? A:Japan

  20. Round ten The following excerpt comes from: “And be it further enacted, That when a person held to service or labor in any State or Territory of the United States has heretofore or shall hereafter escape into another State or Territory of the United States, the person or persons to whom such service or labor may be due, or his, her, or their agent or attorney, duly authorized, by power of attorney, in writing, acknowledged and certified under the seal of some legal office or court of the State or Territory in which the same may be executed, may pursue and reclaim such person…” A:Fugitive Slave Act

  21. Bonus Round ten In a controversial move, Lincoln suspended this Latin-titled civil liberty in Maryland as a security measure in the early years of the Civil War. A:Habeas Corpus

  22. Money shot round Rules:Option 1 (Sabotage)– Agent gets 3 shots, each score removes 1 pt from resident team Option 2 (Gamble)– Team may risk their own pts for up to 3 shots, each risked shot loses 1 pt, but has potential to be worth 3 pts if scoredEach team can exercise one of the above options in this round.

  23. Round eleven Both proponents of “total war.” Name them: A:Grant / Sherman

  24. Bonus Round eleven Over 100 Native American women and children were slaughtered by the U.S. cavalry in this incident. A:Sand Creek Massacre

  25. Round twelve What national association printed the following poster? A:Women’s Suffrage

  26. Bonus Round twelve Lincoln’s opponent for the Republican nomination in1860, he’d go on to serve as his Secretary of State during the Civil War, and would one day arrange for the purchase of Alaska from Russia. A:William Seward

  27. Round thirteen Promoted by a northern Congressman in 1846, this policy demanded the banning of slavery from all lands gained from Mexico after the war. A:Wilmot Proviso

  28. Bonus Round thirteen This 1887 law authorized the President of the United States to survey Native American tribal land and divide it into allotments for individual Native Americans. A:Dawes Act

  29. Round fourteen Nickname given to the South referencing its economic potential as tied to its chief cash crop. A:King Cotton

  30. Bonus Round fourteen Action criticized in this 1860 cartoon: A:Secession

  31. Round fifteen The United States is divided into four of these. The original purpose was to facilitate schedules for railroads. A:Standard Time Zones

  32. Bonus Round fifteen What change to the Constitution allowed for the following image? A:15th Amendment

  33. Thanks for playing! Be sure to organize your materials to best study and prepare for the Unit 5 Test.

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