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Explore the vision and strategies for revolutionizing naval warfare through joint protection of the sea base, ensuring access, extending reach, and enhancing operational employability with advanced technologies and secure maneuvers.
Joint Protection of the Sea Base RDML Mike LeFever
Revolutions in WarfareNaval Transformation Goals Ensuring Access, Extending Reach • Have greater operational employability • Strike with increased speed, variety, lethality from more formations/force packages • Provide a defensive shield around joint forces, allies and homeland • Operate jointly from an independent, mobile, secure sea base • Network fully within the Joint Force
Sea Base Transformation • Exploit the secure and vast maneuver space of the sea • Enhance ability to employ & sustain joint forces • Minimize vulnerabilities tied to bases ashore
Seabasing VisionForward Posture. . .Preparing the Battlespace Seize the Initiative Swiftly Defeat Assure Joint Access Time D-10 (years) D-Day 10 30 ISR ASW SOF MCM ISR ASW Sea Base
Seabasing Vision…A New Global CONOPS Seize the Initiative Swiftly Defeat Assure Joint Access Time D-10 (years) D-Day 10 30 ACS MMA SSGN LCS-M SSN LCS-A CSG ESG TBMD SAG MPF(F) CLF Sea Base
Sea Shield TransformationUndersea Warfare Mine Warfare Anti-submarine Warfare • Develop advanced technologies to improve wide-area surveillance, detection, tracking and attack • Multiply impact through advanced networking • Render mines & subs irrelevant as anti-access weapons
Sea Shield TransformationAir and Missile Defense • Extend defensive umbrella over land • Integrate airborne, sea-based and land-based sensors • Engage from best platform with best weapon