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Explore the evolution of statistics and research methods at the Serageldin-Euclid Library in Alexandria. Discover a vast collection of materials, lectures, and books from around the world. Join the global launch at BioVision 2018 to delve into new life sciences. Don't miss the upcoming events and meetings in 2018 to enrich your understanding of research methods. Celebrate the growth of knowledge and science at the Library of Alexandria. Happy New Year 2018!
DR. ISMAIL SERAGELDIN and Serageldin-Euclid Research Methods Library of Alexandria BA Supercourse Calendar HAPPY NEW 2018 YEAR! Calendar template generated on www.timeanddate.com/calendar Calendar template generated on www.timeanddate.com/calendar
BA “Evolution of Statistics” Meeting with Serageldin-Euclid Research Methods Library of Alexandria (RMLA) http://bookriot.com/2013/03/27/bibliotheca-alexandrina-the-great-library-of-alexandria-reborn/ BA Supercourse Calendar "Evolution of Statistics“ Meeting
Serageldin-Euclid Research Methods Library of Alexandria 3000 virtual materials, lectures, e-books, web sites 12000 Books from around the world This is currently the first and largest Research Methods Library BA Supercourse Calendar
BioVision 2018 - The theme is “New Life Sciences: Towards SDGs” The Global Launch of Serageldin-Euclid Research Methods Library of Alexandria BA Supercourse Calendar “BioVision 2018” RMLA LAUNCH
SUPPORTERS of Serageldin-Euclid Research Methods Library of Alexandria BA Supercourse Calendar May 29 – June 2, 2018,Minneapolis, Minnesota
Serageldin-Euclid Research Methods Libraryof Alexandria African Regional Centers Part of Research Methods Books donated in 2017 BA Supercourse Calendar May 29 – June 2, 2018,Minneapolis, Minnesota June 3 - June 6, 2018, Montreal, Québec June 19-22, 2018, Baltimore, MD
ASA meeting in 2017 BA Supercourse Calendar July 28 - August 2, 2018, JSM Vancouver, Canada
Journey and Arrival of research methods books to Alexandria, Egypt, 2016 BA Supercourse Calendar July 28 - August 2, 2018, JSM Vancouver, Canada
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4_9yf5f__8&t=43s Serageldin-Euclid Library Video - The first few seconds are in Arabic, followed by English. The books are being shelved prior to catalogue and movement to the permanent collection. BA Supercourse Calendar
Statistics is at the Core of the World of Science. The BA Serageldin will become the major library of statistics, research methods and thus also at the core of science. BA Supercourse Calendar Calendar developed by Eugene Shubnikov and The Supercourse Team, 2016, www.pitt.edu/~super1
Serageldin-Euclid RMLA is a Beacon of Knowledge Euclid BA Supercourse Calendar
Bibliotheca Alexandrina Serageldin-Euclid Team Passant Amira Hend Curtis Mary Books Donors:http://www.pitt.edu/~super1/ResearchMethods/SerageldinEuclidLibraryDonors.htm BA Supercourse Calendar Join Supercourse http://www.pitt.edu/~super1, Science Supercourse http://ssc.bibalex.org/RMLAhttp://ssc.bibalex.org/helpdesk/introduction.jsfBA Africa Networks http://afn.bibalex.org/GeneralPortal.aspxand Serageldin-Euclid Library HAPPY NEW 2019 YEAR!