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Current status of the National PMTCT and Pediatric HIV Programme in Uganda

Current status of the National PMTCT and Pediatric HIV Programme in Uganda . Dr. Musinguzi Henry M&E Program Officer-PMTCT STD/ACP-MoH. Introduction. Estimated that 1.4m pregnancies/yr ≈ 91,000 (6.5%) of these are HIV+ve ≈30% of these transmit HIV to their

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Current status of the National PMTCT and Pediatric HIV Programme in Uganda

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  1. Current status of the National PMTCT and Pediatric HIV Programme in Uganda Dr. Musinguzi Henry M&E Program Officer-PMTCT STD/ACP-MoH

  2. Introduction Estimated that 1.4m pregnancies/yr ≈ 91,000 (6.5%) of these are HIV+ve ≈30% of these transmit HIV to their Babies if there is no intervention Results into 27,300 babies infected through MTCT

  3. PMTCT Goal and Objective Program Goal: To achieve a new generation that is free of HIV and AIDS in Uganda Broad Objective: To reduce mother to child transmission of HIV by 50% by the year 2010

  4. Achievements and Targets

  5. Geographical Coverage

  6. Population Coverage

  7. ARV use for PMTCT FY 2008/09 FY 2007/08

  8. Challenges I Delays in reporting/quality of reports Irregular & inadequate logistics & supplies Low uptake of efficacious regimens High cost of CD4 testing (11,000/=) Delay of PCR-DNA results (EID) Delay to initiate/poor access to Paed. ART

  9. Challenges II Human resource constraints Loss to follow up of clients in the ANC-PNC cascade Poor coordination of & among IP’s Weak linkages btn HF’s and community Low male involvement Lack of safer infant feeding options (AFASS)

  10. Way forward Data validation/collection during SS Technical Assistance to health workers Providing & use of internet (e-mails) to send reports Partners to support follow up of mothers& babies Streamline procurement and distribution of HIV related products

  11. Way Forward Training of health workers Scaling up EID services Promote & accelerate use of efficacious ARV regimens Strengthen PMTCT-ART linkages Revise & update policy guidelines Bye-laws and campaigns for male involvement

  12. Acknowledgements Special thanks to UNICEF for the support to MoH & the Districts. Other partners include but not limited to; EGPAF, PREFA, NUMAT, JCRC and Baylor College, ICOBI, THETA.

  13. Thank you for listeningto me

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