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30. A proposal to AIAA committees for an inclusive single session. (Version for Publications Committee on 16 January 2013 ). Career . Centennial Session for Martin Summerfield 2016 Scitech San Diego - January 2016. PCRL.
30 A proposal to AIAA committees for an inclusive single session.(Version for Publications Committee on 16 January 2013 ) Career Centennial Session for Martin Summerfield2016 Scitech San Diego - January 2016 PCRL 1933 1936 1940 1942 1945 1950 1978 POC:Leonard H. Caveny 13715 Piscataway Drive Fort Washington, MD 20744 301-292-5319 L.Caveny@verizon.net Principal Affiliations Honorary Fellow 15 January 2014 22 August 2014 Propellant.pot Chart1
Summerfield carried a torch von Kármán passed.Publication Leadership 30 • First General Editor (1949 to 1952) of 12 volume Princeton Series, High Speed Aerodynamics and Jet Propulsion. • Editor of American Rocket Society (ARS) Journal, (1951-1963)- He was the major sustained force causing ARS to be taken seriously. • Founding Editor-in-Chief(1960) of the ARS and later AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics book series. • Editor Astronautica Acta (1964-1973) • 1963 ARS president (1963)- During critical merger of ARS + Institute of Aeronautical Science forming AIAA.- First AIAA Vice President for Publications (1964). • Mentor to many for high standards for publication. 22 August 2014 Propellant.pot Chart2
Martin’s contributions to ARS and AIAA publications are among his top-three contributions. Publications Committee-Your members are invited and particularly needed in the following: • Those items highlighted in Red. • Research the AIAA publications archives to retrieve Martin’s more interesting publications-related memos, advocacies, & positions. • Prepare publication retrospective material that either supports Earl Dowell’s talk or stands alone. • We need your frank assessments of the merits of a Centennial Session. 22 August 2014 Propellant.pot Chart3
A proposal to AIAA committees for an inclusive single session Agenda • Precepts • Forward looking – Martin gave little thought to the good old days. • Keep the session goals simple and achievable. • Have fun. • Pre-go-decision goals are: • Schedule one afternoon session on the first or second day. • Avoid scheduling a direct conflict with other sessions attracting the same attendees. • Announcement of Centennial in Scitech 2016 pre-program and final program. • Purpose of this discussion • Invite contributors. • Receive comments, questions, and suggestion from the AIAA Publication and TC committees. Form basis for go / no-go decision. 22 August 2014 Propellant.pot Chart4
Bill Sirignano set the tone for the event - - A forward-looking conversation “Allow me to suggest a twist to the organizational plan. Martin would want the celebration to focus on current or recent work, albeit in areas of interest to him.In addition to the presentations given by former students and collaborators, people like Forman Williams and Fred Culick by conversation can put Martin’s approaches, projections, and accomplishments into perspective with current practice and challenges. Relevancy of the topics should attract people who did not know Martin. That is desirable since most at the conferenceare too young to have known Martin.” 22 August 2014 Propellant.pot Chart5
Tentative agenda for Centennial Session for Martin Summerfield Optional chart Martin’s colleagues and former students concur on a single 4-hour session including: 1 - An introductory presentation on Martin Summerfield highlights & anecdotes* • Ten or more of his students, staff, and colleagues offering 3-5-minute entertaining retrospectivesInvolved Luigi DeLuca, Josette Bellan, Moshe Ben Reuven, Woody Waesche (video), Alon Gany, Marion & Herman Krier, et al • Earl Dowell (former VP of Publications & Princeton faculty colleague). • Martin Summerfield’s writings, letters, & views on aerospace education policy. (10 minutes) *This will accompanied by a progression of projected single-charts that indentify and summarize notable events and accomplishments. 2 - Forward looking conversations – “Martin’s approaches, projections, and accomplishments into perspective with current practice and challenges”(as explained on previous chart) • Combustion and propulsion science: Forman Williams, Fred Culick, Bill Sirignano, ____ • Jet Propulsion analysis and engineering: Luigi DeLuca, Ken Kuo, Herman Krier, Chuck Merkle, ___ 3 - General discussion & open-mike followed by adjournment to an Old Town San Diego establishment for a social and optional supper. 22 August 2014 Propellant.pot Chart6
In Addition Optional chart • Efforts are ongoing to develop two technical papers worthy of presentation in the regular sessions and submission for publication review. • “Martin Summerfield’s Contributions to Jet Propulsion - A Centennial Remembrance,” Ken Kuo (lead author), Herman Krier, Luigi DeLuca, Arie Peretz, Alon Gany, et al (Typical focus: rockets, propellants, guns, ignition, stability, etc) • “Martin Summerfield’s Contributions to Flame Science with Applications - A Centennial Remembrance,” Bill Sirignano, Josette Bellan, Tom Ohlemiller, Harold Sandusky, Ed Plett, Takashi Kashiwagi, Cye Waldman, et al(Typical focus: flame science, fire safety, tobacco, jet noise, etc.) These papers, if presented before the afternoon Centennial Session, will attract a bigger audience to the Centennial Session. 22 August 2014 Propellant.pot Chart7
Other Optional chart • A mementos of event for those in attendance, e.g., • Item useful to propulsion and combustion technologists, or • A 4x8 inch 6-element glossy foldout (or similar) handout of Summerfield highlights containing useful aerospace and science information, or • Button to pin on • Interfaces:Princeton University: - Fred Dryer, Dick Miles, & Harvey LamPCRL - Moshe Ben Reuven Aerojet - On goingCaltech, GALCIT, & JPL - Under consideration • Logistics: Arrangements for participants and spouses/dates to have access to the session without full registration. 22 August 2014 Propellant.pot Chart8
Last Chart Discussion • Comments, questions, & suggestions • POC from committee 22 August 2014 Propellant.pot Chart9