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Who’s Who of GLOBAL II

Who’s Who of GLOBAL II. Directions:. Identify the unit this person came from Who they are (name) What did they accomplish? W hat were they apart of? W hat impact did they have?. Copernicus, Galileo & Newton. Scientific Revolution.

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Who’s Who of GLOBAL II

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  1. Who’s Who of GLOBAL II

  2. Directions: • Identify the unit this person came from • Who they are (name) • What did they accomplish? • What were they apart of? • What impact did they have?

  3. Copernicus, Galileo & Newton

  4. Scientific Revolution Scientific Revolution: Science and logic were used to explain how the world worked – people longer turned to the bible and the Catholic church for answers

  5. Copernicus, Galileo & Newton • Copernicus: Astronomer, developed the Heliocentric theory (idea that planets revolve around the sun) • Galileo: Astronomer who proved Copernicus correct - put on trial by the Catholic church • Newton:Mathematician and astronomer who helped developed calculus and the theory of gravity

  6. Locke, Montesquieu & Rosseau

  7. The Enlightenment • Period in European history when REASON was used to understand and improve society. • Also known as the Age of Reason

  8. Locke, Montesquieu & Rousseau • Locke: People have natural rights (life, liberty and property) • Montesquieu: Power should be divided into 3 branches – separation of powers and checks and balances. • Rousseau: Society is a social contract (all people agree to work for the common good of society)

  9. Louis XVI, Napoleon & Robespierre

  10. The French Revolution • Event in which the people of France overthrew King Louis XVI and fought for more rights

  11. Louis XVI, Napoleon & Robespierre • Louis XVI: Overthrown by the people and was executed • Napoleon: Ruler who came to power at the end of the French Revolution, Napoleonic Code and crowned himself Emperor • Robespierre: Leader of the Jacobins (extremist group) during the Reign of Terror

  12. Bolivar, San Martin & L’Overture

  13. Latin American Revolutions • Events where the colonies of Latin America (Central America, South America and Caribbean) fought to gain independence from Spain, Portugal and France

  14. Bolivar, Martin, L’Overture • Toussaint L’ Overture: Haitian, Ex-slave, protested by setting plantations on fire • Jose de San Martin: Creole from Argentina - Liberated Peru , Argentina and Chile from colonial rule • Simon Bolivar: Creole from Venezuela - Liberated present-day countries of Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Bolivia and Ecuador

  15. Marx & Engels

  16. Industrial Revolution • Change from producing goods by hand to producing goods with machines in factories

  17. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels • These two men believed laissez faire capitalism was bad • Wrote the Communist Manifesto – all of history has been about class struggles • Ideas of Marx and Engels became the foundation of Communism

  18. Commodore Matthew Perry

  19. Opening of Japan • From 1600-1854 Japan was largely isolated and wanted little contact with the rest of the world

  20. Commodore Matthew Perry • Perry, from the US, sailed into Japan in order to open up the country to trade. • Meiji Restoration: Emperor Meiji modernized and westernized Japan to AVOID BEING COLONIZED!

  21. Czar Nicholas, Lenin & the Bolsheviks

  22. Russian Revolution: • Event where the people of Russia overthrew the Czar and created a new government

  23. Lenin, Bolsheviks & Czar Nicholas II • Czar Nicholas: Ruler of Russia, people thought he abused his power by denying the rights of the people • Lenin & the Bolsheviks: Lenin was the leader of this radical group – gained support from the people by promising land, peace and bread – Brings Communism to Russia

  24. Gandhi

  25. Decolonization of India • By the end of WWI in 1919, India had been a colony of Great Britain for almost 200 years. Post WWI, India began to increase its demands for independence

  26. Mohandas Gandhi • Nationalist leader who fought for independence from Great Britain using NON-VIOLENT methods • Salt March • Boycott of English goods • Homespun Movement

  27. Stalin, Hitler & Mussolini

  28. Totalitarian Dictatorships • Post WWI, totalitarian dictatorships were established in 3 countries under 3 men • Characteristics of totalitarian dictatorships: • Censorship • One political party • People were expected to put the needs of the state before their own • Used propaganda to influence people’s thoughts

  29. Mao Zedong & Deng Xiaoping

  30. Communism in China • 1949: China became the second country in the world (after the Soviet Union) to adopt communism

  31. Mao Zedong & Deng Xiaoping • Mao Zedong: • First communist dictator of China • Gained support of peasants • Modernized China through his plan THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD and • Used violent young communists to eliminate all opposition – CULTURAL REVOLUTION • Deng Xiaoping: • Ruler after Mao Zedong • Changed Chinese economy to a market economy from a command economy (The Four Modernizations) • Called in the army to end the Tiananmen Square protests

  32. Gorbachev & Yeltsin

  33. Collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union • Between 1989-1991, the Cold War ended and Communism disappeared from Europe

  34. Mikhail Gorbachev & Boris Yeltsin • Mikhail Gorbachev: • Soviet leader who help bring Communism to an end in the Soviet Union • Perestroika: changed Soviet economy from command to market • Glasnost: allowed freedom of speech within the Soviet Union • Boris Yeltsin: • First democratically elected President in the history of Russia

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