1. St. Marguerite Catholic SchoolNewsletterApril 2012 Stations of the Cross April 5th @ 10:00 (please have students to school and in their Dress uniforms) Jeans for Jesus Friday, April 27th Hot Lunch Balances Parents just a reminder that your child’s lunch balance is available on Teacher Ease. We do not send home lunch reminders. Please check you child’s balances regularly. Extended Day Just a reminder that extended day is open before school and after school. If you would like more information on times and cost please stop by the school office. Special pricing is available. Extended Day Spring Break hours Holy Thursday- April 5th-Extended day closes at 1:00 p.m. Good Friday, April 6th- Extended day is CLOSED Spring Break- April 9th- 13th- Extended day is open from 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (Please sign up if your child will be attending) April 5th – Stations of the Cross @ 10:00 April 5th – Holy Thursday 1/2 Day of School April 6th – Good Friday NO SCHOOL April 7th – RCIC Meeting @ 10:00 April 8th – Happy Easter April 9th – April 13th – Spring Break-NO SCHOOL April 16th – Rice Bowls are due April 18th – Preschool Picture Day April 18th – Easter Egg Hunt April 21st – Confirmation Retreat 3-5 p.m./Mass April 27th – Jeans for Jesus April 29th – 1st Comm. Retreat 12-3 p.m. Palm Sunday Bake Sale Thank you to everyone who either brought baked items or volunteered during the bake sale. It was a great success. Easter Egg Hunt Students are asked to bring 1 bag of individually wrapped candy for our Easter egg hunt that is scheduled for Wednesday, April 18th. Volunteer Hours Parents just a reminder that Ms. Deanna will be calculating volunteer hours and will start invoicing for incomplete hours. Please make sure YOU record all volunteer hours in the white binder outside the office. DONATION’S We are always looking for donations big or small