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Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System

Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System. * function:. circulate blood throughout entire body: transport O 2 and nutrients (glucose) to cells transport CO 2 and wastes (urea) away from cells transport immune system cells and antibodies transport hormones to target cells.

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Chapter 12 The Cardiovascular System

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  1. Chapter 12The Cardiovascular System

  2. * function: • circulate blood throughout entire body: • transport O2 and nutrients (glucose) to cells • transport CO2 and wastes (urea) away from cells • transport immune system cells and antibodies • transport hormones to target cells

  3. * consists of 2 components:

  4. heart“cardio” - pumps blood

  5. blood vessels “ vascular” - carry blood

  6. * 2 circuits:

  7. pulmonary circuit

  8. right side of heart lung capillaries left side of heart

  9. systemic circuit

  10. left side of heart body tissue capillaries right side of heart

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  12. 12.1 Anatomy of the Heart

  13. * located in thoracic cavity between lungs

  14. A. The Wall and Coverings of the Heart

  15. 1. pericardium- serous membrane, covers the heart

  16. 2. myocardium – cardiac muscle, wall of heart

  17. 3. endocardium – inner lining of heart

  18. B. Chambers of the Heart

  19. 1. Right Atrium * right upper chamber of heart * receives deoxygenated blood from body (venaecavae) tricuspid(R-AV) valve right ventricle

  20. 2. Right Ventricle * right lower chamber of heart * pumps deoxygenated blood pulmonary semilunar valve pulmonary arteries lungs

  21. 3. Left Atrium * left upper chamber of heart * receives oxygenated blood from lungs (pulmonary veins) bicuspid (mitral) valve left ventricle

  22. 4. Left Ventricle * left lower chamber of heart * pumps oxygenated blood aortic semilunar valveaorta body

  23. Heart Chambers Left Atrium Right Atrium Left Ventricle Right Ventricle Interventricular Septum

  24. Heart Valves Aortic Semilunar Valve Pulmonary Semilunar Valve Tricuspid Valve Bicuspid Valve Chordae Tendinae

  25. Heart Blood Vessels Aorta Pulmonary Arteries Superior Vena Cava Right Pulmonary Veins Left Pulmonary Veins Inferior Vena Cava

  26. C. Operation of the Heart Valves 1. AV valves are normally open, they close when ventricles contract. 2. Semilunar valves are normally closed, they open when ventricles contract

  27. D. Coronary Circuit 1. Heart muscle gets blood supply from the coronary arteries, and drains into coronary veins

  28. 2. Coronary Circuit Disorders: a. atherosclerosis / plaque= fatty deposits in coronary arteries b. ischemic heart disease= insufficient blood supply to heart c. thromboembolism = blood clot stuck in coronary artery d. angina pectoris= chest pain left arm e. myocardial infarction= damage to myocardium “heart attack”

  29. 3. Surgical Procedures a. balloon angioplasty = balloon inflates to open up a clogged coronary artery b. coronary bypass operation = portion of blood vessel from another part of body is used to bypass blocked coronary arteries

  30. 12.2 Physiology of the Heart

  31. A. Conduction System of the Heart * electrical system of the heart * causes contraction of the heart muscle * controlled by brain autonomic NS

  32. 1. Nodal Tissue

  33. a. SA (sinoatrial) node * upper posterior wall of right atrium * initiates heartbeat “pacemaker” * causes atria to contract

  34. b. AV (atrioventricular) node * base of right atrium near septum * “relay station” AV bundle “bundle of HIS” bundle branches Purkinje fibers * causes ventricles to contract

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