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B tagging in the tt all jets channel. B tagging, performance vertexing Neural Net studies tt event selection mass reconstruction in tt events conclusions. By: Graziano Massaro Michiel Vogelvang (university student) Marcel Vreeswijk. Start with (non PV) selected tracks
B tagging in the tt all jets channel • B tagging, performance vertexing • Neural Net studies • tt event selection • mass reconstruction in tt events • conclusions By: Graziano Massaro Michiel Vogelvang (university student) Marcel Vreeswijk Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
Start with (non PV) selected tracks Significance>3 Make all possible 2-track vertices (vertex fits) • Keep/Kill vertices with shared tracks • Add tracks • (based on probability: • opening angle, Pt) B tagging & vertexing • Performance secprob algorithm in tt events (p05 & p08) • Reminder: Vertex fit based on impact parameters Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
Performance vertexing • Signal Events: • Efficiency SECPROB and KALMAN compatible. • No large effect from min. bias. MC samples, thanks to Suyong!!! Background events • KALMAN selects significantly more QCD jets (used without any additional cuts: what are they?) Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
Performance vertexing Performance SECPROB as func of Et S(ttbar)/B(QCD) Bjet eff. Performance KALMAN as func of Et KALMAN: higher QCD background Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
Performance vertexing • Signal Events (cuts): Bjet eff. S(ttbar)/B(QCD) S/B ratio not dependent on Decay Length Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
Event CAL Jet-Tracks Vertex in Jet vertexing and beyond • Reminder: vertex constructed based on probability (Opening angle, Et) • Now: try to find variables to discriminate between B vertices and QCD fakes, using a Probalistic Neural Network Preliminary!!!!!!! Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
c2-jet-track impact parameters Jets-QCD Bjets-ttbar Probability from NN Ratio vertexing and beyond • Strategy NN: take Et_vtx and Opening_Angle_vtx as base variables and see the effect of a third variable. • the Et_jet and c2 based on jet-track impact parameters appear promising Preliminary!!!!!!! 2bcontinued Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
Conclusions • The performance of the SECPROB and KALMAN algorithm are studied using ttbar and QCD events. • KALMAN has a slightly higher efficiency for B-vtxs, but finds significantly more QCD fake vtxs • To find discriminating variables between good/fake vtxs a NN is used as tool. • Many variables are tried: Et_jet and c2 based on jet-track impact parameters appear promising Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
tt event (pre)selection • For the ‘All jet’ channel At least 5 jets with |h|<2 tt Et of jets qcd Simple, effective, but: QCD has to be multiplied by 107 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
tt event (pre)selection • From D0-RunI pubs: ET3= Et of jets, skipping 2 highest Et jets. Note: multiply QCD by 107 • Cut appears less effective than in RunI. Why? • In RunI: Initial jets in QCD events have large Et. The additional jets originate from QCD splittings and have low Et. Skipping 2 highest Et jets has large effect. For ttbar event effect is average: • ET3(QCD) < ET3 (ttbar) • In RunII: QCD background has significant contribution from min. bias, which dillutes this effect. Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
tt event (pre)selection • Alternative: tt Et(5-jets)/Et(jets) vs <Et(jets)> qcd QCD: low Et per jet, many jets ttbar: high Et per jet contained in not so many jets. Need many more QCD events!!!! Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
j W j t b b t j W j Mass reconstructionin tt--> all jets • A very preliminary study • Difficult final state: 4+2 jets • But, many constraints: • W mass (2x) • Both branches should yield similar top mass • Selection (no preselection): • At least 6 jets. Keep 6 highest Et jets • 2 jets have vertex--> B candidates. • Reconstruction: • 2x2 W jets lead to 3 mass combinations • These mass combinations are then assigned to B candidates: 6 mass combinations. • Take combination with best c2 based on Mw (2x) and Mt1-Mt2 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
True mass tt QCD Mass reconstructionin tt--> all jets • Background: 5*5000000 QCD events • <--> need more MC!!!!!! ALL Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
Bad mass combs. Good mass combs. Mass reconstructionin tt--> all jets • Mass peak looks fine, but…. The mass peak seems independend on bad/good combinations of the jets?!?! Side remark: particle info in IN_PRT is corrupted as reported. In this study we attempted to take this into account properly. Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
Mass reconstructionin tt--> all jets tt W-mass (recoed) qcd tt Note: multiply QCD by 107 qcd Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
Conclusions • The performance of the SECPROB and KALMAN algorithm are studied using ttbar and QCD events. KALMAN has a slightly higher efficiency for B-vtxs, but finds significantly more QCD fake vtxs • To find discriminating variables between good/fake vtxs a NN is used as tool. Many variables are tried: Et_jet and c2 based on jet-track impact parameters appear promising • The (pre)selection of ttbar events was studied. Cuts used in RunI apeared to have less effects due to min. bias overlay. New cuts are suggested. • Can we measure the top mass in ttbar->All jet channel? A preliminary study, using all mass constraints yield a mass peak. However, this peak also show up for wrong jet-combinations(?). Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
Performance vertexing • Background Events (cuts): Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
Performance vertexing • Signal Events (cuts): Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
QCD jets B jets ttbar Probability from NN vertexing and beyond • Strategy NN: take Et_vtx and Opening_Angle_vtx as base variables and see the effect of a third variable. • the Et_jet and c2 based on jet-track impact parameters appear promising For Et-jet Ratio Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
Check p8 vs p9 • Validate ‘P9’ WH and QCD events versus ‘p8’ events (All samples from Suyong) • First check distributions. Plots added of the tracking in jets related quantities: Sum of significances of tracks in jet wrt PV Sum of significances of tracks in SV wrt SV • See Plots, distributions look ok. Differences probably due to different cuts (Et in QCD generation), #min bias events and code changes Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
QCD p8 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
QCD p9 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
ttbar p8 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
WH p9 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)
Efficiencies • Signal events Number of ‘taggable’ Bjets + efficiency look fine • Background Number of tagged PV jets in QCD is significantly higher in P9. Probably explained by Et generator cut and/or #min. bias events. Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF)