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PREV ’AIR : An operational system for large scale air quality monitoring and forecasting www.prevair.org. Low and high resolution meteorological forecasts. Chemical forecasts. Forecasts (maps). Numerical AQ forecast data. Analysis (maps). Observations (maps).
PREV ’AIR : An operational system for large scale air quality monitoring and forecasting www.prevair.org
Low and high resolution meteorological forecasts Chemical forecasts Forecasts (maps) Numerical AQ forecast data Analysis (maps) Observations (maps) Others partners NRT data ... French NRT data (BASTER) Architecture of the PREV’AIR System • 3D Chemistry Transport Models... • CHIMERE / IPSL-CNRS-INERIS • MOCAGE / METEO-France • open system to other models... • … Driven by meteorological forecasts: • AVN / NCEP global data (+ MM5 higher resolution forecasts) • ARPEGE, ALADIN • ... Using input data: • emissions inventory (EMEP) • boundary conditions (MOZART) • land-use (GLCF data base) • NRT observation data: • BASTER/ADEME NRT database centralizes data from 40 French local AQ monitoring networks • bilateral cooperation with other partners
O3, peak forecast(µg/m3) 20040729 D+0 O3, peak forecast(µg/m3) 20040729 D+2 PREV’AIR outputs: daily forecasts • available at D+0, 00 h LT on the web site • daily peak and averaged concentration maps for D+0, D+1, D+2 • pollutants: O3, NO2 (France and Europe) and PM (Europe) O3, peak forecast(µg/m3) 20040729 D+1
PREV’AIR outputs: numerical forecast data • PREV’AIR numerical data • extraction over user-defined domains • available through the Internet for AQ networks (user accounts) http://www.prevair.org/en/donneesnumeriques.php • Applications • AQ information on public French channels (TV) • direct use for a local information (GIS) • input data for local modelling purposes : ESMERALDA (Paris + 6 regions) AERES (Marseille region), etc … http://www.esmeralda-web.fr http://www.airmaraix.com/html/emimod_acri_frm.htm
Ozone, averaged peak (µg/m3) during summer 2003 PREV’AIR outputs: budgetslong term analysis
O3 simulation corrected by observations (µg/m3) O3 simulation (µg/m3) Near real time data + PREV’AIR outputs: ozone analysis immediately available for information (web sites, media…) • Modelled concentrations corrected with near real time data: • Near real time data from 150 selected stations • Statistical adaptation using a kriging method • Available at J+0 with updates if near real time observations available • Feasibility study for the PM • For the day before and the current day July 31, 2004 =
collecting Near Real Time data 40 AQ networks Near real time national data base Raw data 15 days in line O3 NO2 SO2 PM10 PM2.5 680 sites hour Local data base ADEME local networks web sites ADEME PREV ’AIR NATIONAL LOCAL
PREV’AIR outputs: maps near real time data • Maps of daily max and mean measured concentrations : • for O3, NO2, PM2.5 and PM10 • using observations made between 0h and T time • hour by hour updating if data available (pollution events) • for D day and the 6 previous days Daily mean concentrations of PM10 at surface measured on the 12 of September 2004
Towards an European framework... • Involvement in the GMES program (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) : • PROMOTE (ESA) = PROtocole MOniToring for the GMES service Element on atmospheric composition (www.gse-promote.org) • Stage 1 (2004-5): demonstrator • Stage 2 (2006-8): develop air quality services related to forecasting and mapping; define a cooperative framework with other European AQ teams • GEMS (EU) = Global and regional Earth-system (atmosphere) Monitoring using satellite and in-situ data • contribution to the Air Quality part for the development of data assimilation methods and ensemble forecasts www.prevair.org
Towards a European framework... • => Looking for bilateral cooperation with other European partners : • for NRT data exchange : necessary to build analyzed maps and to evaluate the simulated results (contact: nathalie.poisson@ademe.fr) • for forecasts or analyzed maps: users accounts could be available to download over specific areas http://www.prevair.org/en/donneesnumeriques.php (contact: cecile.honore@ineris.fr) www.prevair.org
PREV’AIR : www.prevair.org • Built for operational purposes: • In France public information related to pollution episodes (threshold exceedances) can be driven by observations but also by forecasts since 2003 • The system : • a cooperative system for large scale air quality monitoring, forecasting and mapping over Western Europe and France ; • set up in 2003 by:
The CHIMERE Model Set-Up in PREV’AIR Domains: over Europe over France Horizontal resolution: 0.5°x 0.5° 0.15° x 0.1° Vertical resolution: 8 levels from surface pressure up to 500 hPa Meteorological forecast data AVN / NCEP for initialization and boundary conditions MM5 higher resolution forecasts ARPEGE Chemical scheme MELCHIOR (47 species, 125 reactions) Aerosol module 7 species (PPM, SOA, nitrate, sulphate, ammonium, Water Contents, dust) 25 reactions (aqueous and heterogeneous phase) See http//euler.lmd.polytechnique.fr/chimere PREV’AIR 3D chemistry transport models
The CHIMERE Model Set-Up in PREV’AIR Domains Global Model / Over Europe / Over France Horizontal resolution: 4°x 4° 0.5° x 0.5° 0.1° x 0.1° Vertical resolution: 47 levels from surface pressure up to 5hPa Meteorological forecast data ARPEGE and ALADIN Chemical scheme RACMOBUS (118 species, 381 reactions) No aerosol module PREV’AIR 3D chemistry transport models
Air quality information system 680 Monitoring stations Poste Central National database Validated data 40 local networks and 40 local data bases www.ademe.fr Near real time databaseBase Temps réel Raw data Only 15 days in line DG Environnement AEE / ETC Forecasting Prévair Public information and Médias French ministry Researchs programs