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General Conference Style!!!

General Conference Style!!!. It’s Time For. General Conference Jeopardy. Rules of the Game 1. Answer in the form of a question. 2. You must locate S.M. answers in your scriptures. 3. You must locate Hymn answers in your hymnal. Conference. Scripture Mastery for 100.

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General Conference Style!!!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. General Conference Style!!!

  2. It’s Time For... General Conference Jeopardy

  3. Rules of the Game 1. Answer in the form of a question. 2. You must locate S.M. answers in your scriptures. 3. You must locate Hymn answers in your hymnal.

  4. Conference

  5. Scripture Mastery for 100 This scripture mastery tells us why it is so important to listen to General Conference: “Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same”

  6. Scripture Mastery for 100 • What is D&C 1:37-38? • Back

  7. Scripture Mastery for 200 Elder Hamula quoted this D&C scripture Mastery about Christ’s suffering for us if we will repent, but if we do not repent we must suffer even as Christ did.

  8. Scripture Mastery for 200 • Answer: What is D&C 19:16-19? • Back

  9. Scripture Mastery for 300 In the women’s meeting, President Uchtdorf said, “Do you think your value to Him changes based on how many followers you have on Instagram or Pinterest? Do you think He wants you to worry or get depressed if some un-friend or un-follow you on Facebook or Twitter? Do you think outward attractiveness, your dress size, or popularity make the slightest difference in your worth to the One who created the universe?

  10. Scripture Mastery for 300 • Answer: What is D&C 18:10-11? • Back

  11. Scripture Mastery for 400 Elder JorgKlebingat spoke boldly about taking care of our spiritual and physical well being and encouraged us to take care of our bodies because they are temples. We can do this by following this scripture mastery.

  12. Scripture Mastery for 400 • Answer: What is D&C 89:18-21? The Word of Wisdom • Back

  13. Scripture Mastery for 500 Elder Hales spoke on how God the Father and Jesus Christ are 2 separate beings, and the Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit?”

  14. Scripture Mastery for 500 • Answer: What is D&C 130:22-23? • Back

  15. Scripture Mastery for 600 President Eyring spoke about the preparation for the Aaronic Priesthood. The Aaronic priesthood was given to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery by John the Baptist in this Scripture Mastery

  16. Scripture Mastery for 600 • Answer: What is D&C 13:1? • Back

  17. Stories that Teach for 100 President Eyring told the story of how impressed the federal govt. representative was by the Church’s response to this natural disaster.

  18. Stories that Teach for 100 • Answer: What is the Teton Dam collapse? • Back

  19. Stories that Teach for 200 Elder Holland told the story of President Monson flying home from Europe in his house slippers because he had done this.

  20. Stories that Teach for 200 • Answer: What is gave away his shoes (and his extra suit and shirts)? • Back

  21. Stories that Teach 300 Elder Callister told of a world famous surgeon owed his success to his mother because instead of letting them watch TV she forced them to do this.

  22. Stories that Teach for 300 • What is read books? • Back

  23. Stories that Teach for 400 President Monson spoke of staying on a straight course. He told the story of this German warship that was suppose to be indestructible, but after losing its rudder could only go in circles and was easily destroyed.(tell the story)

  24. Stories that Teach for 400 • What is the Bismark? • Back

  25. Stories that Teach for 500 Elder Oaks told a story of a woman who had been married to a nonmember for 12 years and he had never been baptized. She asked what she should do. Shortly thereafter he was baptized as she followed Elder Oaks advice to show him more of this.

  26. Stories that Teach for 500 • Answer: What is kindness? • Back

  27. Stories that Teach for 600 • Elder Robbins recounted the story of Joseph Smith giving in to the requests of Martin Harris to take the 116 pages to show his family. He centered his talk on this 5 word question; “which way __ ___ _____?

  28. Stories that Teach for 600 • Answer: What is “which way do you/we face?” • Back

  29. Conference Humor 100 President Uchtdorf told a story of a Ward that outwardly seemed perfect. He even claimed that there was no arguments even in this activity.

  30. Conference Humor For 100 • Answer: What is Church Ball? • Back

  31. Conference Humor For 200 Elder Callister taught the importance of parents teaching their children and told of his 90 year old mother cooking a dinner and then heading out the door. As he question what she was doing she replied that she was doing this.

  32. Conference Humor For 200 • What is taking food to the elderly. • Back

  33. Conference Humor For 300 Elder Christofferson gave a great sermon on justice and mercy. He got a good laugh when he started his talk with this greeting after following a foreign language speaker.

  34. Conference Humor For 300 What is Buenos Dias? • Back

  35. Conference Humor For 400 Elder Cook warned against rationalizing our choices. He told the story of Charlie Brown and Lucy.“ Lucy dropped the ball. Charlie Brown threw his glove to the ground in disgust, Lucy then looked at her teammates, put her hands on her hips and said, ‘How do you expect me to catch the ball when I am worried about this?”

  36. Conference Humor For 400 • Answer: What is our countries foreign policy? • Back

  37. Conference Humor For 500 Elder Alan Packer spoke on the importance of family history work. He told how he was not able to chop wood on a scout camp do to this oversight.

  38. Conference Humor For 500 Answer: What is he forgot to take the cover off the Hatchet • Back

  39. Conference Humor For 600 President Uchtdorf spoke of gaining a testimony and promised that if we do our part we can know the truth. Before conference he was asked if he was going to speak in German, he gave this humorous response.

  40. Conference Humor For 600 Answer: What is “no, but it may sound like it” • Back

  41. Doctrines 100 President Uchtdorf taught us that we all need to take a good hard look at ourselves, to see ourselves more clearly, and stop judging others. He used this 4 word Question as the theme as his talk.

  42. Doctrines 100 • What is Lord, is it I? • Back

  43. Doctrines 200 Elder Oaks taught the doctrine that this is of the Devil and should be avoided but that we should also not compromise our standards and beliefs.

  44. Doctrines 200 • Answer:What is contention? • Back

  45. Doctrines 300 Elder Holland taught us that God will help us to know what we can do to help this group of people.

  46. Doctrines 300 • Who are the poor and the needy? • Back

  47. Doctrines 400 Elder Christensen said some people think you either have a testimony or not, he compared it to this, it grows and develops over time.

  48. Doctrines 400 • What is a tree. • Back

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